8 research outputs found

    L1L^1-Approximation of Stationary Hamilton–Jacobi Equations

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    Standard finite elements for the numerical resolution of the elliptic Monge-Ampere equation: Aleksandrov solutions

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    We prove a convergence result for a natural discretization of the Dirichlet problem of the elliptic Monge-Ampere equation using finite dimensional spaces of piecewise polynomial C0 or C1 functions. Standard discretizations of the type considered in this paper have been previous analyzed in the case the equation has a smooth solution and numerous numerical evidence of convergence were given in the case of non smooth solutions. Our convergence result is valid for non smooth solutions, is given in the setting of Aleksandrov solutions, and consists in discretizing the equation in a subdomain with the boundary data used as an approximation of the solution in the remaining part of the domain. Our result gives a theoretical validation for the use of a non monotone finite element method for the Monge-Amp\`ere equation

    Eliminating Gibbs Phenomena: A Non-linear Petrov-Galerkin Method for the Convection-Diffusion-Reaction Equation

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    In this article we consider the numerical approximation of the convection-diffusion-reaction equation. One of the main challenges of designing a numerical method for this problem is that boundary layers occurring in the convection-dominated case can lead to non-physical oscillations in the numerical approximation, often referred to as Gibbs phenomena. The idea of this article is to consider the approximation problem as a residual minimization in dual norms in Lq-type Sobolev spaces, with 1 < q < ∞\infty. We then apply a non-standard, non-linear PetrovGalerkin discretization, that is applicable to reflexive Banach spaces such that the space itself and its dual are strictly convex. Similar to discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin methods, this method is based on minimizing the residual in a dual norm. Replacing the intractable dual norm by a suitable discrete dual norm gives rise to a non-linear inexact mixed method. This generalizes the Petrov-Galerkin framework developed in the context of discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin methods to more general Banach spaces. For the convection-diffusion-reaction equation, this yields a generalization of a similar approach from the L2-setting to the Lq-setting. A key advantage of considering a more general Banach space setting is that, in certain cases, the oscillations in the numerical approximation vanish as q tends to 1, as we will demonstrate using a few simple numerical examples

    Gibbs Phenomena for LqL^q-Best Approximation in Finite Element Spaces -- Some Examples

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    Recent developments in the context of minimum residual finite element methods are paving the way for designing finite element methods in non-standard function spaces. This, in particular, permits the selection of a solution space in which the best approximation of the solution has desirable properties. One of the biggest challenges in designing finite element methods are non-physical oscillations near thin layers and jump discontinuities. In this article we investigate Gibbs phenomena in the context of LqL^q-best approximation of discontinuities in finite element spaces with 1≤q<∞1\leq q<\infty. Using carefully selected examples, we show that on certain meshes the Gibbs phenomenon can be eliminated in the limit as qq tends to 11. The aim here is to show the potential of L1L^1 as a solution space in connection with suitably designed meshes

    Eliminating Gibbs phenomena: A non-linear Petrov–Galerkin method for the convection–diffusion–reaction equation

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    In this article we consider the numerical approximation of the convection-diffusion-reaction equation. One of the main challenges of designing a numerical method for this problem is that boundary layers occurring in the convection-dominated case can lead to non-physical oscillations in the numerical approximation, often referred to as Gibbs phenomena. The idea of this article is to consider the approximation problem as a residual minimization in dual norms in Lq-type Sobolev spaces, with 1 < q < ∞\infty. We then apply a non-standard, non-linear PetrovGalerkin discretization, that is applicable to reflexive Banach spaces such that the space itself and its dual are strictly convex. Similar to discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin methods, this method is based on minimizing the residual in a dual norm. Replacing the intractable dual norm by a suitable discrete dual norm gives rise to a non-linear inexact mixed method. This generalizes the Petrov-Galerkin framework developed in the context of discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin methods to more general Banach spaces. For the convection-diffusion-reaction equation, this yields a generalization of a similar approach from the L2-setting to the Lq-setting. A key advantage of considering a more general Banach space setting is that, in certain cases, the oscillations in the numerical approximation vanish as q tends to 1, as we will demonstrate using a few simple numerical examples

    Gibbs phenomena for Lq-best approximation in finite element spaces

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    Recent developments in the context of minimum residual finite element methods are paving the way for designing quasi-optimal discretization methods in non-standard function spaces, such as L q-type Sobolev spaces. For q → 1, these methods have demonstrated huge potential in avoiding the notorious Gibbs phenomena, i.e., the occurrence of spurious non-physical oscillations near thin layers and jump discontinuities. In this work we provide theoretical results that explain some of these numerical observations. In particular, we investigate the Gibbs phenomena for L q-best approximations of discontinuities in finite element spaces with 1 ≤ q < ∞. We prove sufficient conditions on meshes in one and two dimensions such that over-and undershoots vanish in the limit q → 1. Moreover, we include examples of meshes such that Gibbs phenomena remain present even for q = 1 and demonstrate that our results can be used to design meshes so as to eliminate the Gibbs phenomenon