47 research outputs found

    Kripke completeness of strictly positive modal logics over meet-semilattices with operators

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    Our concern is the completeness problem for spi-logics, that is, sets of im- plications between strictly positive formulas built from propositional variables, conjunc- tion and modal diamond operators. Originated in logic, algebra and computer science, spi-logics have two natural semantics: meet-semilattices with monotone operators provid- ing Birkhoff-style calculi, and first-order relational structures (aka Kripke frames) often used as the intended structures in applications. Here we lay foundations for a complete- ness theory that aims to answer the question whether the two semantics define the same consequence relations for a given spi-logic

    Modal meet-implication logic

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    We extend the meet-implication fragment of propositional intuitionistic logic with a meet-preserving modality. We give semantics based on semilattices and a duality result with a suitable notion of descriptive frame. As a consequence we obtain completeness and identify a common (modal) fragment of a large class of modal intuitionistic logics. We recognise this logic as a dialgebraic logic, and as a consequence obtain expressivity-somewhere-else. Within the dialgebraic framework, we then investigate the extension of the meet-implication fragment of propositional intuitionistic logic with a monotone modality and prove completeness and expressivity-somewhere-else for it

    Modal meet-implication logic

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    We extend the meet-implication fragment of propositional intuitionistic logic with a meet-preserving modality. We give semantics based on semilattices and a duality result with a suitable notion of descriptive frame. As a consequence we obtain completeness and identify a common (modal) fragment of a large class of modal intuitionistic logics. We recognise this logic as a dialgebraic logic, and as a consequence obtain expressivity-somewhere-else. Within the dialgebraic framework, we then investigate the extension of the meet-implication fragment of propositional intuitionistic logic with a monotone modality and prove completeness and expressivity-somewhere-else for it

    Dualities in modal logic

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    Categorical dualities are an important tool in the study of (modal) logics. They offer conceptual understanding and enable the transfer of results between the different semantics of a logic. As such, they play a central role in the proofs of completeness theorems, Sahlqvist theorems and Goldblatt-Thomason theorems. A common way to obtain dualities is by extending existing ones. For example, Jonsson-Tarski duality is an extension of Stone duality. A convenient formalism to carry out such extensions is given by the dual categorical notions of algebras and coalgebras. Intuitively, these allow one to isolate the new part of a duality from the existing part. In this thesis we will derive both existing and new dualities via this route, and we show how to use the dualities to investigate logics. However, not all (modal logical) paradigms fit the (co)algebraic perspective. In particular, modal intuitionistic logics do not enjoy a coalgebraic treatment, and there is a general lack of duality results for them. To remedy this, we use a generalisation of both algebras and coalgebras called dialgebras. Guided by the research field of coalgebraic logic, we introduce the framework of dialgebraic logic. We show how a large class of modal intuitionistic logics can be modelled as dialgebraic logics and we prove dualities for them. We use the dialgebraic framework to prove general completeness, Hennessy-Milner, representation and Goldblatt-Thomason theorems, and instantiate this to a wide variety of modal intuitionistic logics. Additionally, we use the dialgebraic perspective to investigate modal extensions of the meet-implication fragment of intuitionistic logic. We instantiate general dialgebraic results, and describe how modal meet-implication logics relate to modal intuitionistic logics

    Canonical extensions and ultraproducts of polarities

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    J{\'o}nsson and Tarski's notion of the perfect extension of a Boolean algebra with operators has evolved into an extensive theory of canonical extensions of lattice-based algebras. After reviewing this evolution we make two contributions. First it is shown that the failure of a variety of algebras to be closed under canonical extensions is witnessed by a particular one of its free algebras. The size of the set of generators of this algebra can be made a function of a collection of varieties and is a kind of Hanf number for canonical closure. Secondly we study the complete lattice of stable subsets of a polarity structure, and show that if a class of polarities is closed under ultraproducts, then its stable set lattices generate a variety that is closed under canonical extensions. This generalises an earlier result of the author about generation of canonically closed varieties of Boolean algebras with operators, which was in turn an abstraction of the result that a first-order definable class of Kripke frames determines a modal logic that is valid in its so-called canonical frames

    Two-dimensional Kripke Semantics II:Stability and Completeness

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    We revisit the duality between Kripke and algebraic semantics of intuitionistic and intuitionistic modal logic. We find that there is a certain mismatch between the two semantics, which means that not all algebraic models can be embedded into a Kripke model. This leads to an alternative proposal for a relational semantics, the stable semantics. Instead of an arbitrary partial order, the stable semantics requires a distributive lattice of worlds. We constructively show that the stable semantics is exactly as complete as the algebraic semantics. Categorifying these results leads to a 2-duality between two-dimensional stable semantics and categories of product-preserving presheaves, i.e. models of algebraic theories in the style of Lawvere