505 research outputs found

    Analysis of Students' Peer Reviews to Crowdsourced Programming Assignments

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    We have used a tool called CrowdSorcerer that allows students to create programming assignments. The students are given a topic by a teacher, after which the students design a programming assignment: the assignment description, the code template, a model solution and a set of input-output -tests. The created assignments are peer reviewed by other students on the course. We study students' peer reviews to these student-generated assignments, focusing on examining the differences between novice and experienced programmers. We then analyze whether the exercises created by experienced programmers are rated better quality-wise than those created by novices. Additionally, we investigate the differences between novices and experienced programmers as peer reviewers: can novices review assignments as well as experienced programmers?Peer reviewe

    From a National Meeting to an International Conference: A Scientometric Case Study of a Finnish Computing Education Conference

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    Computerisation and digitalisation are shaping the world in fundamental and unpredictable ways, which highlights the importance of computing education research (CER). As part of understanding the roots of CER, it is crucial to investigate the evolution of CER as a research discipline. In this paper we present a case study of a Finnish CER conference called Koli Calling, which was launched in 2001, and which has become a central publication venue of CER. We use data from 2001 to 2020, and investigate the evolution of Koli Calling’s scholarly communities and zoom in on it’s publication habits and internalisation process. We explore the narrative of the development and scholarly agenda behind changes in the conference submission categories from the perspective of some of the conference chairs over the years. We then take a qualitative perspective, analysing the conference publications based on a comprehensive bibliometric analysis. The outcomes include classification of important research clusters of authors in the community of conference contributors. Interestingly, we find traces of important events in the historical development of CER. In particular, we find clusters emerging from specific research capacity building initiatives and we can trace how these connect research spanning the world CER community from Finland to Sweden and then further to the USA, Australia and New Zealand. This paper makes a strategic contribution to the evolution of CER as a research discipline, from the perspective of one central event and publication venue, providing a broad perspective on the role of the conference in connecting research clusters and establishing an international research community. This work contributes insights to researchers in one specific CER community and how they shape the future of computing education.</p

    Emergence of computing education as a research discipline

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    This thesis investigates the changing nature and status of computing education research (CER) over a number of years, specifically addressing the question of whether computing education can legitimately be considered a research discipline. The principal approach to addressing this question is an examination of the published literature in computing education conferences and journals. A classification system was devised for this literature, one goal of the system being to clearly identify some publications as research – once a suitable definition of research was established. When the system is applied to a corpus of publications, it becomes possible to determine the proportion of those publications that are classified as research, and thence to detect trends over time and similarities and differences between publication venues. The classification system has been applied to all of the papers over several years in a number of major computing education conferences and journals. Much of the classification was done by the author alone, and the remainder by a team that he formed in order to assess the inter-rater reliability of the classification system. This classification work led to two subsequent projects, led by Associate Professor Judy Sheard and Professor Lauri Malmi, that devised and applied further classification systems to examine the research approaches and methods used in the work reported in computing education publications. Classification of nearly 2000 publications over ranges of 3-10 years uncovers both strong similarities and distinct differences between publication venues. It also establishes clear evidence of a substantial growth in the proportion of research papers over the years in question. These findings are considered in the light of published perspectives on what constitutes a discipline of research, and lead to a confident assertion that computing education can now rightly be considered a discipline of research

    Let's Ask Students About Their Programs, Automatically

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    Students sometimes produce code that works but that its author does not comprehend. For example, a student may apply a poorly-understood code template, stumble upon a working solution through trial and error, or plagiarize. Similarly, passing an automated functional assessment does not guarantee that the student understands their code. One way to tackle these issues is to probe students' comprehension by asking them questions about their own programs. We propose an approach to automatically generate questions about student-written program code. We moreover propose a use case for such questions in the context of automatic assessment systems: after a student's program passes unit tests, the system poses questions to the student about the code. We suggest that these questions can enhance assessment systems, deepen student learning by acting as self-explanation prompts, and provide a window into students' program comprehension. This discussion paper sets an agenda for future technical development and empirical research on the topic

    A Conceptual Framework for a Software Development Process based on Computational Thinking

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    A software development process is a mechanism for problem solving to help software developers plan, design and structure the development of software to solve a problem. Without a process to guide the structured evolution of a solution, it is extremely likely that at least some aspect of the resulting software will be omitted or incorrectly implemented. Even though the importance of utilising a software process for solving problems is accepted in the business and academic communities, it is a topic that is addressed very lightly (if at all) in most freshman undergraduate computing courses with most courses focussing on programming procedures rather than the process of how to develop a solution. A consequence of this is that some students go on to develop maladaptive cognitive practices where they rush to implement solutions to problems with little planning. Typically these maladaptive practices involve surface practices such as coding by rote learning and cutting and pasting code from existing projects. Such practices can be very difficult to unlearn and can result in students lacking skills in planning and designing solutions to problems which can persist to graduation. Despite these issues, little active research has been found on the development of software processes aimed at freshman third level learners and consequently there are few approaches available to help freshman students through all stages of the software process. However, there is a wealth of current research into computational thinking (CT) as a mechanism to help solve computational problems. Even though CT is seen as a key practice of computer science, most of the research into CT (as a named area) is aimed at 1st and 2nd level education with CT being a more implicit part of third level computing courses. This suggests that there is an exciting opportunity to explicitly exploit the affordances and skills of CT into a software process aimed at freshman third level learners. This paper presents work which has been carried out as part of an ongoing research project into this issue in which the key skills associated with computational thinking are incorporated into a conceptual framework which will provide a structure for a software process aimed at freshman undergraduate computing students. This research is not tied to any particular programming paradigm but its use is assumed to be in the context of imperative, commercial programming languages. The framework is centred on declarative knowledge (in the form of threshold concepts) and procedural knowledge (in the form of CT skills) scaffolding freshman software development from initial planning through to final solution. The framework known as Computational Analysis and Design Engineered Thinking (CADET) – once operationalised as a software process with an accompanying support tool - aims to support the structured development of both software and student self-efficacy in the topic

    Comparing Programming Self-Esteem of Upper Secondary School Teachers to CS1 Students

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    Teacher self-esteem has been found to impact student learning in a number of non-computing fields. As computing slowly becomes a part of the upper secondary school (high school) curriculum in many countries, instruments designed to measure teachers’ programming self-esteem can help inform classroom practice and processes such as teacher professional development needs. This study examines if there are differences in programming self-esteem (using the Bergin Programming Self-Esteem Instrument) between upper secondary school teachers and CS1 students in Ireland. In addition this study provides evidence of validity when using this instrument (originally developed for CS1 students) to measure upper secondary school teacher programming self-esteem. To test for evidence of validity, we compared the results of the programming self-esteem construct given to upper secondary school teachers (n=130) to a recent study of programming selfesteem among CS1 students (n=693). We found evidence of both reliability and validity with teachers that aligns with the evidence found for the CS1 students, demonstrating utility for use with teacher cohorts. Comparing these findings, teachers reported statistically significantly lower programming self-esteem compared to CS1 students. Interestingly CS1 students identifying as male had a statistically significant higher programming self-esteem than those identifying as female. However, we found no statistically significant difference for teacher gender, unlike previous work. Our results indicate that teacher programming self-esteem should be given consideration in the design and implementation of professional development
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