345 research outputs found

    Finger Knuckle Analysis: Gabor Vs DTCWT

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    Knuckle biometrics is one of the current trends in biometric human identification which offers a reliable solution for verification. This paper analysis FKP recognition based on the behaviour of two different filtering and classification methods. Firstly, Gabor Filter Banks techniques are applied for finger knuckle print recognition and then the same database is analysed against Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform technique. The experiment is evaluated to identify finger knuckle images using PolyU FKP database of 7920 images. Finally, these two different systems are compared for false acceptance rate FAR, true acceptance, false rejection rate FRR and true rejection. Extensive experiments are performed to evaluate both the techniques, and experimental results show the pros and cons of using both the techniques for specific applications. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150518

    UBSegNet: Unified Biometric Region of Interest Segmentation Network

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    Digital human identity management, can now be seen as a social necessity, as it is essentially required in almost every public sector such as, financial inclusions, security, banking, social networking e.t.c. Hence, in today's rampantly emerging world with so many adversarial entities, relying on a single biometric trait is being too optimistic. In this paper, we have proposed a novel end-to-end, Unified Biometric ROI Segmentation Network (UBSegNet), for extracting region of interest from five different biometric traits viz. face, iris, palm, knuckle and 4-slap fingerprint. The architecture of the proposed UBSegNet consists of two stages: (i) Trait classification and (ii) Trait localization. For these stages, we have used a state of the art region based convolutional neural network (RCNN), comprising of three major parts namely convolutional layers, region proposal network (RPN) along with classification and regression heads. The model has been evaluated over various huge publicly available biometric databases. To the best of our knowledge this is the first unified architecture proposed, segmenting multiple biometric traits. It has been tested over around 5000 * 5 = 25,000 images (5000 images per trait) and produces very good results. Our work on unified biometric segmentation, opens up the vast opportunities in the field of multiple biometric traits based authentication systems.Comment: 4th Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR 2017

    Finger Knuckle Based Biometric Identifier Using Principal Component Analysis, Feature Extraction and K-NN Classifier

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    Amidst several biometric measures, the figure knuckle surface is becoming a preferred choice of researchers due to its natural ease of reproducibility and verification. For any purpose of personal identification or crime analysis, figure knuckles surface do not need to be a voluntarily presented, they get exposed naturally. Specific line pattern on the figure knuckle surfaces can be used as effective biometric measure on their own or in combination with other biometrics. Present paper demonstrates the development of a figure knuckle based biometric identification system. The system incorporates principal component analysis (PCA) for feature extraction out of pre-processed and enhanced input image as extracted from knuckle surface video capture. Secondly the system employs k-nn classifier as personal identification algorithm. The system has been tested, verified and validated with many sample test experiments. The paper illustrates the working of the system with detailed intermittent snapshots

    Fusion of geometric and texture features for finger knuckle surface recognition

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    AbstractHand-based biometrics plays a significant role in establishing security for real-time environments involving human interaction and is found to be more successful in terms of high speed and accuracy. This paper investigates on an integrated approach for personal authentication using Finger Back Knuckle Surface (FBKS) based on two methodologies viz., Angular Geometric Analysis based Feature Extraction Method (AGFEM) and Contourlet Transform based Feature Extraction Method (CTFEM). Based on these methods, this personal authentication system simultaneously extracts shape oriented feature information and textural pattern information of FBKS for authenticating an individual. Furthermore, the proposed geometric and textural analysis methods extract feature information from both proximal phalanx and distal phalanx knuckle regions (FBKS), while the existing works of the literature concentrate only on the features of proximal phalanx knuckle region. The finger joint region found nearer to the tip of the finger is called distal phalanx region of FBKS, which is a unique feature and has greater potentiality toward identification. Extensive experiments conducted using newly created database with 5400 FBKS images and the obtained results infer that the integration of shape oriented features with texture feature information yields excellent accuracy rate of 99.12% with lowest equal error rate of 1.04%

    Biometrics and Network Security

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    This paper examines the techniques used in the two categories of biometric techniques (physiological and behavioral) and considers some of the applications for biometric technologies. Common physiological biometrics include finger characteristics (fingertip [fingerprint], thumb, finger length or pattern), palm (print or topography), hand geometry, wrist vein, face, and eye (retina or iris). Behavioral biometrics include voiceprints, keystroke dynamics, and handwritten signatures

    Body language, security and e-commerce

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    Security is becoming an increasingly more important concern both at the desktop level and at the network level. This article discusses several approaches to authenticating individuals through the use of biometric devices. While libraries might not implement such devices, they may appear in the near future of desktop computing, particularly for access to institutional computers or for access to sensitive information. Other approaches to computer security focus on protecting the contents of electronic transmissions and verification of individual users. After a brief overview of encryption technologies, the article examines public-key cryptography which is getting a lot of attention in the business world in what is called public key infrastructure. It also examines other efforts, such as IBM’s Cryptolope, the Secure Sockets Layer of Web browsers, and Digital Certificates and Signatures. Secure electronic transmissions are an important condition for conducting business on the Net. These business transactions are not limited to purchase orders, invoices, and contracts. This could become an important tool for information vendors and publishers to control access to the electronic resources they license. As license negotiators and contract administrators, librarians need to be aware of what is happening in these new technologies and the impact that will have on their operations

    Robust Image Recognition Based on a New Supervised Kernel Subspace Learning Method

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    Fecha de lectura de Tesis Doctoral: 13 de septiembre 2019Image recognition is a term for computer technologies that can recognize certain people, objects or other targeted subjects through the use of algorithms and machine learning concepts. Face recognition is one of the most popular techniques to achieve the goal of figuring out the identity of a person. This study has been conducted to develop a new non-linear subspace learning method named “supervised kernel locality-based discriminant neighborhood embedding,” which performs data classification by learning an optimum embedded subspace from a principal high dimensional space. In this approach, not only is a nonlinear and complex variation of face images effectively represented using nonlinear kernel mapping, but local structure information of data from the same class and discriminant information from distinct classes are also simultaneously preserved to further improve final classification performance. Moreover, to evaluate the robustness of the proposed method, it was compared with several well-known pattern recognition methods through comprehensive experiments with six publicly accessible datasets. In this research, we particularly focus on face recognition however, two other types of databases rather than face databases are also applied to well investigate the implementation of our algorithm. Experimental results reveal that our method consistently outperforms its competitors across a wide range of dimensionality on all the datasets. SKLDNE method has reached 100 percent of recognition rate for Tn=17 on the Sheffield, 9 on the Yale, 8 on the ORL, 7 on the Finger vein and 11on the Finger Knuckle respectively, while the results are much lower for other methods. This demonstrates the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed method
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