317,059 research outputs found

    Engineering lecturers’ and students’ perceptions about teaching and learning practices in a South African University of Technology

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    This thesis investigated engineering lecturers’ and students’ perceptions about teaching and learning practices in the Faculty of Engineering at a South African University of Technology. The Faculty of Engineering had experienced low student success rates in many of its programmes and courses over a long time. This study was premised upon the concern that the teaching knowledge competencies of the engineering lecturers might be inadequate to facilitate meaningful learning and to motivate their students to learn better and achieve excellent success rates. The overarching construct of investigation was the lecturers’ teaching knowledge. The teaching and learning theories of constructivism and pedagogical content knowledge were used as the main frameworks which guided the study. The teaching knowledge domains investigated in this study were instructional repertoire, representational repertoire, subject matter knowledge, and knowledge of student understanding. Sources of the lecturers’ teaching knowledge professional development were also investigated.The study was approached from two perspectives – the students’ and lecturers’ views on teaching and learning. Three research questions guided this study. 1. What are students’ perceptions of their lecturers’ teaching knowledge in their engineering classrooms? 2. What are the lecturers’ perceptions of their own teaching knowledge in engineering classrooms? 3. What are the lecturers’ perceptions of their own professional development?A mixed methods design incorporated qualitative and quantitative approaches and techniques to collect and analyse data. Students completed the Students’ Perceptions of Teacher Knowledge (SPOTK) questionnaire. Lecturers completed the Teachers’ Beliefs about Teaching and Learning in Engineering Questionnaire (TBTLE). Data from 450 completed students questionnaires and 24 completed lecturers questionnaires and interviews with nine lecturers were used to provide answers to the three research questions. The SPOTK and TBTLE questionnaires were found to be both valid and reliable instruments in this higher education context.The main findings from the study: Students and lecturers perceived teaching knowledge in their classrooms both positively and negatively. Teacher–centred teaching approaches and strategies were still predominantly used in many of the classrooms. Many lecturers had limited knowledge about teaching. Both students and lecturers raised concerns about the ineffectiveness of teaching methodologies and assessment practices to facilitate meaningful learning. Lecturers perceived their teaching approaches and students’ attitude towards learning as possible causes of low success rates. The findings confirmed that teaching and learning approaches used by lecturers were not consistent with the teaching and learning theories supported by constructivism and pedagogical content knowledge principles. Lecturers’ participation in teaching professional development was based on personal choices. The most predominant sources of professional development were associated with advancement of disciplinary knowledge as opposed to collegiality and attendance of teaching and learning development courses. In addition, both lecturers and students raised dissatisfaction with the some aspects of the engineering curriculum structure and psychosocial factors of an affective nature as possible causes of teaching and learning difficulties.This study has successfully identified limitations in lecturers’ knowledge of teaching. The information has implications for the conceptualisation of teaching knowledge in professional development for engineering lecturers. The findings have the potential to influence curriculum reform in engineering in South Africa. Therefore curriculum design, planning and implementation by decision makers may benefit from the use of these findings.In conclusion, the study has revealed that the SPOTK and TBTLE questionnaires, used for the first time in a higher education environment, were successful in eliciting students’ and lecturers’ perceptions about teaching and learning practices in engineering classrooms. This finding adds to the body of knowledge in the use of these tools in teaching knowledge studies

    Knowledge-based Engineering in Product Development Processes - Process, IT and Knowledge Management perspectives

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    Product development as a field of practice and research has significantly changed due to the general trends of globalization changing the enterprise landscapes in which products are realized. The access to partners and suppliers with high technological specialization has also led to an increased specialization of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Furthermore, the products are becoming increasingly complex with a high functional and technological content and many variants. Combined with shorter lifecycles which require reuse of technologies and solutions, this has resulted in an overall increased knowledge intensity which necessitates a more explicit approach towards knowledge and knowledge management in product development. In parallel, methods and IT tools for managing knowledge have been developed and are more accessible and usable today. One such approach is knowledge-based engineering (KBE), a term that was coined in the mid-1980s as a label for applications which automate the design of rule-driven geometries. In this thesis the term KBE embraces the capture and application of engineering knowledge to automate engineering tasks, regardless of domain of application, and the thesis aims at contributing to a wider utilization of KBE in product development (PD). The thesis focuses on two perspectives of KBE; as a process improvement IT method and as a knowledge management (KM) method. In the first perspective, the lack of explicit regard for the constraints of the product lifecycle management (PLM) architecture, which governs the interaction of processes and IT in PD, has been identified to negatively affect the utilization of KBE in PD processes. In the second perspective, KM theories and models can complement existing methods for identifying potential for KBE applications.Regarding the first perspective, it is concluded that explicit regard for the PLM architecture decreases the need to develop and maintain software code related to hard coded redundant data and functions in the KBE application. The concept of service oriented architecture (SOA) has been found to enable an the explicit regard for the PLM architecture.. Regarding the second perspective, it is concluded that potential for KBE applications is indicated by: 1.) application of certain types of knowledge in PD processes 2.) high maturity and formalization of the applied knowledge 3.) a codification strategy for KM and 4.) an agreement and transparency regarding how the knowledge is applied, captured and transferred. It is also concluded that the formulation of explicit KM strategies in PD should be guided by knowledge application and its relation to strategic objectives focusing on types of knowledge, their role in the PD process and the methods and tools for their application. These, in turn, affect the methods and tools deployed for knowledge capture in order for it to integrate with the processes of knowledge origin. Finally, roles and processes for knowledge transfer have to be transparent to assure the motivation of individuals to engage in the KM strategy

    Knowledge-based Engineering in Product Development Processes - Process, IT and Knowledge Management perspectives

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    Product development as a field of practice and research has significantly changed due to the general trends of globalization changing the enterprise landscapes in which products are realized. The access to partners and suppliers with high technological specialization has also led to an increased specialization of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Furthermore, the products are becoming increasingly complex with a high functional and technological content and many variants. Combined with shorter lifecycles which require reuse of technologies and solutions, this has resulted in an overall increased knowledge intensity which necessitates a more explicit approach towards knowledge and knowledge management in product development. In parallel, methods and IT tools for managing knowledge have been developed and are more accessible and usable today. One such approach is knowledge-based engineering (KBE), a term that was coined in the mid-1980s as a label for applications which automate the design of rule-driven geometries. In this thesis the term KBE embraces the capture and application of engineering knowledge to automate engineering tasks, regardless of domain of application, and the thesis aims at contributing to a wider utilization of KBE in product development (PD). The thesis focuses on two perspectives of KBE; as a process improvement IT method and as a knowledge management (KM) method. In the first perspective, the lack of explicit regard for the constraints of the product lifecycle management (PLM) architecture, which governs the interaction of processes and IT in PD, has been identified to negatively affect the utilization of KBE in PD processes. In the second perspective, KM theories and models can complement existing methods for identifying potential for KBE applications.Regarding the first perspective, it is concluded that explicit regard for the PLM architecture decreases the need to develop and maintain software code related to hard coded redundant data and functions in the KBE application. The concept of service oriented architecture (SOA) has been found to enable an the explicit regard for the PLM architecture.. Regarding the second perspective, it is concluded that potential for KBE applications is indicated by: 1.) application of certain types of knowledge in PD processes 2.) high maturity and formalization of the applied knowledge 3.) a codification strategy for KM and 4.) an agreement and transparency regarding how the knowledge is applied, captured and transferred. It is also concluded that the formulation of explicit KM strategies in PD should be guided by knowledge application and its relation to strategic objectives focusing on types of knowledge, their role in the PD process and the methods and tools for their application. These, in turn, affect the methods and tools deployed for knowledge capture in order for it to integrate with the processes of knowledge origin. Finally, roles and processes for knowledge transfer have to be transparent to assure the motivation of individuals to engage in the KM strategy

    An open source collaboration infrastructure for Calibre

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    The study of Free and Open Source (Libre) software and the benefits provided by its processes and products to collaborative software development has been somewhat ad hoc. Each project wishing to use tools and techniques drawn from Libre software conducts its own research, thus duplicating effort, consequently there is a lack of established community practice on which new projects can draw. Long-standing intuitive theories of Libre development lack empirical validation. The long-term goal is to provide a resource to guide the evolution of Libre-software projects, from inception to maturity. The CALIBRE project is a co-ordination action aiming to address these issues through its research, its wider educational goals, and with an open invitation to the community to contribute. To succeed, the CALIBRE project needs an effective technological infrastructure which must support internal and external collaboration, communication and contribution to the project. The requirements of CALIBRE are similar to those of a Libre software project; this suggests that adopting a SourceForge-style environment which will be incrementally enhanced with further specialised tools as the requirements become better understood will be a sensible strategy

    Software systems engineering: a journey to contemporary agile and beyond, do people matter?

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    It is fascinating to view the evolution of software systems engineering over the decades. At the first glance, it could be perceived that the various approaches and processes are different. Are they indeed different? This paper will briefly discuss such a journey relating to findings from an empirical study in some organisations in the UK. Some of the issues described in the literature and by practitioners are common across different software system engineering approaches over the time. It can be argued that human-element of software development plays an integral part in the success of software systems development endeavour. After all, software engineering is a human-centric craft. In order to understand such issues, we crossed the discipline to other disciplines in order to adapt theories and principles that will help to better understand and tackle such matter. Other disciplines have well established human related theories and principles that can be useful. From Japanese management philosophies, we have adapted Lean and knowledge management theories. From psychology, we have adapted Emotional Intelligence (EI). With such an interdisciplinary view, some of the issues can be addressed adequately. Which bring the question: is it really the process or the people? The second author will reflect on his experience attending the first SQM conference 25 years ago. The reflection will discuss the evolution of software systems engineering, and what was changed since then, if at all changed
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