289 research outputs found

    Carrying Ideas from Knowledge-Based Configuration to Software Product Lines

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    Software variability modelling (SVM) has become a central concern in software product lines -- especially configurable software product lines (CSPL) require rigorous SVM. Dynamic SPLs, service oriented SPLs, and autonomous or pervasive systems are examples where CSPLs are applied. Knowledge-based configuration (KBC) is an established way to address variability modelling aiming for the automatic product configuration of physical products. Our aim was to study what major ideas from KBC can be applied to SVM, particularly in the context of CSPLs. Our main contribution is the identification of major ideas from KBC that could be applied to SVM. First, we call for the separation of types and instances. Second, conceptual clarity of modelling concepts, e.g., having both taxonomical and compositional relations would be useful. Third, we argue for the importance of a conceptual basis that provides a foundation for multiple representations, e.g., graphical and textual. Applying the insights and experiences embedded in these ideas may help in the development of modelling support for software product lines, particularly in terms of conceptual clarity and as a basis for tool support with a high level of automation.Peer reviewe

    Measuring the Knowledge Base of Regional Innovation Systems in Germany in terms of a Triple Helix Dynamics

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    While a market economy seeks equilibrium, a knowledge-based economy may upset this tendency towards stabilization by adding the feedback of globalization. The interaction among the three subdynamics of economic exchange, technological innovation, and institutional control can be captured with a generalized Triple Helix model. We propose to use the mutual information as an indicator of integration among the three subdynamics at the systems level. This probabilistic entropy can be positive or negative. On the basis of data at the district level in Germany the conclusions of a previous study about the Netherlands are tested: medium-tech manufacturing is the main driver of a knowledge-based configuration in a regional economy, while knowledge-intensive services tend to uncouple the economy from the regional configuration. At the level of regions (NUTS-2) the knowledge-based economy is no longer structured by the previous East-West divide of the country, while this divide has remained the main structure at the level of the states (NUTS-1) which constitute the Federal Republic. -- WĂ€hrend eine Marktwirtschaft nach Gleichgewicht strebt, kann diese Stabilisierungs-tendenz in einer Wissensgesellschaft durch einen zusĂ€tzlichen Feedback-Effekt der Globalisierung gestört werden. Das Zusammenspiel der drei Teildynamiken ökonomi-scher Austausch, technologische Innovation und institutionelle Kontrolle kann mit ei-nem allgemeinen Triple Helix-Model erfasst werden. Wir nutzen die gegenseitigen InformationsflĂŒsse zwischen diesen drei Teildynamiken als einen Indikator fĂŒr die systemische Integration dieser drei Bereiche. Dies probabilistische Entropy kann positiv oder negativ sein. Wir untersuchen, ob Ergebnisse einer frĂŒheren, fĂŒr die Niederlande durchgefĂŒhrten Studie auch auf Deutschland zutreffen. Wie in den Niederlanden erweist sich auch in Deutschland die medium-tech Industrie als wesentliche Triebkraft der regionalen Wissensbasis wĂ€hrend die wissensintensiven Dienstleistungen offenbar weitgehend losgelöst von regionalen Gegebenheiten sind. WĂ€hrend auf der Ebene von BundeslĂ€ndern (NUTS-1 Regionen) noch ein klarer Ost-West-Unterschied festgestellt werden kann ist das Bild auf der feineren Ebene von NUTS-2 Regionen wesentlich differenzierter.Wissensgesellschaft,Triple Helix,Regionale Innovationssysteme,Deutschland,Probabilistische Entropy,Knowledge economy,Triple Helix,regional innovation systems,Germany,probabilistic entropy

    The KB paradigm and its application to interactive configuration

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    The knowledge base paradigm aims to express domain knowledge in a rich formal language, and to use this domain knowledge as a knowledge base to solve various problems and tasks that arise in the domain by applying multiple forms of inference. As such, the paradigm applies a strict separation of concerns between information and problem solving. In this paper, we analyze the principles and feasibility of the knowledge base paradigm in the context of an important class of applications: interactive configuration problems. In interactive configuration problems, a configuration of interrelated objects under constraints is searched, where the system assists the user in reaching an intended configuration. It is widely recognized in industry that good software solutions for these problems are very difficult to develop. We investigate such problems from the perspective of the KB paradigm. We show that multiple functionalities in this domain can be achieved by applying different forms of logical inferences on a formal specification of the configuration domain. We report on a proof of concept of this approach in a real-life application with a banking company. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).Comment: To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    Description of research interests and current work related to automating software design

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    Enclosed is a list of selected and recent publications. Most of these publications concern applied research in the areas of software engineering and human-computer interaction. It is felt that domain-specific knowledge plays a major role in software development. Additionally, it is believed that improvements in the general software development process (e.g., object-oriented approaches) will have to be combined with the use of large domain-specific knowledge bases

    How to use configuration software in “Less Routine Design” situations? Some modelling propositions

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    This paper considers the configuration of physical systems in a business to business environment (machine tool, aerospace equipment, cranes ...). In this kind of business, knowledge-based configuration software are frequently used when dealing with “infinitely routine design” situations where the entire customer’s requirements can be fulfilled with standard systems. However, in “less routine design” situations where non-standard systems must be designed in order to fulfill the entire customers’requirements, existing knowledge-based configuration software cannot be used. In fact, the configuration hypothesis state that all configured systems are assembled from standard sub-systems and components. The aim of this paper is therefore to investigate how the existing products/systems configuration hypothesis, problems’ definitions, and models can be modified or adapted in order to allow the use of configuration software in “less routine design” situations. In this purpose, first, the main differences between standard and non-standards systems are analyzed. Then, six cases of systems configuration that differentiate “less routine design” from “infinitely routine design” are identified and discussed. Finally, some Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP) based modeling extensions are proposed to allow the use of configuration software in these situations

    How to deal with Engineering-to-Order Product/System Configuration?

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    This paper considers the configuration of physical systems in a business to business environment (machine tool, aerospace equipment, cranes ...). In this kind of business, knowledge-based configuration software are frequently used when dealing with Assemble/Make-To-Order or (Configure-To-Order (CTO)) situations where the entire customer’s requirements can be fulfilled with standard systems. However, in Engineer-To-Order (ETO) situations where non-standard systems must be designed in order to fulfill the entire customers’ requirements, existing knowledge-based configuration software cannot be used. In fact, the configuration hypothesis state that all configured systems are assembled from standard sub-systems and components. The aim of this paper is therefore to investigate how the existing products/systems configuration hypothesis, problems’ definitions, and models can be modified or adapted in order to allow the use of configuration software in ETO situations. In this purpose, first, the main differences between standard and non-standard systems are analyzed. Then, six cases of systems configuration that differentiate CTO from ETO are identified and discussed. Finally, some Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP) based modeling extensions are proposed to allow the use of configuration software in these situations

    A Constrained Object Model for Configuration Based Workflow Composition

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    Automatic or assisted workflow composition is a field of intense research for applications to the world wide web or to business process modeling. Workflow composition is traditionally addressed in various ways, generally via theorem proving techniques. Recent research observed that building a composite workflow bears strong relationships with finite model search, and that some workflow languages can be defined as constrained object metamodels . This lead to consider the viability of applying configuration techniques to this problem, which was proven feasible. Constrained based configuration expects a constrained object model as input. The purpose of this document is to formally specify the constrained object model involved in ongoing experiments and research using the Z specification language.Comment: This is an extended version of the article published at BPM'05, Third International Conference on Business Process Management, Nancy Franc
