13 research outputs found

    A Hybrid Question Answering System based on Ontology and Topic Modeling

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    A Question Answering (QA) system is an application which could provide accurate answer in response to the natural language questions. However, some QA systems have their weaknesses, especially for the QA system built based on Knowledge-based approach. It requires to pre-define various triple patterns in order to solve different question types. The ultimate goal of this paper is to propose an automated QA system using a hybrid approach, a combination of the knowledge-based and text-based approaches. Our approach only requires two SPARQLs to retrieve the candidate answers from the ontology without defining any question pattern, and then uses the Topic Model to find the most related candidate answers as the answers. We also investigate and evaluate different language models (unigram and bigram). Our results have shown that this proposed QA system is able to perform beyond the random baseline and solve up to 44 out of 80 questions with Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR) of 38.73% using bigram LDA

    Coordinated Reasoning for Cross-Lingual Knowledge Graph Alignment

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    Existing entity alignment methods mainly vary on the choices of encoding the knowledge graph, but they typically use the same decoding method, which independently chooses the local optimal match for each source entity. This decoding method may not only cause the "many-to-one" problem but also neglect the coordinated nature of this task, that is, each alignment decision may highly correlate to the other decisions. In this paper, we introduce two coordinated reasoning methods, i.e., the Easy-to-Hard decoding strategy and joint entity alignment algorithm. Specifically, the Easy-to-Hard strategy first retrieves the model-confident alignments from the predicted results and then incorporates them as additional knowledge to resolve the remaining model-uncertain alignments. To achieve this, we further propose an enhanced alignment model that is built on the current state-of-the-art baseline. In addition, to address the many-to-one problem, we propose to jointly predict entity alignments so that the one-to-one constraint can be naturally incorporated into the alignment prediction. Experimental results show that our model achieves the state-of-the-art performance and our reasoning methods can also significantly improve existing baselines.Comment: in AAAI 202