507,146 research outputs found

    Improving the learning of clinical reasoning through computer-based cognitive representation

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    Objective: Clinical reasoning is usually taught using a problem-solving approach, which is widely adopted in medical education. However, learning through problem solving is difficult as a result of the contextualization and dynamic aspects of actual problems. Moreover, knowledge acquired from problem-solving practice tends to be inert and fragmented. This study proposed a computer-based cognitive representation approach that externalizes and facilitates the complex processes in learning clinical reasoning. The approach is operationalized in a computer-based cognitive representation tool that involves argument mapping to externalize the problem-solving process and concept mapping to reveal the knowledge constructed from the problems. Methods: Twenty-nine Year 3 or higher students from a medical school in east China participated in the study. Participants used the proposed approach implemented in an e-learning system to complete four learning cases in 4 weeks on an individual basis. For each case, students interacted with the problem to capture critical data, generate and justify hypotheses, make a diagnosis, recall relevant knowledge, and update their conceptual understanding of the problem domain. Meanwhile, students used the computer-based cognitive representation tool to articulate and represent the key elements and their interactions in the learning process. Results: A significant improvement was found in students’ learning products from the beginning to the end of the study, consistent with students’ report of close-to-moderate progress in developing problem-solving and knowledge-construction abilities. No significant differences were found between the pretest and posttest scores with the 4-week period. The cognitive representation approach was found to provide more formative assessment. Conclusions: The computer-based cognitive representation approach improved the learning of clinical reasoning in both problem solving and knowledge construction

    A multi-agent approach to adaptive learning using a structured ontology classification system

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    Diagnostic assessment is an important part of human learning. Tutors in face-to-face classroom environment evaluate students’ prior knowledge before the start of a relatively new learning. In that perspective, this thesis investigates the development of an-agent based Pre-assessment System in the identification of knowledge gaps in students’ learning between a student’s desired concept and some prerequisites concepts. The aim is to test a student's prior skill before the start of the student’s higher and desired concept of learning. This thesis thus presents the use of Prometheus agent based software engineering methodology for the Pre-assessment System requirement specification and design. Knowledge representation using a description logic TBox and ABox for defining a domain of learning. As well as the formal modelling of classification rules using rule-based approach as a reasoning process for accurate categorisation of students’ skills and appropriate recommendation of learning materials. On implementation, an agent oriented programming language whose facts and rule structure are prolog-like was employed in the development of agents’ actions and behaviour. Evaluation results showed that students have skill gaps in their learning while they desire to study a higher-level concept at a given time

    Students' Cognitive Analysis using Rasch Modeling as an Assessment for Planning of Strategies in Chemistry Learning

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    Rasch modelling based on assessment can help teachers analyze the students' cognitive knowledge level and development. However, teachers are considered unsuccessful in teaching where the achievement of indicators in learning science, such as chemistry, is not holistically actualized. This study aimed to analyze High School students' knowledge in Banjarmasin City, especially on students' knowledge (cognitive aspect), using the Rasch modelling data analysis technique and exploring how chemical learning strategies are planned based on the symptoms of the data obtained. The data collection technique used a dichotomous format test technique (multiple choices). The research method used was descriptive with a quantitative approach to examine Rasch's various data, which was then interpreted qualitatively to describe the issues raised. The study results show that person reliability (students) based on Rasch modelling anal­ysis is +0.79, and item reliability is +0.98, where the value indicates that the consistency of the participant response pattern is "sufficient." Then, the mean person measure is -0.07, while the mean item is 0.00. It means that the participants' "mean value" is below the "mean value" of the item that the students' ability is below the item's ability. The Rasch data's recapitulation value showed that the response patterns of various data symptoms and those data were interpreted. It showed students' knowledge of atomic structure material was still considered low based on the Rasch model criteria. This is a reference for making appropriate chemical learning strategy plans to improve their knowledge. In conclusion, Rasch modelling-based assessment is effectively used in analyzing students' (cognitive) ability on atomic structure material. These results produce a strategic plan like what in chemistry learning such as the importance of conducting further diag­noses using misconception tests, identifying students' learning styles, constructing stu­dents' knowledge through the concept of chemical representation, and developing appropriate learning media according to their needs (students)

    Assessing Self-Regulation of Learning Dimensions in a Stand-alone MOOC Platform

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    A capacity for self-regulated learning (SRL) has long been recognised as an important factor in successful studies. Although educational researchers have started to investigate the concept of SRL in the context of online education, very little is yet known about SRL in relation to massive open online courses (MOOCs) or of appropriate strategies to foster SRL skills in MOOC learners. Self-regulation is particularly important in a MOOC-based study, which demands effective independent learning, and where widely acknowledged high dropout rates are observed. This study reports an investigation and assessment of the concept of SRL using a novel MOOC platform (eLDa) by providing study options (either via a self-directed learning or instructor-led learning) using a novel learning tool. In view of this, the research presents general description of self-regulated learning and explored the various existing dimensions used to expose the learners SRL skills. Drawing comparison of the online tool, the results and findings of the data were analysed. The study dis¬cusses how the various dimensions contributed to the knowledge representation of the self-regulated learning abilities shown by the learners. We present how these SRL dimensions captured using the measuring instrument contributes to our growing understanding of the distinctive features of the individual learner’s self-regulated learning. MOOCs success required a high performance of self-regulated learning abilities which at the moment very little has shown these degree of supporting SRL skills. This paper presents preliminary evaluation of a novel e-learning tool known, as ‘eLDa’ developed to implement this investi¬gation of self-regulation of learning. The research applied a modified online self-regulated learning questionnaire (OSLQ) as the instrument to measure the SRL skills. The modified questionnaire known as MOOC OSLQ (MOSLQ) was developed with a 19-item scale questions that exposes the six SRL dimensions used in this study

    Ontologies for automatic question generation

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    Assessment is an important tool for formal learning, especially in higher education. At present, many universities use online assessment systems where questions are entered manually into a question bank system. This kind of system requires the instructor’s time and effort to construct questions manually. The main aim of this thesis is, therefore, to contribute to the investigation of new question generation strategies for short/long answer questions in order to allow for the development of automatic factual question generation from an ontology for educational assessment purposes. This research is guided by four research questions: (1) How well can an ontology be used for generating factual assessment questions? (2) How can questions be generated from course ontology? (3) Are the ontological question generation strategies able to generate acceptable assessment questions? and (4) Do the topic-based indexing able to improve the feasibility of AQGen. We firstly conduct ontology validation to evaluate the appropriateness of concept representation using a competency question approach. We used revision questions from the textbook to obtain keyword (in revision questions) and a concept (in the ontology) matching. The results show that only half of the ontology concepts matched the keywords. We took further investigation on the unmatched concepts and found some incorrect concept naming and later suggest a guideline for an appropriate concept naming. At the same time, we introduce validation of ontology using revision questions as competency questions to check for ontology completeness. Furthermore, we also proposed 17 short/long answer question templates for 3 question categories, namely definition, concept completion and comparison. In the subsequent part of the thesis, we develop the AQGen tool and evaluate the generated questions. Two Computer Science subjects, namely OS and CNS, are chosen to evaluate AQGen generated questions. We conduct a questionnaire survey from 17 domain experts to identify experts’ agreement on the acceptability measure of AQGen generated questions. The experts’ agreements for acceptability measure are favourable, and it is reported that three of the four QG strategies proposed can generate acceptable questions. It has generated thousands of questions from the 3 question categories. AQGen is updated with question selection to generate a feasible question set from a tremendous amount of generated questions before. We have suggested topic-based indexing with the purpose to assert knowledge about topic chapters into ontology representation for question selection. The topic indexing shows a feasible result for filtering question by topics. Finally, our results contribute to an understanding of ontology element representation for question generations and how to automatically generate questions from ontology for education assessment

    Assessing self-regulation of learning dimensions in a stand-alone MOOC platform

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    A capacity for self-regulated learning (SRL) has long been recognised as an important factor in successful studies. Although educational researchers have started to investigate the concept of SRL in the context of online education, very little is yet known about SRL in relation to massive open online courses (MOOCs) or of appropriate strategies to foster SRL skills in MOOC learners. Selfregulation is particularly important in a MOOC-based study, which demands effective independent learning, and where widely acknowledged high dropout rates are observed. This study reports an investigation and assessment of the concept of SRL using a novel MOOC platform (eLDa) by providing study options (either via a self-directed learning or instructor-led learning) using a novel learning tool. In view of this, the research presents general description of self-regulated learning and explored the various existing dimensions used to expose the learners SRL skills. Drawing comparison of the online tool, the results and findings of the data were analysed. The study discusses how the various dimensions contributed to the knowledge representation of the self-regulated learning abilities shown by the learners. We present how these SRL dimensions captured using the measuring instrument contributes to our growing understanding of the distinctive features of the individual learner’s self-regulated learning. MOOCs success required a high performance of self-regulated learning abilities which at the moment very little has shown these degree of supporting SRL skills. This paper presents preliminary evaluation of a novel e-learning tool known, as ‘eLDa’ developed to implement this investigation of self-regulation of learning. The research applied a modified online self-regulated learning questionnaire (OSLQ) as the instrument to measure the SRL skills. The modified questionnaire known as MOOC OSLQ (MOSLQ) was developed with a 19-item scale questions that exposes the six SRL dimensions used in this study

    Pengembangan Tes Diagnostik Konsep Kepenulisan Karya Ilmiah Berbasis Penilaian Diri : studi penelitian dan pengembangan alat evaluasi pada mata kuliah Bahasa Indonesia Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

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    Penelitian dan pengembangan tes diagnostik berbasis penilaian diri ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dasar mengenai pemetaan penguasaan konsep kepenulisan mahasiswa pada materi ajar mata kuliah bahasa Indonesia. Tes diagnostik dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan berdasarkan semangat pembelajaran mandiri dengan prinsip dasar pengolahan kecerdasan metakognitif serta pemanfaatan teknologi untuk meningkatkan kesadaran pembelajar untuk belajar. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan dengan model pendekatan prosedural yang dikembangkan oleh Dick, Carey, dan Carey. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kebutuhan, sebanyak 76.88% responden menyatakan setuju (perlu) terhadap upaya pengembangan alat evaluasi dalam bentuk tes diagnostik ini. Berdasarkan hasil analisis materi ada enam kompetensi dasar konsep kepenulisan karya ilmiah pada rancangan tes, yakni penggunaan tata tulis, penggunaan diksi, penggunaan kalimat, pengembangan paragraf yang padu, pengembangan gagasan secara tertulis, dan penggunaan teknik penulisan ilmiah. Pengembangan tes dilakukan dengan mengembangkan tes diagnostik bentuk pilihan ganda yang disertai alasan dan memanfaatkan metode CRI (Certainty of Response Index) serta media penyampaian CBT (Computer Based Test) untuk mengefektifkan pemberian laporan secara langsung atau memanfaatkan prinsip unjuk kerja real time. Pemanfaatan metode CRI dan esai alasan sebagai supply response merupakan bentuk interpretasi basis penilaian diri. Hal inilah yang menjadi kekhasan pada pengembangan tes ini. Tahapan perbaikan pada penelitian ini melalui tahapan evaluasi formatif, yakni validasi isi, validasi konstruksi, dan pemberian penilaian dari ahli. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan skor dari tiga validator di bidang pembelajaran mata kuliah bahasa Indonesia dapat disimpulkan tes diagnostik ini cukup layak digunakan dalam mendiagnosis pemahaman konsep kepenulisan karya ilmiah, sedangkan berdasarkan hasil penilaian pembelajar, sebanyak 79.61% pembelajar menilai tes ini sudah dapat digunakan dengan baik berdasarkan tujuan, manfaat, dan fungsi tes tersebut. Pembelajar juga memberikan sumbangsih saran agar tes ini dapat diberikan secara frekuentatif baik sebagai tes diagnostik atau sebagai tes evaluasi hasil belajar, dan mengharapkan tes ini dapat diterapkan pada mata kuliah lain untuk membantu meningkatkan keterampilan mahasiswa Research and development of diagnostic test based on self-assessment is intended to giving some basic concept about mapping on mastering linguistic learning materials. The mapping process is based on their personal mastery in mastering of Indonesian language learning materials. This diagnostic test research is develop base on self-learning spirit with base principle on processing metacognitive intelligent. This also utilizing technology to increase learning awareness of the student for learning to increase ability and skill on mastering scientific paper writing concept. Used methods during this research, is using research and development method with procedural approaching model which developed by Dick, Carey and Carey. Based on needs analysis result, has obtained a positive response. As much as 76.88% respondent claimed agree (necessarily) for effort to develop evolution tool that involves learning as a subjects tester. Test design shapes based on diagnostic test material analysis result of scientific paper writing concept based on self-assessment, is divide into six base scientific paper writing competence namely the use of written procedures, the use of diction, use of the phrase, the development of a coherent paragraph, the development of ideas in writing, and the use of scientific writing techniques. Test development is based on diagnostic test development in multiple choice. Each question is included by reason with using CRI (Certainly of Response Index) method to categorize the diagnostic result. Test is presented using CBT (Computer Based Test) as display media to support a real-time reporting or utilize the principle of real-time performance. By utilizing CRI method and essay reason as response supply is the purpose of self-assessment base. This is that made the distinctiveness of the development of this test. Revision step in this research through formative evaluation, namely content validation, construction validation and expert assessment. Base on score calculation from three expert in Indonesian language learning field can be concluded this diagnostic test is proper to used to diagnose understanding of scientific paper writing concept. Based on summative evaluation result, as much as 79.61% learner claimed this test is ready to use and working well based on purpose, benefits, and its test functionality. Learner also contribute some suggestions these test can be used frequently as diagnostic test or as learning evaluation test result even more there some expect this test can be apply on other study course to improve student skill on one of the knowledge about diagnostic categorization (concept understanding category) on the test result which is representation of concept understanding owned by the students

    A teaching experiment to foster the conceptual understanding of multiplication based on children's literature to facilitate dialogic learning

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    The importance of conceptual understanding as opposed to low-level procedural knowledge in mathematics has been well documented (Hiebert & Carpenter, 1992). Development of conceptual understanding of multiplication is fostered when students recognise the equal group structure that is common in all multiplicative problems (Mulligan & Mitchelmore, 1996). This paper reports on the theoretical development of a transformative teaching experiment based on conjecture-driven research design (Confrey & Lachance, 1999) that aims to enhance Year 3 students’ conceptual understanding of multiplication. The teaching experiment employs children’s literature as a motivational catalyst and mediational tool for students to explore and engage in multiplication activities and dialogue. The SOLO taxonomy (Biggs & Collis, 1989) is used to both frame the novel teaching and learning activities, as well as assess the level of students’ conceptual understanding of multiplication as displayed in the products derived from the experiment. Further, student’s group interactions will be analysed in order to investigate the social processes that may contribute positively to learning
