9 research outputs found

    Visualizing Subjective Mapping in the Field of E-book Publishing in the Context of Users and Librarians

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    The present paper reports the findings of a research which aimed to visualize subjective mapping of "e-books" in the context of users and libraries. The research is a kind of scientometrics studies via qualitative content analysis method. Node XL software was used to visualize the map. The research community included all papers in the subjective field of "e-books" in the context of users and libraries which were published in the journals indexed in the EBSCO database during 2005-2011. Results show that subjects of "e-books (general)", "e-book readers" and "electronic textbook" are the most important subjects which are allocated mental disturbances related to users through the papers. Moreover, in the field of "e-textbooks" the strongest subjective connections are related to "students and usages". Moreover, "students" and "children" are as the most important stratum. Furthermore, survey on the usage rate of e-books and analysis statistics of their usage are as the most significant discussions that are considered from library-related approach. Additionally, the current situation of e-books in public and academic libraries is accentuated by researchers as another predominant subject. Visualizing subjective mapping including the mentioned contexts is not revealed by previous studies. Hence, it is included a novel contribution

    Knowledge maps as support tool for managing scientific competences: a case study at a portuguese research institute

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    In a research organization, finding someone who is an expert in a field and that can take up a given role, defining areas of excellence, or employing a new member all require understanding the competences that are available in-house. This work explores the idea of using knowledge or competence maps as support tools for managing scientific competences. We implemented a use case at the Institute of Electronics and Informatics Engineering of Aveiro, a research institute at the University of Aveiro, but the methodology we proposed can be adapted to virtually any research organization. Knowledge maps are visual representations of information that can be designed with variable granularities with respect to the knowledge assets of an organization. From a research management perspective, knowledge maps support the discovery of research competences and provide an instant overview of a topic by showing the main areas at a glance. This solution explored in this work employed data mining approaches for gathering information from public databases and presenting it using knowledge maps. Other visualization tools, such as bar graphs, tables, filters and search functionalities, were created and integrated into a web platform. When put together, these components could turn the platform into a key component for the administration of a research organization.publishe


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    Texts are an important way to share and transfer knowledge. In this paper we analyse the impact of a specific form of texts, so called “knowledge texts”, on the efficiency of knowledge transfer. The objective is to verify or reject several hypotheses on the relationships among the style of educational texts (standard or knowledge styles), learning outcomes (performance of the students after learning) and subjective evaluation of conformity of working with individual styles of the texts. For this purpose, we carry out experiment with a homogeneous group of the students (n = 41) divided into an experimental group and a control group. We use statistical methods to process the results of the experiments; ability of the students to solve specific tasks and their opinions on readability and understandability of the texts subject to the time spent for learning. Even if we determine statistically significant relationships between the style of texts and accuracy of the problem solving in the experimental group only, the results allow us to improve the experiment and apply the methodology developed in a less structured branch than the Operational Research (Graph Theory) is. The methodology is another benefit of the paper, because it can be applied independently on a particular domain

    ePortfolios: Helping Students Take Control of Their Learning

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    With the addition of new technology to the classroom teachers have many new tools for the student to use. ePortfolios allow teachers to have student take control of their own learning while collecting their learning artifacts. This study looks at the impact of ePortfolios in the learning process at the high school level

    Studying and Constructing Concept Maps: A Meta-Analysis

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    A concept map is a node-link diagram in which each node represents a concept and each link identifies the relationship between the two concepts it connects. We investigated how using concept maps influences learning by synthesizing the results of 142 independent effect sizes (n = 11,814). A random-effects model meta-analysis revealed that learning with concept and knowledge maps produced a moderate, statistically significant effect (g =.58, p < .001). A moderator analysis revealed that creating concept maps (g =.72, p < .001) was associated with greater benefit relative to respective comparison conditions than studying concept maps (g = .43, p <.001). Additional moderator analyses indicated learning with concept maps was superior to other instructional comparison conditions, and was effective across science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) and non-STEM knowledge domains. Further moderator analyses, as well as implications for theory and practice, are provided

    Visualizing Subjective Mapping in the Field of E-book Publishing in the Context of Users and Librarians

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    The present paper reports the findings of a research which aimed to visualize subjective mapping of "e-books" in the context of users and libraries. The research is a kind of scientometrics studies via qualitative content analysis method. Node XL software was used to visualize the map. The research community included all papers in the subjective field of "e-books" in the context of users and libraries which were published in the journals indexed in the EBSCO database during 2005-2011. Results show that subjects of "e-books (general)", "e-book readers" and "electronic textbook" are the most important subjects which are allocated mental disturbances related to users through the papers. Moreover, in the field of "e-textbooks" the strongest subjective connections are related to "students and usages". Moreover, "students" and "children" are as the most important stratum. Furthermore, survey on the usage rate of e-books and analysis statistics of their usage are as the most significant discussions that are considered from library-related approach. Additionally, the current situation of e-books in public and academic libraries is accentuated by researchers as another predominant subject. Visualizing subjective mapping including the mentioned contexts is not revealed by previous studies. Hence, it is included a novel contribution

    Co-word mapping of Image Retrieval based on Web of Science-Indexed Papers

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    Background and aim: Given the special status and wide usage of image retrieval in various fields, the present investigation studied on the research trends and significant factors within the field of image retrieval and drawing the co-word map based on the articles indexed in Web of Science. Material and methods: This scientometric study was performed using bibliometric techniques such as co-citation analysis. Samples of the current study were all articles indexed in ISI in the field of image retrieval from 2001 to 2012. Therefore, 2537 papers were retrieved in this field. Citespace and VOSviewer were applied for co-word analysis. Findings: The highest centrality with the number of 0.18 has been related to the term "image retrieval". "Content based image retrieval" and "relevance feedback" both with 0.15 centrality have been in the next rank. The Highest burst with the number of 11.59 was belonged to "pattern recognition society". "Content-based image retrieval", "image database" with the number of 7.53 and 5.79 burst have won the second and third ranks, respectively. Sigma was obtained 1.39 for the "shape" and 1 for other terms during this period. Also, the analysis of co-word network in VOSviewer indicated 9 scientific clusters in the field of image retrieval. Conclusion: The analysis of co-word network in the field of image retrieval have shown that the content-based image retrieval is one of the most important approaches in the field of image retrieval in the past years

    Towards technological approaches for concept maps mining from text

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    ABSTRACT: Concept maps are resources for the representation and construction of knowledge. They allow showing, through concepts and relationships, how knowledge about a subject is organized. Technological advances have boosted the development of approaches for the automatic construction of a concept map, to facilitate and provide the benefits of that resource more broadly. Due to the need to better identify and analyze the functionalities and characteristics of those approaches, we conducted a detailed study on technological approaches for automatic construction of concept maps published between 1994 and 2016 in the IEEE Xplore, ACM and Elsevier Science Direct data bases. From this study, we elaborate a categorization defined on two perspectives, Data Source and Graphic Representation, and fourteen categories. That study collected 30 relevant articles, which were applied to the proposed categorization to identify the main features and limitations of each approach. A detailed view on these approaches, their characteristics and techniques are presented enabling a quantitative analysis. In addition, the categorization has given us objective conditions to establish new specification requirements for a new technological approach aiming at concept maps mining from texts