20 research outputs found

    Methodological Approaches for Assessing the Link between Supply Chain and Organizational Culture

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    Abstract— The aim of this paper is to expand the knowledge of buyer-supplier relationships by investigating the extent to which organisational cultural fit between a buyer and supply chain participants influences performance. Findings demonstrate that complementarity rather than congruence between the supply chain partners achieved successful performance outcomes. Organisations in the high-performing supply chain had significantly different cultural profiles, reporting significant statistical differences across all six cultural dimensions. Organisations in the low-performing supply chain had almost identical profiles across all six cultural dimensions with significantly lower mean scores across each dimension. This article presents methodological approaches for assessing the organizational culture development of an educational institution. The research purpose is to study the feasibility and advisability of applying various methods to assess the level of the organizational culture development on supply chain management. The authors conducted an empirical study using quantitative methods (the maturity matrix of sustainable development of the organization and the Denison model), adapted to evaluate the level of the organizational culture development in a supply chain management

    Effect of organizational factors on knowledge management in education: A case study in Mazandaran Province, Departments of Education

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    Culture influences all the organizations activities. On the other hand, due to the role and importance of knowledge management in obtaining competitive advantages, understanding the amount of support of organizational culture, especially dominant dimension of culture, is among strategies of knowledge management which are so much important and critical. For this purpose the current study has been conducted on managers and staff of West Mazandaran province Departments of Education. Based on Cochrane relationship, 385 managers and staff of the mentioned departments have been selected randomly. The type of research is applied and is descriptive and survey from the point of view of data collection manner. The measuring tool is standard questionnaire of organizational culture factors and standard questionnaire of knowledge management which validity have been confirmed through content analysis by experts and their reliability have been confirmed with the use of Cronbach's alpha. The results of structural models fit between the dimensions of knowledge management and organizational culture indicate that there is a significant relationship between organizational culture dimensions and knowledge management in West Mazandaran province Departments of Education and hence the effectiveness of organizational culture on knowledge management is accepted. Also three dimensions of innovation, job challenge and communications among all the organizational culture dimensions have the most effect on knowledge management process, which indicates the importance of these elements. Finally, with determining the effective factors on knowledge management the necessary recommendations in line with knowledge management process implementation have been provided

    Effect of organizational factors on knowledge management in education: A case study in Mazandaran Province, Departments of Education

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    Culture influences all the organizations activities. On the other hand, due to the role and importance of knowledge management in obtaining competitive advantages, understanding the amount of support of organizational culture, especially dominant dimension of culture, is among strategies of knowledge management which are so much important and critical. For this purpose the current study has been conducted on managers and staff of West Mazandaran province Departments of Education. Based on Cochrane relationship, 385 managers and staff of the mentioned departments have been selected randomly. The type of research is applied and is descriptive and survey from the point of view of data collection manner. The measuring tool is standard questionnaire of organizational culture factors and standard questionnaire of knowledge management which validity have been confirmed through content analysis by experts and their reliability have been confirmed with the use of Cronbach's alpha. The results of structural models fit between the dimensions of knowledge management and organizational culture indicate that there is a significant relationship between organizational culture dimensions and knowledge management in West Mazandaran province Departments of Education and hence the effectiveness of organizational culture on knowledge management is accepted. Also three dimensions of innovation, job challenge and communications among all the organizational culture dimensions have the most effect on knowledge management process, which indicates the importance of these elements. Finally, with determining the effective factors on knowledge management the necessary recommendations in line with knowledge management process implementation have been provided

    Knowledge Capabilities and Performance of County Governments in Kenya: A Survey of County Departments of Kiambu County Government

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    There is a growing need for governments globally to develop and implement strategies of knowledge capabilities to take advantage of distributed knowledge assets to enhance the performance of their employees. Knowledge capabilities are viewed as a tool for harnessing the knowledge value and engaging it in integrative processes with organizational infrastructure, people, and processes. Organizations must leverage its existing knowledge capabilities and apply the knowledge in its operation to sustain competitiveness both locally and international. The county government systems are barely 10 years old and there is the growing need to leverage on the essential asset of human resource brought about by knowledge management for realization of fast growth. The main objective of this study was to determine how knowledge capabilities influence the performance of County governments in Kenya. The study determined the effect of knowledge acquisition capabilities, knowledge application capabilities, knowledge storage capabilities and knowledge protection capabilities on the performance of County governments in Kenya. The study adopted census method targeting 34 management staff of Kiambu County. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaire. The questionnaires were piloted with 4 staffs from the neighboring Nairobi County to determine their validity and reliability. Quantitative data was analyzed using Descriptive statistics analysis which was done by measuring central tendencies which included frequencies, means, standard deviations and regression. Descriptive statistics were carried out using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Inferential statistics which included correlation (r) and regression (R2) through the use of Multiple Linear Regression model were employed to establish the significance of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The study found that knowledge acquisition capabilities have a positive and significant effect on the performance of county governments in Kenya (β1=0.690, p-value=0.000). Moreover, knowledge application capabilities have a positive and significant effect on the performance of county governments in Kenya (β2=0.596, p-value=0.000). Further, the study found that knowledge storage capabilities have a significant and positive effect on the performance of county governments in Kenya (β1=0.548, p-value=0.009). This study therefore recommends that County governments should develop proper strategies such as creating a suitable learning culture and facilitating innovativeness to encourage the acquisition of knowledge and skills. In addition, the county governments should use appropriate technology for application of knowledge as well as incorporate knowledge into organizational processes, procedures, culture and identity, routines, policies, systems, and documents, as well as individuals to aid in the application of knowledge. Keywords: Knowledge Capabilities, Acquisition, Application, Protection, Performance DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-6-08 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Exploring Cause, Taxonomies, Mechanisms and Barriers Influencing Knowledge Transfer: Empirical Studies in NGOs

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    Knowledge transfer is one of the significant elements in the knowledge management process. Knowledge transferors share different types of knowledge with the recipients with a view to fulfilling the latter's knowledge needs. The importance of identifying the appropriate knowledge transfer mechanisms and the barriers to knowledge transfer are paramount. However, neither the knowledge management literature nor the NGO-sector literature has adequately addressed the issues of causes of knowledge transfer, taxonomies of knowledge, mechanisms and barriers of knowledge transfer in comprehensive way in the context of the Bangladeshi NGO sector. The highest number of NGOs in the world is deployed in Bangladesh. Little is known about such transfer within the NGO context based in Bangladesh. This paper makes an endeavour to bridge these grey areas of knowledge management and NGO-sector. Having collected the qualitative data from Bangladeshi NGOs and using the content analysis technique, the study identified the causes of knowledge transfer, taxonomies of knowledge, mechanisms of knowledge transfer and the barriers to knowledge transfer in the context of Bangladesh. By understanding the mechanisms and the determinants of knowledge transfer, company and NGO managers and public policy makers can influence knowledge transfer more effectively. Future researchers may extend this study by carrying out similar research in a different context.</p

    Organisational culture analysis: A case study in Case Company X

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    This research analysed the type of organisational culture that occurs in Case Company X, particularly in Unit A, by using designed survey, which is based on certain theory and objectives. Case Company X is an international organisation, which focuses on information technology and software engineering, scaling up to data, cloud services, and automation. Unit A itself will be the subject of this research and for this certain unit, a designed survey was sent to its employees. Survey was designed based on Westrum’s organisational culture theory and its theoretical framework, and objectives of Unit A have been taken into account as well. Quantitative research is conducted, and the data received from survey is being statistically analysed. The main objective is to form quantitative information from the data obtained from the survey and draw conclusions and answer the research question and hypothesis of this research. The hypothesis is that it is possible to analyse the current organisational culture situation by conducting a designed survey based on Westrum’s theory. The survey was initially conducted by using simple random sampling method and it was sent to 815 employees in Unit A, via email. The response time for answering the survey is set to three weeks. A total of 165 employees out of 815 employees answered to the survey and a quantitative analysis was conducted on the basis of these. The survey was designed in a way that the employee can choose if employee itself have worked for more than a year or less in Unit A. With this, it was possible to see in the survey data how the response group is distributed according to the years of work. The survey is based on a Likert-scaling, values distributing from 1 to 7. A value of 1 means “strongly disagree” and a value of 7 means “strongly agree”. The data obtained from the survey was quantitatively analysed by using Excel’s mean, median, and bar chart -functions. SPSS software’s descriptive statistics, T test for independent samples, paired samples T test and Spearman’s correlation -functions were used. Quantitative data were collected on the basis of statistical data samples and tests, and conclusions were based on it. The research showed that the survey, based on Westrum’s theory and theoretical framework, has provided data that makes it possible to analyse the current organisational and cultural situation in Unit A. The Westrum’s theoretical framework divides organisational culture into three typologies which are pathological, bureaucratic, and generative. Using statistically analysed data, it was possible to draw a preliminary conclusion about the organisational culture, which revealed that the culture of unit A is based on generative culture typology. Based on the other statistical analyses, it was possible to observe that there was no statistically significant difference between the responses of the respondents and that the correlation between same paired questions was strong, but the correlation between same themed questions was weak.Tässä tutkimuksessa analysoitiin kyselytutkimuksella, millaista organisaatiokulttuuria esiintyy tapausyrityksessä X, eritoten yksikössä A. Tätä tutkittiin kyselyllä, joka perustui Westrumin teoriaan. Teoria tarjoaa viitekehyksen, jonka mukaan organisaatioita on mahdollista arvioida. Tapausyritys X on liiketoiminnallisesti kansainvälinen organisaatio, joka keskittyy informaatioteknologiaan skaalautuen dataan, pilvipalveluihin ja automaatioon. Itse yksikkö A tulee olemaan tässä tarkastelun kohteena ja tälle yksikölle toteutettiin tämä tutkimus ja teetetty kysely. Kyselyn suunnittelussa Westrumin organisaatiokulttuurinen teoria, siihen liittyvä viitekehys, sekä yksikkö A:n tavoitteet on otettu huomioon. Päätavoitteena on muodostaa kyselystä saadusta datasta kvantitatiivista dataa, jonka avulla on mahdollista tehdä johtopäätöksiä ja vastata tutkimuskysymykseen ja hypoteesiin. Hypoteesi on se, että on mahdollista toteuttaa kysely, joka perustuu Westrumin organisaatiokulttuuriseen teoriaan, ja saamaan dataa työntekijöiltä, jonka avulla on mahdollista analysoida tilannetta organisaatiokulttuurin näkökulmasta. Eritoten tätä tilannetta on analysoitu yksikkö A:ssa. Kyselyä toteutettaessa käytettiin alkuun yksinkertaista satunnaisotantaa ja kysely lähetettiin 815 työntekijälle, jotka työskentelevät yksikkö A:ssa, sähköpostin välityksellä. Vastausaikaa kyselylle oli kolme viikkoa. Vastauksia saatiin 165 kappaletta ja näiden pohjalta kvantitatiivinen analyysi toteutettiin. Kysely oli suunniteltu niin, että vastaaja voi valita, onko työskennellyt yli vuoden vaiko alle vuoden yksikkö A:ssa. Tämän avulla kyselyssä oli mahdollista havaita, miten vastausjoukko jakautuu työvuosien perusteella. Kyselyssä käytettiin Likert-skaalaa, jonka asteikko on 1–7. Arvo 1 tarkoittaa ”täysin eri mieltä” ja arvo 7 tarkoittaa ”täysin samaa mieltä”. Kyselystä saatu data kvantitatiivisesti analysoitiin käyttämällä Excelin keskiarvo, mediaani ja pylväsdiagrammi -funktioita. SPSS ohjelmassa käytettiin funktioita kuten kuvaavaa tilastoa, riippumattomien näytteiden T testiä, parinäytteen T testiä ja Spearmanin korrelaatiotestiä. Kvantitatiivinen data, joka on kerätty tilastollisten näytteiden ja testien pohjalta, juurtavat johtopäätöksiä tutkimuksen lopuksi. Tutkimus osoitti sen, että kysely, perustuen Westrumin teoriaan ja teoreettiseen viitekehykseen, on antanut dataa, jonka perusteella on mahdollista analysoida nykyistä organisaatiokulttuurin tilaa yksikkö A:ssa. Westrumin teoreettinen viitekehys jakaa organisaatiokulttuurin kolmeen typologiaan; patologiseen, byrokraattiseen ja generatiiviseen. Tilastollisesti analysoidun datan avulla oli mahdollista juurtaa alustava johtopäätös organisaatiokulttuurista, joka toi ilmi, että yksikkö A:n kulttuuri sijoittuu generatiiviseen kulttuurimuotoon. Tilastollisen analyysin perusteella oli myös mahdollista huomata, että vastausjoukkojen vastauksien välillä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkittävää eroa ja korrelaatiot kysymysten välillä olivat vahvat

    The impact of organizational culture on knowledge management : the case of an international multilateral organization

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    Knowledge is a strategic asset and organizations that have operational knowledge management (KM) systems, possess competitive advantage over their rivals. However, harnessing tacit knowledge and converting it to a form that is accessible and usable by all, is a great challenge. Tacit knowledge sharing is dependent on the will of the employee to share knowledge and the purpose of this research is to investigate the role played by culture in either hindering or enabling knowledge sharing. Using a single case study of an international multilateral organization, this research study investigated the effect that organizational culture has on KM. Data was collected through a questionnaire that had a combination of guided and open-ended questions. More than two-thirds of the employees of the case study organization participated in the research study. Data analysis was done in two ways. First, numerical data were analyzed using tallies and percentages for easier interpretation. Secondly, narrative analysis was used to analyze data from open-ended questions. It was established that some traits of organizational culture such as bureaucracy, being process oriented and being risk-averse hindered knowledge sharing in KM. Descriptors such as welcoming, transparent and teamwork were aspects that positively impacted KM. By understanding the impact of culture on knowledge sharing in KM, organizations may address potential barriers to KM and optimize the value of their KM effort.http://www.easychair.org/publications/EPiC/Computingam2023Informatic

    A Case Study of PyeongChang Organizing Committee of Olympic/Paralympic Games

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    학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 사범대학 체육교육과,글로벌스포츠매니지먼트전공, 2021.8. 퍼미타.The Olympic Games Knowledge Management (OGKM) has been run as one of important program in the organization of the Olympic Games. The idea of running this program began in Sidney 2000 when the International Olympic Committee (IOC) aware the needs of knowledge sharing between Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games (OCOG). Although the program has existed for almost two decades, the issue related to the organization of the OG is still existed. This also occurred in PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic/Paralympic Games (PC 2018) where issue related to sustainability, environment and legacy became the most discuss issue either in media or in academic research. The purpose of this study is to examine the detail implementation of the Knowledge Management (KM) in PC 2018. The research adopted qualitative approach by conducting case study in PC 2018. Semi structured interviewed was prepared to collect the data from participants. Participants was selected based on their involvement in as PyeongChang Organizing Committee of the Olympic/Paralympic Games (POCOG). The open ended and video conference interview was employed for data collection method. The KM activities framework and SECI model will be used to analyzed the KM process occurred in PC 2018. The KM activities framework (Parent, et al, 2014) and Nonaka (1994) SECI model will be used to analyzed the KM process occurred in PC 2018. The findings from the interview result indicate that there are four activities of knowledge sharing conducting in PC 2018 in which IOC was mentioned as the significant source of the knowledge. Another finding indicate that socialization occurred the most in the process of knowledge creation where interpersonal communication is considered as the easiest way to gain the knowledge. In addition, individual knowledge and human resources was considered as the most significant factor in conducting effective KM.올림픽대회의 지식 관리는 올림픽대회조직에서 중요한 프로그램 중 하나로 꼽힌다. 시초는 올림픽 조직위원들이 국제올림픽 위원들 간의 지식공유 필요성을 인식하면서 2000년 시드니올림픽에서 시작되었다. 본 프로그램은 생긴지 20년이 넘었지만 올림픽대회 관련해서 풀리지 않는 문제는 아직 개선되고있지 않은 상황이다. 지속 가능성, 환경, 그리고 유산 이슈는 2018 평창동계올림픽 또한 예외가 아니었으며 미디어와 학술연구에서 가장 언급이 많이 되고있다. 본 연구의 목적은 2018 평창동계올림픽의 지식관리 (KM) 시행을 세부적으로 분석하는 것이다. 2018 평창동계올림픽 사례를 통한 질적 연구는 참여자를 반구조화된 면접을 통해 실시하였다. 참여자 선정기준은 올림픽/징애인올림픽의 평창올림픽 조직위원들을 상대로 진행하였다. 한도가 없는 비디오 인터뷰를 진행하여 데이터 수집을 할 수 있었다. 지식관리 활동 체제와 SECI 모델을 이용하여 2018 평창올림픽지식관리 과정을 분석하였다. 인터뷰 결과는 4개의 지식관리 활동으로 나누어져 있었으며 올림픽 위원회가 가장 중요한 원인이라고 언급되었다. 그 외에 또 다른 유의한 결과로는 지식 개발 과정에서 사회화가 존재하였고 대인커뮤니케이션이 지식을 얻는데 가장 쉬운 방법이라는 것을 알 수 있었다. 그밖에 개인 지식과 인력이 효과적인 지식 관리를 진행하는데 있어서 가장 중요한 요인이라는 것을 확인 할 수 있었다.CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background of the study 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 5 1.3 Significant of the Study 7 1.4 Purpose of the Study 7 1.5 Research Question 7 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 9 2.1 Key Concept in Knowledge Management 9 2.1.1 Definition of Knowledge 9 2.1.2 Concept of Tacit and Explicit Knowledge 11 2.2 Knowledge Management Process 14 2.3 Factor Affecting Effective Knowledge Management 17 2.4 Literature on Knowledge Management in Olympic Games 20 2.4.1 Sidney 2000 20 2.4.2 Beijing 2008 22 2.4.3 London 2012 23 2.4.4 Vancouver 2010 23 CHAPTER 3. METHOD 25 3.1 Overview 25 3.2 Research Design 25 3.3 Qualitative Approach 26 3.4 Rationale of Case Study 29 3.5 Data Collection 30 3.5.1 Interview 31 3.5.2 Research Participants.32 3.5.3 Interview Question 34 3.6 Data analysis 36 3.7 Data Trustworthiness 38 CHAPTER 4 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 40 4.1 Fact Overview PyeongChang 2018 40 4.2 Thematic Analysis of the Findings 42 4.3 KM Implementation in PC 2018 51 4.3.1 KM Process in PyeongChang 2018 51 4.3.2 Knowledge Source 62 4.3.3 Knowledge Storage Media 68 4.4 Knowledge Creation in Practice 70 4.4.1 Socialization as The Frequent Implementation of Knowledge Creation 71 4.4.2 Utilizing IT Based Storage for Externalization Process 74 4.4.3 Combination Process Through Translating Document 76 4.4.4 Internalization Occurred Through Test Event 77 4.5 The Challenges of KM Implementation in POCOG 80 4.5.1 People Management 80 4.5.2 Individual Capability and Motivation Delaying the Knowledge Creation 82 4.5.3 Games Environment Interrupting the Knowledge Transfer 85 4.6 Hierarchical Structure as The Key to Overcome the Challenge 89 4.7 Factor affecting Effective KM 90 4.7.1 Knowledge Management Process 91 4.7.2 Knowledge Sharing Mechanism 94 4.7.3 Significant of Individual Knowledge 97 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 93 5.1 Limitation of The Case Study Setting 93 5.2 Implication 94 5.3 Conclusion 96 REFERENCES 100 국문초록 110석