7 research outputs found

    Assessing Implementation of Knowledge Management Systems in Banks, a Case of Ghana

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    This study was carried out to determine whether the investments made in KMS have helped the banks to gain competitive advantage or not, and the extent to which the KMS have helped the bank to achieve their objectives. 27 licensed banks by the Central Bank of Ghana participated in the survey, representing 100% participation rate. The study used structured questionnaires (open and close ended questions) and interview to collect data and the findings were analyzed using the SPSS software and presented by use of descriptive statistics. The study revealed that the KMS are for the tracking and the management of the bank’s operations both internally and externally. The KMS thus handles both front and back office operations and transactions. It also handles both clients and staff data and records. The conclusion reached is that investments in KMS enables the banks to achieve their objectives and helps it gain a better corporate image and improved performance. Keywords: Knowledge, Knowledge Management (KM), Knowledge Management Systems (KMS), Banking Information System (BIS


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    This program evaluation study was conducted to measure  the effectiveness of  e-learning program in ST. Joseph Primary School Jakarta using modified Hammond model dengan cuu. The purpose of implementing e-learning in ST. Joseph Primary School Jakarta is to increase students’ positive perceptions of learning, increasing students' understanding of learning materials, and the satisfaction of students and parents towards the use of the program. The research method used is qualitative method. Quantitative datas from questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive statistics. While the qualitative method is used to obtain a description of the program implementation related to the success and obstacles experienced during the implementation of the E-Learning Program Based on Knowledge Management System in  ST. Joseph Primary School Jakarta. The evaluation study of this program uses a modified Hammond model by adding technology in the existing 3 dimensions. There are four components of evaluation area: (1) Instruction Dimension, (2) Institutional Dimension, (3) Behavior Dimension and (4) Technology Dimension. The result of this study concluded that the overall dimensions evaluated have been in accordance with the predefined evaluation criteria.The recommendation given to the policy holder is to continue the E-Learning Program Based on Knowledge Management System in ST. Joseph Primary School Jakarta with some improvements to be made in areas that have not met the standard criteria.Penelitian evaluasi program ini dilakukan untuk mengukur efektivitas pelaksanaan program e-learning di SDS ST. Joseph School Jakarta dengan menggunakan modifikasi model Hammond. Tujuan penerapan e-learning di SDS ST. Joseph School Jakarta yaitu terjadinya peningkatan persepsi positif siswa terhadap pembelajaran, peningkatan pemahaman siswa akan materi pembelajaran, dan kepuasan siswa serta orang tua terhadap penggunaan program. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Data kuantitatif dianalis dengan menggunakan stastistik deskriptif untuk mendapatkan rata-rata dan persentase dari angket yang disebar. Metode kualitatif digunakan agar diperoleh gambaran detail tentang pelaksanaan program terkait keberhasilan dan hambatan-hambatan yang dialami selama pelaksanaan Program E-Learning Berbasis Knowledge Management System di SDS ST. Joseph School Jakarta. Penelitian evaluasi program ini menggunakan model Hammond yang dimodifikasi, dengan menambahkan dimensi teknologi ke dalam tiga dimensi yang telah ada. Sehingga ada empat komponen yang dievaluasi yaitu (1) Instruction Dimension, (2) Institusional Dimension, (3) Behavior Dimension dan (4) Technology Dimension. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa secara keseluruhan dimensi yang dievaluasi telah sesuai dengan kriteria evaluasi yang telah ditetapkan. Sehingga rekomendasi yang diberikan terhadap pemegang kepentingan yaitu program E-Learning Berbasis Knowledge Management System di SDS ST. Joseph School Jakarta tetap dilanjutkan dengan melakukan perbaikan/penyempurnaan

    Knowledge production in a think tank: a case study of the Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA)

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    The study sought to investigate the system of knowledge production at AISA and assess the challenges of producing knowledge at the institution. The objectives of the study were to: identify AISA‟s main achievements in knowledge production; determine AISA‟s challenges in producing knowledge; find out how AISA‟s organizational culture impacts on internal knowledge production; and suggest ways of improving knowledge production at AISA. A case study was used as a research method and purposive sampling used to select 50 cases out of a study population of 70. Questionnaires were prepared and distributed to AISA employees and where possible face-to-face interviews were conducted. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to analyze the data which were collected. Findings of the study may be used by governments across sub-Saharan Africa to produce relevant knowledge for formulating and implementing economic, social and technological policies. It is also important in identifying challenges that may hinder the successful production of knowledge. The study revealed that AISA has a well defined system of knowledge production and has had many achievements that have contributed to its relevance as a think tank today. The study found out that AISA has faced different challenges with the main one being organizational culture. From the findings, the researcher recommended that AISA should establish itself as a knowledge-based organization. It should also create a knowledge friendly culture as a framework for addressing the issue of organizational culture

    Assessing knowledge management systems implementation in Ghanaian universities

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    Knowledge management (KM) is regarded as a strategic asset and a source of competitive advantage for organisations. While the issues of KM have been widely discussed by many researchers, there is a paucity of studies pertaining to the role of KM in enhancing the performance of universities, especially Ghanaian universities. Similarly, there is the lack of formal strategy that would provide an appropriate framework for these systems to ensure maximum utilisation of available knowledge for competitive advantage. Due to this, Ghanaian universities have been continually reinventing the wheel each time they lose knowledge through expertise leaving the universities. This loss of knowledge through expert staff exiting raises the need to have systems and strategies in place that will help the universities to capture that relevant knowledge. The research thus set out to address these problems by assessing the implementation of KM systems in Ghanaian universities and the strategies that could be adopted to manage and safeguard knowledge as a competitive advantage and for future use. A survey and a mixed method research approach, which encompasses a questionnaire and interview schedules, were used to collect data from the stratified sampled respondents. One hundred and eighteen (80.27%) questionnaires were successfully received from the respondents, while all nine interviewees successfully responded to the interviews. Pattern matching, content analysis and explanation-building were used to analyse the qualitative data. The Microsoft spreadsheet and SPSS software were used to analyse the quantitative data and descriptive statistics in the form of tables, pie charts and histograms were used to present the findings. The findings of this study showed that: the concepts of KM was universally understood by the respondents; KM processes were effective; systems and facilities such as internet, intranet, e-mails, mobile technology and DVD/VCD/CD were used to facilitate KM at the universities; leadership, culture, technologies and strategies were the KM enablers; e-learning, coaching and mentorship, communities of practice, and storytelling were the main strategies used to manage and safeguard knowledge; and KM systems had a positive impact on the universities. The study finally formulated an integrated KM framework to guide the implementation of KM systems in universities.Information ScienceD. Litt. et Phil. (Information Science

    Knowledge sharing for development: online networks and the dual dynamics of inclusion and exclusion

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    This dissertation explores the extent to which donor-funded online networks support participation by Southern stakeholders in aspects of the development project over which they previously had limited influence or control. The potential of the Internet to facilitate a more inclusive model of support for international development is well recognised in the literature. However, critics argue that most online networks that have been established by donor agencies or rely on their patronage, exclude local knowledge from the South. This research contributes to this debate through an empirical investigation of online networks at three different stages of the ‘aid delivery chain’. This is conceptualised as a chain of individuals and organisations extending from Northern donors to Southern beneficiaries, and incorporating macro-level decision-making processes and micro-level program implementation. The research centres around three case studies of the United Nations Development Programme, the Association for Progressive Communications, and the Open Knowledge Network. Although each case experience is unique, they each demonstrate that online networks can play a valuable role in putting local knowledge at the fore. They have enabled frontline development workers to play a more influential role in shaping aid programs; grassroots organisations to have greater voice in public policy debates; and poor and marginalised communities to generate much-needed income from local solutions to local problems. However these positive outcomes are by no means inevitable. A major finding of this research is the crucial role of incentives in shaping network participation. Although at the highest level, participants may be driven by a shared commitment to improve development performance; in reality, their choices about whether to share their knowledge are usually far more self-interested. Thus, aspirations of active participation cannot be taken for granted. On the contrary, this research indicates that many local knowledge actors view the donor preoccupation with knowledge sharing as placing demands on their time which would be better spent on more pressing activities. This research also identifies factors that limit the ability of many local knowledge actors to contribute to online networks, regardless of their desire to do so. These usually manifested as obstacles to the benefits of participation and were borne out of the power relations in which participants are enmeshed. In each case, the dominance of the English language was a limiting factor which was compounded by tensions and constraints ranging from managerial opposition to local knowledge, resource dependencies, and social and cultural norms that limited mobility and social connections. Beyond internal dynamics, this research also points to notable divergences in the extent to which donor-funded online networks draw on local knowledge from outside their network borders, which are often quite rigid. A related issue is the tendency for many to broadcast contributions to external audiences over the web, rather than leveraging that technology to support knowledge sharing between insider and outsider groups. To ensure that online networks fulfil their promise to strengthen development performance, Web 2.0 platforms are proposed as a means to promote dialogue between insider and outsider groups with divergent interests and worldviews

    Knowledge management architectures beyond technology

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