2,857 research outputs found

    Exploring New Research Frontiers in Offshoring Knowledge and Service Processes

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    This paper provides an introduction to a special issue on the offshoring of service and knowledge work. Brief descriptions are provided for 13 papers that fall into three categories including strategic and organizational issues, global and knowledge supply chain issues, and tactical issues. The intent of this special issue was to provide a venue for presenting numerous perspectives on the operational and cross‐disciplinary challenges and opportunities in the area of service and knowledge offshoring

    Tax Knowledge and Service Quality to Motor Vehicle Taxpayer Compliance

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    There are so many people who have vehicles that are not aware of the benefits and importance of taxpayer compliance. This problem is marked by the increasing number of motorized vehicles every year, but not in tandem with the number of taxpayers' vehicles re-registering and paying taxes at the SAMSAT office. After being identified, the reasons were partly because public knowledge about tax regulations and procedures was deemed not optimal and the quality of service seemed unsatisfactory for some people. To ensure that, this research is here with the aim of revealing the public perception of taxpayers. Reviewing the extent of their knowledge of taxation and their level of satisfaction with the quality of services provided. This effort brings us to the question: whether tax knowledge and service quality can affect taxpayer compliance or not. This type of research is a case study with a quantitative approach. The population taken is the taxpayer of two-wheeled motorized vehicles registered in SAMSAT DIY. By using convenience sampling technique, we determine a sample of 102 people who come from two-wheeled motorized vehicle taxpayers as respondents who will fill out the questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, multiple linear regression, F-test, and coefficient of determination. The results of this study indicate that the variables of tax knowledge and service quality are proven to affect taxpayer compliance in paying for two-wheeled motorized vehicles

    Collegiality: An Atmosphere For Expanding Intellectual Stimulation

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    Libraries are the arena where intellectual interaction takes place through the universal conversation of scholarship. Librarians share a common commitment to learning and service. In addition Christian librarians share a calling to knowledge and service that comes from the Holy Scriptures. Aspects of integrating our Christian faith, through the professional environment we create in our workplace, are considered. Collegiality as the means to achieve a productive library ambience for scholarship is suggested. When a Library has an atmosphere conducive to promoting learning it is a place of intellectual stimulation where the culture is collegial and the values of Christianity are practiced

    Pengaruh Tax Amnesty, Pengetahuan Perpajakan, dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Bekasi Utara

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    This study aims to determine the effect of tax amnesty, tax knowledge, and service quality on individual taxpayer compliance. The type of research used is quantitative. The population of this study is an individual taxpayer registered at the KPP North Bekasi The number of samples used in this study were 100 respondents using the Slovin formula with the Incidental Sumpling method. The data  collection  technique  used  in  this  study  is  multiple  linear regression and using SPSS statistic 24. The results of this study indicate that the effect of tax amnesty has an effect on individual  taxpayer compliance by 30.6%, tax knowledge has an influence on individual taxpayer compliance. by 31.9%, and the quality of service has an influence on individual taxpayer compliance by 44.0%. So that tax amnesty, tax knowledge, and service quality have a significant effect on individual taxpayer compliance in North Bekasi KKP. Based on the results of the analysis conducted, it shows that there is a positive influence on Tax Amnesty, Tax Knowledge, and Service Quality. The variables of tax amnesty, tax knowledge, and service quality affect the individual taxpayer compliance variable simultaneously with a value of 63.8%, where 36.2% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.This study aims to determine the effect of tax amnesty, tax knowledge, and service quality on individual taxpayer compliance.The type of research used is quantitative. The population of this study is an individual taxpayer registered at the KPP North Bekasi.The number of samples used in this study were 100 respondents using the Slovin formula with the Incidental Sumpling method. Thedata  collection  technique  used  in  this  study  is  multiple  linear regression and using SPSS statistic 24. The results of this study indicate that the effect of tax amnesty has an effect on individual  taxpayer compliance by 30.6%, tax knowledge has an influence on individual taxpayer compliance. by 31.9%, and the quality of service has an influence on individual taxpayer compliance by 44.0%. So that tax amnesty, tax knowledge, and service quality have a significant effect on individual taxpayer compliance in North Bekasi KKP. Based on the results of the analysis conducted, it shows that there is a positive influence on Tax Amnesty, Tax Knowledge, and Service Quality. The variables of tax amnesty, tax knowledge, and service quality affect the individual taxpayer compliance variable simultaneously with a value of 63.8%, where 36.2% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study

    The Organizational Psychology of Hyper-Competition: Corporate Irresponsibility and the Lessons of Enron

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    What I want to do here is first explain my fears and then explore the Enron story from the standpoint of both social psychology and organizational behavior. My sense going in, at least, is that the social forces and selfish norms that emerge fairly naturally in highly competitive settings such as these dominate as behavioral influences over anything but high-powered legal controls. The kind of firm that I want to concentrate on is the new economy sort that requires a high rate of creative productivity from a large number of key managers and employees. Thus, I will put to the side the few remaining monopolistic public utilities, as well as firms with high rates of free cash flow from entrenched market power. The paradigmatic examples that I am interested in are knowledge and service-based firms in markets with relatively low barriers to entry and high rewards for innovation. Enron clearly was one of these

    Extending Social Learning Theories to Collectivist Cultures: The Effect of Behavior Modeling Training, Service Orientation and Language Skills on Service Skills and Behaviors

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    Although previous research has suggested that training approaches using behavior modeling yield better results than lecture-based approaches, these assumptions have not been tested in collectivist cultures. This study examined the effects of these alternative training methods for service knowledge and service behavior with a field experiment involving 117 Russian hotel employees. Despite no previous exposure to behavior modeling and no cultural context for service, the behavioral modeling training approach relative to the lecture-based approach yielded higher levels of both service knowledge and behavior. Since the setting was an English speaking hotel, difference in language ability were also considered and behavioral modeling was found to be a more effective training approach regardless of English ability. It also appears that service orientation is positively associated with both knowledge and behavior. The results indicate behavior modeling may be most helpful to those employees least predisposed to service or with lower language abilities

    The strategic impacts of Intelligent Automation for knowledge and service work : An interdisciplinary review

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    We would like to thank Professor Jarvenpaa and the review team for all the constructive comments and suggestions that were most helpful in revising the paper and in offering a stronger contribution. We would also like to thank Professor Guy Fitzgerald for his constructive comments on earlier versions of the paper. This study was funded by the Chartered Institute of Professional Development (CIPD). The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the CIPD.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Pengetahuan Klien dan Kualitas Pelayanan sebagai Dasar Pemilihan Alat Kontrasepsi Hormonal

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    The high level of hormonal contraceptive using by Family Planning acceptor in Muktiharjo, Kidul, Semarang, suspectedly caused by lackness of information given about advantages and disadvantages of contraceptives and high quality of service. This research conducted to identify relationship of knowledge and service quality in selecting hormonal contraceptives on reproductive age couple in Muktiharjo, Kidul. The type of the research is explanatory study uses cross sectional approach and descriptive analysis. Sample are collected randomly from reproductive age couple which use hormonal contraceptives in Muktiharjo, Kidul, Semarang. This study result that productive age couple using hormonal contraceptives prevalence affected by good knowledge and high quality service. Statistics show thatthere is a relationship between knowledge and service quality in the matter of selecting contraceptives

    A Study of Retail Islamic Banking: The Relationship between Customer Knowledge and Service Quality

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    This paper encompasses on the relationship between customer knowledge function and service quality dimension and the effect on customer satisfaction in the context of Malaysian retail Islamic banking. As one of the challenges faced by retail Islamic banking is the customer satisfaction where the level of services rendered and knowledgeable front liners are the concerns, retail Islamic banking needs to improve on their quality of customer services and its measurement should consist of interaction quality and outcome quality. The issues of lack of customer knowledge, awareness and information on retail Islamic banking could be the resulted from the low interaction and outcome of the quality of knowledge supply. Meanwhile, distinctive attention is actually required from the Islamic banking staff due to the complexity of retail Islamic banking products. The customer knowledge function in retail Islamic banking itself should be therefore emphasized alongside with the service quality dimension in order to ensure that the supply of knowledge to the customer will in turn help to increase the customer satisfaction

    Holistic Responses to Campus Violence in the United States: Understanding the Needs of Campus and Community - Based Service Providers--RESEARCH

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    Campus violence is a significant social and public health problem in the United States and poses a unique situation for service provision. Victims often have access to both campus-based and community-based services, as they are simultaneously students and citizens of a larger community. Therefore, understanding the needs of campus violence service providers is essential for enhancing responses to campus violence. This research identifies knowledge and service delivery needs among service providers to support a comprehensive approach to ending campus violence. Situated in the social-ecological model, this article discusses the results of a survey to identify knowledge and service delivery needs among campus-and community-based service providers. The results indicate that both campus and community-based service providers were knowledgeable about campus violence and expressed confidence in providing services. However, clear areas for improving service providers’ knowledge base emerge, such as providing community-based service providers with a better understanding of campus judicial policies and campus-based responses to violence. Therefore, two recommendations for campus-based anti-violence efforts emerge. First, it is important for campus-based programs to provide broad training for the multiple service-provider constituents. Secondly, knowledge and service needs assessments can illuminate areas for additional training specific to constituencies