111,098 research outputs found

    The acceptance of social media video for knowledge acquisition, sharing and application: A comparative study among YouYube users and TikTok users’ for medical purposes

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    YouTube and TikTok have gained increasing recognition as social network sites to support online knowledge acquisition, sharing, and application via social media platforms in the medical field. This study examines which aspect of TikTok and YouTube stimulates doctors, nurses, and any other YouTube and TikTok in the medical setting, to rely on them as sources of knowledge acquisition and sharing to keep their medical repertoire updated. A hybrid model is designed to investigate users’ acceptance of YouTube and TikTok as social media platforms. The model focuses on four main external factors: Content richness, innovativeness, satisfaction, and enjoyment. These factors are connected with two TAM constructs which are perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. The results have shown that both YouTube and TikTok are affected by PEOU, PU, personal innovativeness, flow theory, and content richness. Both social media networks provide up-to-date sources described as useful, enjoyable, and relevant. Nevertheless, the comparative results have shown that YouTube has deeply influenced users’ medical perception and knowledge compared to TikTok. It is created for the very mere purpose of socialization and self-expression. In contrast, YouTube is used for educational and non-educational purposes due to the type of uploaded content and time management. Therefore, TikTok developers and influencers should initiate highly specialized videos and create content that raises awareness of medical field issues

    The Importance of Employing YouTube Videos as a Learning Tool in Education

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    YouTube is a website for sharing videos, making it simple for students to create, distribute, and watch educational videos. The purpose of this article was to investigate the experience of teachers in employing YouTube videos within the classrooms, kinds of YouTube videos, advantages of employ YouTube in education and challenging of using YouTube videos in classrooms. This review showed that incorporating YouTube in education has great impacts and benefits on students and teachers. YouTube videos impact learning content creation and assessment, students\u27 attitudes and behaviours, and student educational performance. This study showed that employing YouTube videos in education makes the best use of modern media to spread knowledge and information. It also helps to foster the attitude of productive dialogue among students. There are some challenges facing students and teachers related to incorporating YouTube videos in education including technological problems, lecture preference, awareness, and time

    Collaborating with Wikis

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    {Excerpt} As the internet revolution presses on, computer-mediated communications through social (conversational) technologies also seem to advance every day. (Social sites such as MySpace and Facebook, commercial sites such as Amazon.com and eBay, and media sites such as Flickr and YouTube, to name a few applications, have become verypopular.) Given the fast-rising number of these technologies ,the confused might recall that people form online communities by combining one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many communication modes. The commonality is that all tap the power of new information and communication technologies and the resultant interconnectivity to facilitate engagement, collaboration, and sharing of tacit knowledge. Wikis are one such form of social technology, designed to enable anyone with access to contribute or modify content using a simplified markup language. They are used to create and power collaborative websites. Some believe that such open, peering, sharing, and global tools ring the death knell of old-school, inwardly focused, self-contained corporations

    Practices of Knowledge Appropriation and Articulated Ambiguity Around Visual Scenarios of Sea-Level Rise Futures

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    The present study aims at evaluating how YouTube users understand, negotiate and appropriate science-related knowledge on YouTube. It is informed by the qualitative analysis of post-video discussions around visual scenarios of sea-level rise (SLR) triggered by climate change. On the one hand, the SLR maps have an exemplary status as contemporary visualizations of climate change risks, beyond traditional image categories such as scientific or popular imagery. YouTube, on the other hand, is a convenient media environment to investigate the situated appropriation of such visual knowledge, considering its increasing relevance as a navigational platform to provide, search, consume and debate science-related information. The paper draws on media practice theory and operationalizes digital methods and qualitative coding informed by Grounded Theory. It characterizes a number of communicative practices of articulated knowledge appropriation regarding climate knowledge. This includes “locating impacts,” “demanding representation,” “envisioning further,” “debating future action,” “relativizing the information,” “challenging the reality of anthropogenic climate change,” “embedding popular narratives,” “attributing to politics,” and “insulting others.” The article then discusses broader questions posed by the comments and related to the appropriation and discursive negotiation of knowledge within online video-sharing platforms. Ambiguity is identified as a major feature within the practice of science-related information retrieval and knowledge appropriation on YouTube. This consideration then serves as an opportunity to reconsider the relationship between information credibility and knowledge appropriation in the age of the digital. Findings suggest that ambiguity of information can have a positive impact on problem definition, future imagination and the discursive negotiation of climate change


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    There is little to none-Spanish speaking content about Audio Engineering and Music production on the internet, even though Spanish is the one of the most widely spoken languages in the world with 414,000,000 native speakers. English speaking population in Latin America goes between 4% - 12% depending on the country, because of this English Audio Engineering and Music Production content hardly achieves popularity on such countries. Globalization is becoming a reality, people all over the world are uniting in one common thinking entity but there is still a lot to develop in terms of non-English electronic knowledge sharing. Estudio Central is going to be the first platform of audio engineering video content sharing for Spanish speakers in the world. Through educational and informative videos, I pretend to share the basis of audio engineering and music production to all those who wish to acquire the necessary skills to record, edit, mix and master their own productions or 3rd party projects. My main exposure platform will be the free video- sharing website YouTube. Since the creation of the Internet, multimedia-sharing experiences have become the main medium for knowledge exchange in the world, I want to embrace this tendency and deliver all my content through audiovisual productions. The reason I chose YouTube is mainly because it is the biggest video-sharing platform in the world having over 1 billion users, and all their content is free of charge. I believe knowledge should be free of charge and available to everyone that wishes to learn a specific trait or subject.https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/1062/thumbnail.jp

    Communicating knowledge and embodied experiences of personal menstrual cup use through YouTube

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    Background: Despite being a normal part of life for many, menstruation is often stigmatized resulting in reduced knowledge of reusable products such as menstrual cups. YouTube videos can raise awareness of menstrual cups and challenge stigma, but little is known about the content creators or what content is communicated in the videos. Aim: Firstly, to examine vlogger characteristics and the content of videos sharing personal experiences of cup use. Secondly, to evaluate the potential of these videos as a way of communicating about menstrual health. Methods: A content analysis of the 100 most popular menstrual cup videos on YouTube followed by a qualitative thematic analysis of 50 videos containing personal experiences. Results: The content of the videos was captured in four themes: embodied knowledge; technology enabled intimacies; persuasive narratives and a collective sense of community. Discussion: Vloggers communicated knowledge and embodied experiences of personal cup use. This represents a step towards destigmatizing menstruation and menstruants’ bodies, but issues around the complexities of vloggers’ motivations and the situatedness of vloggers remain. Conclusions: Given the paucity of information on menstruation and reusable menstrual products, YouTube videos provide a potentially valuable resource for health communication and education especially for younger menstruants

    Viblio: Introducing Credibility Signals and Citations to Video-Sharing Platforms

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    As more users turn to video-sharing platforms like YouTube as an information source, they may consume misinformation despite their best efforts. In this work, we investigate ways that users can better assess the credibility of videos by first exploring how users currently determine credibility using existing signals on platforms and then by introducing and evaluating new credibility-based signals. We conducted 12 contextual inquiry interviews with YouTube users, determining that participants used a combination of existing signals, such as the channel name, the production quality, and prior knowledge, to evaluate credibility, yet sometimes stumbled in their efforts to do so. We then developed Viblio, a prototype system that enables YouTube users to view and add citations and related information while watching a video based on our participants' needs. From an evaluation with 12 people, all participants found Viblio to be intuitive and useful in the process of evaluating a video's credibility and could see themselves using Viblio in the future

    Development of Web-based Instruction Model using Social Media Application to Enhance Knowledge Management Skills on Computer Tablet for Teachers

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    AbstractThe purposes of this research were to develop the Web-Based Instruction model using Social Media Application to enhance Knowledge Management skills on Computer Tablet for teacher and study the effects of Web-Based Instruction model using Social Media Application upon Knowledge Management skills on Computer Tablet for teacher. This research was a quasi- experimental, randomized one group pre-test post-test design. The subjects were forty-eight teachers in North-East of Thailand, during 2011 academic year. They were randomly grouped, by their basic information which sex, age, academic level and school size, into one treatment group. The research instruments were Web-Based Instruction entitle ‘Introduction to Computer Tablet’ by five online learning units in five weeks and about 45minutes per week, and the knowledge management skills on computer tablet test which was 4-multiple choices online test about 40 items for pre-test and post-test. The Data would be analyzed by dependent t-test at the .05 level of significance. The research results were as follows: (1) A model for the Web-based Instruction using social media application to enhance knowledge management skills on computer tablet for teachers consist of three major cycle components: 1) Google in 3-basic steps; Searching, Mailing, and Analyzing, 2) Facebook in 3-basic steps; Adding, Grouping, and Posting, and 3) YouTube in 3-basic steps; Creating, Sharing, and Evaluating. The core components of Google, Facebook, and YouTube cycle applications were Creating, Evaluating, and Sharing. (2) The Efficiencies of the Web-based Instruction using social media application to enhance knowledge management skills on computer tablet for teachers were 84.25/82.75. (3) There was significant different effect between pre-test and post-test knowledge management skills on computer tablet for teachers at the .05 level of significant, which the mean of post-test scores were higher than the mean of pre-test scores
