32,776 research outputs found

    WSIA: web ontological search engine based on smart agents applied to scientific articles

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    The Semantic Web proposed by the W3C (Word Wide Web Consortium), aims to make the automation of the information contained in the current web through semantic processing based on ontologies that define what must be the rules used for the representation knowledge. This article resulting from the research project “Model for the representation of knowledge based on Web ontologies and intelligent search agents, if required: Scientific articles WSIA” proposes an architecture for finding information through intelligent agents and ontologies Web of scientific articles. This paper shows the architecture, implementation and comparing these with traditional applications

    Semantic mappings: out of ontology world limits

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    Mappings usually relate two similar knowledge representations. Thus, we can find many examples of mappings amid thesauri, databases, ontologies (domain ontologies, top-level and domain ontologies, PSM (Problem Solving Method) and domain ontologies, linguistic and domain ontologies); additionally, we can frequently find systems with mappings that relate two different knowledge representations, for instance, databases and ontologies. All these mappings are operationally different ,and are also named differently (mappings, correspondences, semantic bridges, transformations, semantic relations, functions, conversions, domain-PSM relations), but is there a single definition for these concepts? Can we find common characteristics? This paper analyzes the existing definitions and representation of the term “mapping” (and related terms) in the ontology world and its semantic neighborhood and proposes a new definition and representation of “mapping” for the Semantic Web field

    Desirable Ontologies for the Construction of Semantic Applications

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    The intended goal of semantic web is to provide the search results to the user with at most accuracy and good precision. To make possible, the object of semantic web is to add semantics to the existing information on the Web using semantic web languages. These web languages have been to express detail information of the content present on the web with help of Ontologies. Ontology is expressed in a knowledge representation language, which provides a formal frame of semantics. Therefore we provide a brief explanation of semantic web languages in which some of them uses description logic and frames as basis. These semantic languages used in construction and understanding of ontologies clearly. The goal of this paper is to provide a brief survey of state-of-the-art ontology languages which are used to express ontology over the Web, a basic understanding of ontologies and how the ontologies are constructed

    BIM semantic-enrichment for built heritage representation

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    In the built heritage context, BIM has shown difficulties in representing and managing the large and complex knowledge related to non-geometrical aspects of the heritage. Within this scope, this paper focuses on a domain-specific semantic-enrichment of BIM methodology, aimed at fulfilling semantic representation requirements of built heritage through Semantic Web technologies. To develop this semantic-enriched BIM approach, this research relies on the integration of a BIM environment with a knowledge base created through information ontologies. The result is knowledge base system - and a prototypal platform - that enhances semantic representation capabilities of BIM application to architectural heritage processes. It solves the issue of knowledge formalization in cultural heritage informative models, favouring a deeper comprehension and interpretation of all the building aspects. Its open structure allows future research to customize, scale and adapt the knowledge base different typologies of artefacts and heritage activities

    Building a family ontology to meet consistency criteria

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    Semantic web is an extension of the current web in which the existing information on the web are organized and encoded more meaningfully using ontology language, thus enabling effective communication among machines and humans. Ontology is the backbone of the semantic web that contributes to knowledge sharing among intended parties over distributed systems around the world. In the past few years, semantic web has been widely accepted by a variety of fields for better knowledge representation, communication, sharing and reasoning on the web. Now, there are existing genealogical ontologies proposed by different groups of researchers once semantic web has emerged as third generation of the web. However, existing ontologies still lack certain important concepts and properties to support the domain of family relations. This may lead to the inability of the ontology to deliver full potential of exchanging family history information among all interested parties. Moreover, existing ontologies do not employ the full potential of SWRL rules to reason the individuals within the ontology. The main aim of this research is to build a new Family Ontology which obeys the consistency criteria. Consistency checking ensures there are no contradictory concepts found within the resulting ontology. The consistency of Family Ontology will be evaluated using FACT++, HermiT and Pellet reasoners. By augmenting the additional axioms and testing the resulting ontology thoroughly using reasoner tools, the proposed Family Ontology is expected to achieve a consistency of 100%.This research is meaningful and significant to all humans since everyone has his or her own unique family history. The proposed ontology also facilitates effective and efficient communication among all intended parties since shared vocabularies and standards are employed by the proposed ontology

    Semantic web domain knowledge representation using software engineering modeling technique

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    The semantic web offers a great deal of deviation from the way in which the current search engines which are based on the traditional information search theory work. Semantic search is carried out by ontology based intelligent information retrieval. So a good semantic search needs a good ontology. The ontology developers need more familiar notations and tools for a uniform representation of ontologies. UML being a standard modeling language in software engineering, it is better supported in terms of expertise and the tools as compared to the upcoming semantic web languages. This work proposes a representation technique which is based on software engineering standards namely UML for modeling domain knowledge of the Semantic Web. The ontology for Company Domain has been presented using this software engineering modeling technique. The UML tool like Rational Rose tool can be used to provide support for modeling complex ontologies of the given domain

    Integrating heterogeneous web service styles with flexible semantic web services groundings

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    Semantic web services are touted as a means to integrate web services inside and outside the enterprise, but while current semantic web service frameworks— including OWL-S [1], SA-WSDL, and WSMO 1 [2]—assume a homogeneous ecosystem of SOAP services and XML serialisations, growing numbers of real services are implemented using XML-RPC and RESTful interfaces, and non-XML serialisations like JSON. 2 Semantic services platforms based on OWL-S and WSMO use XML mapping languages to translate between an XML serialisation of the ontology data and the on-the-wire messages exchanged with the web service, a process referred to as grounding. This XML mapping approach suffers from two problems: it cannot address the growing number of non-SOAP, non-XML services being deployed on the Web, and it requires the modeller creating the semantic web service descriptions to work with the serialisation of the service ontology and a syntactic mapping language, in addition to the knowledge representation language used for representing the semantic service ontologies and descriptions. Our approach draws the service’s interface into the ontology: we defin

    Semantic Web Domain Knowledge Representation Using Software Engineering Modeling Technique

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    ICSD2007, BangaloreThe semantic web offers a great deal of deviation from the way in which the current search engines which are based on the traditional information search theory work. Semantic search is carried out by ontology based intelligent information retrieval. So a good semantic search needs a good ontology. The ontology developers need more familiar notations and tools for a uniform representation of ontologies. UML being a standard modeling language in software engineering, it is better supported in terms of expertise and the tools as compared to the upcoming semantic web languages. This work proposes a representation technique which is based on software engineering standards namely UML for modeling domain knowledge of the Semantic Web. The ontology for Company Domain has been presented using this software engineering modeling technique. The UML tool like Rational Rose tool can be used to provide support for modeling complex ontologies of the given domain.DRTC,ISI,Bangalore,INDI
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