1,167,276 research outputs found

    Decision style, ability and the effectiveness of a careers intervention : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Psychology at Massey University

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    This study aimed to evaluate the impact of a career decision-making exercise on decision-making skills in groups with different academic ability and career decision style. The study was conducted in a single sex female school using four classes (90 students in total) of Fourth Formers. Three separate phases were carried out within a two week period as part of the careers program. Phase one involved pretesting students using measures of knowledge of sources of careers information and actions to be used when making a careers decision. Career decision style, logical reasoning and demographic details were also obtained at this stage. During phase two students were either taught a specific decision-making exercise (Experimental intervention) or an exercise on women in the workforce (Placebo intervention). The final phase involved a post test and follow up career exercises. Results were analysed using 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 (type of intervention, career decision style, academic ability and pre/post test) way ANOVAs for each dependent measure. The group exposed to the career decision-making exercise did not show the predicted improved performance over those exposed to the placebo intervention. Gains were evident in the knowledge of career information sources but this was the same for both interventions. Academic ability and career decision style did influence the intervention outcomes but not in the predicted directions. Results are discussed in terms of the adequacy of the measures of career decision-making skills and the unexpected impact of the placebo activity. The importance of taking into account decision style and academic ability in designing careers interventions is high-lighted

    Trends In The Development Of The Competencies Of The Modern X-Ray Laboratory Assistant According To The European Practice

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    Advances in technology and the requirements for continuous professional development have an impact on the education of X-ray technicians and the competencies they must acquire to practice the profession successfully. The trends in the development of competencies are in the following directions: continuous improvement of the quality of X-ray education in accordance with the needs of the society, bringing the training and the certification of specialists in line with European and world healthcare standards, priority development of competencies related to the specific workplace, and meeting the growing needs for personal and professional development. The professional competencies of X-ray technicians in Bulgaria are developed in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework and are aimed at acquiring professional knowledge, skills and competencies that are appropriate for the achievements of modern medical science and practice, mastering organizational and managerial culture in accordance with ethical and legal norms, building skills for independent decision-making in the interest of the patient, and developing teamwork skills, high-level digital skills and foreign language competences. For a competent, highly skilled X-ray technician today, it is no longer enough to have the knowledge and skills directly and specifically related to the profession. It requires a wide range of knowledge in other areas, such as ethics, psychology, law, economics, and IT. Therefore, the application of the multidisciplinary approach in the education of future X-ray technician has an important role in the development of highly competent healthcare professionals

    SkillNet-X: A Multilingual Multitask Model with Sparsely Activated Skills

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    Traditional multitask learning methods basically can only exploit common knowledge in task- or language-wise, which lose either cross-language or cross-task knowledge. This paper proposes a general multilingual multitask model, named SkillNet-X, which enables a single model to tackle many different tasks from different languages. To this end, we define several language-specific skills and task-specific skills, each of which corresponds to a skill module. SkillNet-X sparsely activates parts of the skill modules which are relevant either to the target task or the target language. Acting as knowledge transit hubs, skill modules are capable of absorbing task-related knowledge and language-related knowledge consecutively. Based on Transformer, we modify the multi-head attention layer and the feed forward network layer to accommodate skill modules. We evaluate SkillNet-X on eleven natural language understanding datasets in four languages. Results show that SkillNet-X performs better than task-specific baselines and two multitask learning baselines (i.e., dense joint model and Mixture-of-Experts model). Furthermore, skill pre-training further improves the performance of SkillNet-X on almost all datasets. To investigate the generalization of our model, we conduct experiments on two new tasks and find that SkillNet-X significantly outperforms baselines

    Pengaruh Metode Pelatihan Dan Pengetahuan Tentang Limbah Organik Terhadap Keterampilan Petani Membuat Pupuk Organik ( Studi Eksperimen Pada Petani Di Kabupaten Bogor)

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    The objective of this research is to find out the effect of training methods and farmers knowledge of organic waste to farmers' skills in formulating organic fertilizer. The research was conducted in Cihowe village subdistrict Ciseeng Bogor regency with a sample of 80 farmers by using an experiment of 2 x 2 factorial design.The result of the research show that : 1) Discussion method is higher than demonstration method to farmers' skills in formulating organic fertilizer, 2) There is interaction effect between training methods and farmers' knowledge of organic waste to their skills in formulating organic fertilizer,3) Farmers with high knowledge on organic waste, who are treated with discussion method is higher than demonstration method to farmer's skills in formulating organic fertilizer, 4) There is no significant effect of discussion method and demonstration method for those farmers with low knowledge on organic waste to their skills in formulating organic fertilizer

    The Effectiviness of Student Teams Achievement Division and Scrambel Combined Model on Collaborative Skills and Conceptual Knowledge Mastery of Class X SMAN 1 Semparuk on Bacteria

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    This study aims to analyze whether or not there is a significant difference in collaboration skills and mastery of conceptual knowledge of students who follow the STADBEL combined model learning in the experimental class with students who follow the Make a Match model learning in the control class on the subject of bacteria class X SMAN 1 Semparuk. In this study used non-equivalent control group design. The research sample was students of class X MIPA SMA. Sampling used cluster random sampling technique. The instruments used consisted of conceptual knowledge mastery tests and non-test collaboration skills in the form of questionnaires and self-assessment questionnaires of student responses to learning and student responses to learning models. Learning with the STADBEL combined model can be effective on collaboration skills and mastery of conceptual knowledge of students. A Sig value of 0.027 < 0.05, it is concluded that there is a significant effect of the STADBEL combined model on collaboration skills and mastery of conceptual knowledge of students. These results indicate that the STADBEL combined model effectively improves collaboration skills and mastery of conceptual knowledge of students of SMAN 1 Semparuk class X IPA on the subject of bacteria.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan model gabungan STAD dan Scramble terhadap: 1) peningkatan kemampuan kolaborasi dan penguasaan pengetahuan konseptual, 2) peningkatan kemampuan kolaborasi, 3) peningkatan penguasaan pengetahuan konseptual, dan 4) hubungan antara kemampuan kolaborasi dan penguasaan pengetahuan konseptual siswa pada materi bakteri SMAN 1 Semparuk kelas X. Metode yang digunakan adalah quasi experiment dengan desain non-equivalent control group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SMAN 1 Semparuk kelas X. Instrumen yang digunakan terdiri dari tes dan non tes berupa angket. Berdasarkan hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari model gabungan STAD dan Scramble terhadap kemampuan kolaborasi dan penguasaan pengetahuan konseptual siswa nilai Sig 0,027 < 0,05. Kemudian untuk hasil nilai univariat keterampilan kolaborasi dengan nilai Sig 0,04 < 0,05 dan penguasaan pengetahuan konseptual dengan nilai Sig 0,01 < 0,05. Hubungan antara kemampuan kolaborasi dengan penguasaan pengetahuan konseptual dengan nilai Sig 0,000 < 0,5 dengan nilai r sebesar 0,501 menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang cukup kuat antara kemampuan kolaborasi dengan penguasaan pengetahuan konseptual

    Penggunaan Permainan Ular Tangga Sebagai Media Chemo-edutainment Untuk Mencapai Ketuntasan Belajar Peserta Didik Pada Sub Pokok Bahasan Sistem Periodik Unsur Di Kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Tanah Putih

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    Research on the use of snakes and ladders game as chemo-edutainment media has been done to achieved mastery of students on the subject periodic system of element in class X SMA Negeri 2 Tanah Putih. Form of the research is pre-experiment research with one-shot study case design. Retrieval of data started from August 27 to September 24, 2014. Sample of research is class X MIA 2. Data analysis technique used to calculate presentage of competency mastery of knowledge, competency mastery of attitude and competency mastery of skills. Based on the final results obtainable competency mastery of knowledge is 87,87%, competency mastery of attitude is 100% and competency mastery of skills is 100%, it's means that the application of using snakes and ladders games as chemo-edutainment media can achieve mastery of students on the subject of periodic system of element in class X SMA Negeri 2 Tanah Putih. Keywords : Snakes and Ladders Game as Chemo-Edutainment Media, Mastery Learning, Periodic System of Elemen

    Optimalisasi Aktivitas Dan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Pada Mapel Bahasa Indonesia Menulis Teks Negosiasi Melalui Model Project Based Learning Metode Demonstrasi Pada Kelas X IIS Man 3 Payakumbuh Semester Genap T.P. 2021/2022

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    The purpose of this Classroom Action Research was to improve Indonesian language learning outcomes on the subject of Writing Negotiated Texts for students in class X IIS in the academic year 2021/20122 using the Project Based Learning model. This research was conducted for 20 weeks from January to May 2022 (9 meetings) with two cycle methods, namely cycle I knowledge and cycle I skills as well as cycle II. The first cycle of knowledge consists of three meetings, the third meeting is daily test, cycle I knowledge, daily test skills and cycle II for knowledge and skills consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The subjects of this study were students of class X IIS even semester of MAN 3 Payakumbuh Academic Year 2021/2022. The data collection technique is by holding daily exams for each cycle as a result of student learning. The results obtained from this study are participatory discussions can increase students' activities and learning outcomes. This is evident from the results obtained in Cycle I 62% for the activeness of students in the second cycle rose to 83% for learning activities or an increase of 21%. In Cycle I, the percentage of knowledge of student learning outcomes from 64% to 82% in Cycle II or an increase of 18% for Knowledge learning outcomes and in Cycle I Skills, the percentage of student learning outcomes from 63% to 77% in Cycle II or an increase 14% for Skills learning outcomes. The conclusion of this research is that learning using the Scientific method of Project Based Learning learning model can improve student learning outcomes so that fellow teachers can make reference to vary the learning methods implemented in school

    The Effect of Common Knowledge Construction Model-based Teaching on the Cognitive and Psychomotor Learning of 7th Grade Students

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    This study aimed to investigate the effect of science teaching, based on the Common Knowledge Construction Model (CKCM), on cognitive and psychomotor learning in 7th-grade students. The study group consisted of 29 students from two public schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education in the 2018-2019 academic year. The study was carried out following a semi-experimental pre-test post-test control group research design. The data were collected with a “Scientific Inquiry Skills Test,” and a “Psychomotor Skills Rubric” (PSR) developed by the researchers. The PSR was used to evaluate the practice exam results of both groups. Data were analyzed with a standard statistics package. It was determined that the scientific inquiry skills post-test scores of the experimental group (X=15.87) were higher than the control group (X=10.92). The difference was observed to be significant. Also, a comparison of the total post-test PSR scores showed a statistically significant difference between the experimental (X=15.44) and control groups (X=13.30)