2,488 research outputs found

    Embedding Kozen-Tiuryn Logic into Residuated One-Sorted Kleene Algebra with Tests

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    Kozen and Tiuryn have introduced the substructural logic S\mathsf{S} for reasoning about correctness of while programs (ACM TOCL, 2003). The logic S\mathsf{S} distinguishes between tests and partial correctness assertions, representing the latter by special implicational formulas. Kozen and Tiuryn's logic extends Kleene altebra with tests, where partial correctness assertions are represented by equations, not terms. Kleene algebra with codomain, KAC\mathsf{KAC}, is a one-sorted alternative to Kleene algebra with tests that expands Kleene algebra with an operator that allows to construct a Boolean subalgebra of tests. In this paper we show that Kozen and Tiuryn's logic embeds into the equational theory of the expansion of KAC\mathsf{KAC} with residuals of Kleene algebra multiplication and the upper adjoint of the codomain operator

    Deciding KAT and Hoare Logic with Derivatives

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    Kleene algebra with tests (KAT) is an equational system for program verification, which is the combination of Boolean algebra (BA) and Kleene algebra (KA), the algebra of regular expressions. In particular, KAT subsumes the propositional fragment of Hoare logic (PHL) which is a formal system for the specification and verification of programs, and that is currently the base of most tools for checking program correctness. Both the equational theory of KAT and the encoding of PHL in KAT are known to be decidable. In this paper we present a new decision procedure for the equivalence of two KAT expressions based on the notion of partial derivatives. We also introduce the notion of derivative modulo particular sets of equations. With this we extend the previous procedure for deciding PHL. Some experimental results are also presented.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2012, arXiv:1210.202

    Multiorder, Kleene stars and cyclic projectors in the geometry of max cones

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    This paper summarizes results on some topics in the max-plus convex geometry, mainly concerning the role of multiorder, Kleene stars and cyclic projectors, and relates them to some topics in max algebra. The multiorder principle leads to max-plus analogues of some statements in the finite-dimensional convex geometry and is related to the set covering conditions in max algebra. Kleene stars are fundamental for max algebra, as they accumulate the weights of optimal paths and describe the eigenspace of a matrix. On the other hand, the approach of tropical convexity decomposes a finitely generated semimodule into a number of convex regions, and these regions are column spans of uniquely defined Kleene stars. Another recent geometric result, that several semimodules with zero intersection can be separated from each other by max-plus halfspaces, leads to investigation of specific nonlinear operators called cyclic projectors. These nonlinear operators can be used to find a solution to homogeneous multi-sided systems of max-linear equations. The results are presented in the setting of max cones, i.e., semimodules over the max-times semiring.Comment: 26 pages, a minor revisio

    Reversible Kleene lattices

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    International audienceWe investigate the equational theory of reversible Kleene lattices, that is algebras of languages with the regular operations (union, composition and Kleene star), together with the intersection and mirror image. Building on results by Andréka, Mikulás and Németi from 2011, we construct the free representation of this algebra. We then provide an automaton model to compare representations. These automata are adapted from Petri automata, which we introduced with Pous in 2015 to tackle a similar problem for algebras of binary relations. This allows us to show that testing the validity of equations in this algebra is decidable, and in fact ExpSpace-complete

    Modularizing the Elimination of r=0 in Kleene Algebra

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    Given a universal Horn formula of Kleene algebra with hypotheses of the form r = 0, it is already known that we can efficiently construct an equation which is valid if and only if the Horn formula is valid. This is an example of elimination of hypotheses, which is useful because the equational theory of Kleene algebra is decidable while the universal Horn theory is not. We show that hypotheses of the form r = 0 can still be eliminated in the presence of other hypotheses. This lets us extend any technique for eliminating hypotheses to include hypotheses of the form r = 0

    Kleene algebra with domain

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    We propose Kleene algebra with domain (KAD), an extension of Kleene algebra with two equational axioms for a domain and a codomain operation, respectively. KAD considerably augments the expressiveness of Kleene algebra, in particular for the specification and analysis of state transition systems. We develop the basic calculus, discuss some related theories and present the most important models of KAD. We demonstrate applicability by two examples: First, an algebraic reconstruction of Noethericity and well-foundedness; second, an algebraic reconstruction of propositional Hoare logic.Comment: 40 page

    Kleene Algebras, Regular Languages and Substructural Logics

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    We introduce the two substructural propositional logics KL, KL+, which use disjunction, fusion and a unary, (quasi-)exponential connective. For both we prove strong completeness with respect to the interpretation in Kleene algebras and a variant thereof. We also prove strong completeness for language models, where each logic comes with a different interpretation. We show that for both logics the cut rule is admissible and both have a decidable consequence relation.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2014, arXiv:1408.556

    MV-algebras freely generated by finite Kleene algebras

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    If V and W are varieties of algebras such that any V-algebra A has a reduct U(A) in W, there is a forgetful functor U: V->W that acts by A |-> U(A) on objects, and identically on homomorphisms. This functor U always has a left adjoint F: W->V by general considerations. One calls F(B) the V-algebra freely generated by the W-algebra B. Two problems arise naturally in this broad setting. The description problem is to describe the structure of the V-algebra F(B) as explicitly as possible in terms of the structure of the W-algebra B. The recognition problem is to find conditions on the structure of a given V-algebra A that are necessary and sufficient for the existence of a W-algebra B such that F(B) is isomorphic to A. Building on and extending previous work on MV-algebras freely generated by finite distributive lattices, in this paper we provide solutions to the description and recognition problems in case V is the variety of MV-algebras, W is the variety of Kleene algebras, and B is finitely generated--equivalently, finite. The proofs rely heavily on the Davey-Werner natural duality for Kleene algebras, on the representation of finitely presented MV-algebras by compact rational polyhedra, and on the theory of bases of MV-algebras.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to Algebra Universali
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