6 research outputs found

    Feature Fusion and NRML Metric Learning for Facial Kinship Verification

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    Features extracted from facial images are used in various fields such as kinship verification. The kinship verification system determines the kin or non-kin relation between a pair of facial images by analysing their facial features. In this research, different texture and color features have been used along with the metric learning method, to verify the kinship for the four kinship relations of father-son, father-daughter, mother-son and mother-daughter. First, by fusing effective features, NRML metric learning used to generate the discriminative feature vector, then SVM classifier used to verify to kinship relations. To measure the accuracy of the proposed method, KinFaceW-I and KinFaceW-II databases have been used. The results of the evaluations show that the feature fusion and NRML metric learning methods have been able to improve the performance of the kinship verification system. In addition to the proposed approach, the effect of feature extraction from the image blocks or the whole image is investigated and the results are presented. The results indicate that feature extraction in block form, can be effective in improving the final accuracy of kinship verification

    Kinship verification based deep and tensor features through extreme learning machine

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    Abstract Checking the kinship of facial images is a difficult research topic in computer vision that has attracted attention in recent years. The methods suggested so far are not strong enough to predict kinship relationships only by facial appearance. To mitigate this problem, we propose a new approach called Deep-Tensor+ELM to kinship verification based on deep (VGG-Face descriptor) and tensor (BSIF-Tensor & LPQ-Tensor using MSIDA method) features through Extreme Learning Machine (ELM). While ELM aims to deal with small size training features dimension, deep and tensor features are proven to provide significant enhancement over shallow features or vector-based counterparts. We evaluate our proposed method on the largest kinship benchmark namely FIW database using four Grandparent-Grandchild relations (GF-GD, GF-GS, GM-GD and GM-GS). The results obtained are positively compared with some modern methods, including those that rely on deep learning

    Fusion features ensembling models using Siamese convolutional neural network for kinship verification

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    Family is one of the most important entities in the community. Mining the genetic information through facial images is increasingly being utilized in wide range of real-world applications to facilitate family members tracing and kinship analysis to become remarkably easy, inexpensive, and fast as compared to the procedure of profiling Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). However, the opportunities of building reliable models for kinship recognition are still suffering from the insufficient determination of the familial features, unstable reference cues of kinship, and the genetic influence factors of family features. This research proposes enhanced methods for extracting and selecting the effective familial features that could provide evidences of kinship leading to improve the kinship verification accuracy through visual facial images. First, the Convolutional Neural Network based on Optimized Local Raw Pixels Similarity Representation (OLRPSR) method is developed to improve the accuracy performance by generating a new matrix representation in order to remove irrelevant information. Second, the Siamese Convolutional Neural Network and Fusion of the Best Overlapping Blocks (SCNN-FBOB) is proposed to track and identify the most informative kinship clues features in order to achieve higher accuracy. Third, the Siamese Convolutional Neural Network and Ensembling Models Based on Selecting Best Combination (SCNN-EMSBC) is introduced to overcome the weak performance of the individual image and classifier. To evaluate the performance of the proposed methods, series of experiments are conducted using two popular benchmarking kinship databases; the KinFaceW-I and KinFaceW-II which then are benchmarked against the state-of-art algorithms found in the literature. It is indicated that SCNN-EMSBC method achieves promising results with the average accuracy of 92.42% and 94.80% on KinFaceW-I and KinFaceW-II, respectively. These results significantly improve the kinship verification performance and has outperformed the state-of-art algorithms for visual image-based kinship verification