3,113 research outputs found

    Automatic Kinship Verification in Unconstrained Faces using Deep Learning

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    Kinship verification has a number of applications such as organizing large collections of images and recognizing resemblances among humans. Identifying kinship relations has also garnered interest due to several potential applications in security and surveillance and organizing and tagging the enormous number of videos being uploaded on the Internet. This dissertation has a five-fold contribution where first, a study is conducted to gain insight into the kinship verification process used by humans. Besides this, two separate deep learning based methods are proposed to solve kinship verification in images and videos. Other contributions of this research include interlinking face verification with kinship verification and creation of two kinship databases to facilitate research in this field. WVU Kinship Database is created which consists of multiple images per subject to facilitate kinship verification research. Next, kinship video (KIVI) database of more than 500 individuals with variations due to illumination, pose, occlusion, ethnicity, and expression is collected for this research. It comprises a total of 355 true kin video pairs with over 250,000 still frames. In this dissertation, a human study is conducted to understand the capabilities of human mind and to identify the discriminatory areas of a face that facilitate kinship-cues. The visual stimuli presented to the participants determines their ability to recognize kin relationship using the whole face as well as specific facial regions. The effect of participant gender, age, and kin-relation pair of the stimulus is analyzed using quantitative measures such as accuracy, discriminability index d′, and perceptual information entropy. Next, utilizing the information obtained from the human study, a hierarchical Kinship Verification via Representation Learning (KVRL) framework is utilized to learn the representation of different face regions in an unsupervised manner. We propose a novel approach for feature representation termed as filtered contractive deep belief networks (fcDBN). The proposed feature representation encodes relational information present in images using filters and contractive regularization penalty. A compact representation of facial images of kin is extracted as the output from the learned model and a multi-layer neural network is utilized to verify the kin accurately. The results show that the proposed deep learning framework (KVRL-fcDBN) yields state-of-the-art kinship verification accuracy on the WVU Kinship database and on four existing benchmark datasets. Additionally, we propose a new deep learning framework for kinship verification in unconstrained videos using a novel Supervised Mixed Norm regularization Autoencoder (SMNAE). This new autoencoder formulation introduces class-specific sparsity in the weight matrix. The proposed three-stage SMNAE based kinship verification framework utilizes the learned spatio-temporal representation in the video frames for verifying kinship in a pair of videos. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is demonstrated on the KIVI database and six existing kinship databases. On the KIVI database, SMNAE yields videobased kinship verification accuracy of 83.18% which is at least 3.2% better than existing algorithms. The algorithm is also evaluated on six publicly available kinship databases and compared with best reported results. It is observed that the proposed SMNAE consistently yields best results on all the databases. Finally, we end by discussing the connections between face verification and kinship verification research. We explore the area of self-kinship which is age-invariant face recognition. Further, kinship information is used as a soft biometric modality to boost the performance of face verification via product of likelihood ratio and support vector machine based approaches. Using the proposed KVRL-fcDBN framework, an improvement of over 20% is observed in the performance of face verification. By addressing several problems of limited samples per kinship dataset, introducing real-world variations in unconstrained databases and designing two deep learning frameworks, this dissertation improves the understanding of kinship verification across humans and the performance of automated systems. The algorithms proposed in this research have been shown to outperform existing algorithms across six different kinship databases and has till date the best reported results in this field

    Fusion features ensembling models using Siamese convolutional neural network for kinship verification

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    Family is one of the most important entities in the community. Mining the genetic information through facial images is increasingly being utilized in wide range of real-world applications to facilitate family members tracing and kinship analysis to become remarkably easy, inexpensive, and fast as compared to the procedure of profiling Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). However, the opportunities of building reliable models for kinship recognition are still suffering from the insufficient determination of the familial features, unstable reference cues of kinship, and the genetic influence factors of family features. This research proposes enhanced methods for extracting and selecting the effective familial features that could provide evidences of kinship leading to improve the kinship verification accuracy through visual facial images. First, the Convolutional Neural Network based on Optimized Local Raw Pixels Similarity Representation (OLRPSR) method is developed to improve the accuracy performance by generating a new matrix representation in order to remove irrelevant information. Second, the Siamese Convolutional Neural Network and Fusion of the Best Overlapping Blocks (SCNN-FBOB) is proposed to track and identify the most informative kinship clues features in order to achieve higher accuracy. Third, the Siamese Convolutional Neural Network and Ensembling Models Based on Selecting Best Combination (SCNN-EMSBC) is introduced to overcome the weak performance of the individual image and classifier. To evaluate the performance of the proposed methods, series of experiments are conducted using two popular benchmarking kinship databases; the KinFaceW-I and KinFaceW-II which then are benchmarked against the state-of-art algorithms found in the literature. It is indicated that SCNN-EMSBC method achieves promising results with the average accuracy of 92.42% and 94.80% on KinFaceW-I and KinFaceW-II, respectively. These results significantly improve the kinship verification performance and has outperformed the state-of-art algorithms for visual image-based kinship verification

    Similarity learning for person re-identification and semantic video retrieval

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    Many computer vision problems boil down to the learning of a good visual similarity function that calculates a score of how likely two instances share the same semantic concept. In this thesis, we focus on two problems related to similarity learning: Person Re-Identification, and Semantic Video Retrieval. Person Re-Identification aims to maintain the identity of an individual in diverse locations through different non-overlapping camera views. Starting with two cameras, we propose a novel visual word co-occurrence based appearance model to measure the similarities between pedestrian images. This model naturally accounts for spatial similarities and variations caused by pose, illumination and configuration changes across camera views. As a generalization to multiple camera views, we introduce the Group Membership Prediction (GMP) problem. The GMP problem involves predicting whether a collection of instances shares the same semantic property. In this context, we propose a novel probability model and introduce latent view-specific and view-shared random variables to jointly account for the view-specific appearance and cross-view similarities among data instances. Our method is tested on various benchmarks demonstrating superior accuracy over state-of-art. Semantic Video Retrieval seeks to match complex activities in a surveillance video to user described queries. In surveillance scenarios with noise and clutter usually present, visual uncertainties introduced by error-prone low-level detectors, classifiers and trackers compose a significant part of the semantic gap between user defined queries and the archive video. To bridge the gap, we propose a novel probabilistic activity localization formulation that incorporates learning of object attributes, between-object relationships, and object re-identification without activity-level training data. Our experiments demonstrate that the introduction of similarity learning components effectively compensate for noise and error in previous stages, and result in preferable performance on both aerial and ground surveillance videos. Considering the computational complexity of our similarity learning models, we attempt to develop a way of training complicated models efficiently while remaining good performance. As a proof-of-concept, we propose training deep neural networks for supervised learning of hash codes. With slight changes in the optimization formulation, we could explore the possibilities of incorporating the training framework for Person Re-Identification and related problems.2019-07-09T00:00:00