415 research outputs found

    Inteligentno upravljanje paralelnim robotom sa Ŕest stupnjeva slobode koriŔtenim za rehabilitaciju donjih udova

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    The process of empowering muscles in order to make them to a normal and common value is an expensive and prolonged work, in common available methods. There are some commercial exercise machines used for this purpose called rehabilitation systems. However, due to their insufficient motion freedom and prospect of being expensive, these machines have limited usage. Hence, it is clearly necessary that Mechatronic technologies should be used in this area. In this paper, an algorithm and an improved rule are presented for controlling a rehabilitation system of lower limbs which is implemented on a 6-Degree Of Freedom (DOF) Stewart parallel robot. Impedance control and adaptive control are used for this purpose. Estimation and optimization of control parameters will be done by artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms, respectively (intelligent strategy). Safety is guaranteed since some of controller parameters can be adapted under the stability conditions given by using Routh stability theory. Thereafter, the results of simulations are presented by defining a physiotherapy standard mode on a desired trajectory. MATLAB/SIMULINK is used for simulations. Finally, a comparative discussion between this strategy and common methods is devised.Proces osposobljavanja miÅ”ića za normalne funkcije je skup i dugotrajan uz koriÅ”tenje dostupnih metoda. Postoje komercijalni strojevi za tu svrhu koji se nazivaju sustavi za rehabilitaciju. Zbog njihove nedostatne slobode pokreta i visoke cijene takvi strojevi imaju ograničenu upotrebu. Stoga je jasno da je u području rehabilitiacije potrebno koristiti mehatroničke sustave. U ovom radu prikazan je algoritam i poboljÅ”ano pravilo za upravljanje rehabilitacijskog sustava za donje udove koji je implementiran na Stewart paralelnom robotu sa Å”est stupnjeva slobode. Pritom je koriÅ”teno upravljanje impedancijom i adaptivno upravljanje. Za estimaciju i optimiranje parametara upravljanja koriste se neuronske mreže i genetički algoritmi. Sigurnost je garantirana jer se neki parametri regulatora adaptiraju prema uvjetima stabilnosti koji su dobiveni koriÅ”tenjem Ruthove teorije stabilnosti. Nakon toga, rezultati simulacija prikazani su definiranjem standardnog fizioterapijskog rada na željenoj trajektoriji. Za simulacije se koristi MATLAB/SIMULINK. Konačno, u radu je dana i usporedba predložene strategije s uobičajenim metodama

    Three-Stage Design Analysis and Multicriteria Optimization of a Parallel Ankle Rehabilitation Robot Using Genetic Algorithm

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    This paper describes the design analysis and optimization of a novel 3-degrees of freedom (DOF) wearable parallel robot developed for ankle rehabilitation treatments. To address the challenges arising from the use of a parallel mechanism, flexible actuators, and the constraints imposed by the ankle rehabilitation treatment, a complete robot design analysis is performed. Three design stages of the robot, namely, kinematic design, actuation design, and structural design are identified and investigated, and, in the process, six important performance objectives are identified which are vital to achieve design goals. Initially, the optimization is performed by considering only a single objective. Further analysis revealed that some of these objectives are conflicting, and hence these are required to be simultaneously optimized. To investigate a further improvement in the optimal values of design objectives, a preference-based approach and evolutionary-algorithm-based nondominated sorting algorithm (NSGA II) are adapted to the present design optimization problem. Results from NSGA II are compared with the results obtained from the single objective optimization and preference-based optimization approaches. It is found that NSGA II is able to provide better design solutions and is adequate to optimize all of the objective functions concurrently. Finally, a fuzzy-based ranking method has been devised and implemented in order to select the final design solution from the set of nondominated solutions obtained through NSGA II. The proposed design analysis of parallel robots together with the multiobjective optimization and subsequent fuzzy-based ranking can be generalized with modest efforts for the development of all of the classes of parallel robots

    Coupling Disturbance Compensated MIMO Control of Parallel Ankle Rehabilitation Robot Actuated by Pneumatic Muscles

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    To solve the poor compliance and safety problems in current rehabilitation robots, a novel two-degrees-offreedom (2-DOF) soft ankle rehabilitation robot driven by pneumatic muscles (PMs) is presented, taking advantages of the PMā€™s inherent compliance and the parallel structureā€™s high stiffness and payload capacity. However, the PMā€™s nonlinear, time-varying and hysteresis characteristics, and the coupling interference from parallel structure, as well as the unpredicted disturbance caused by arbitrary human behavior all raise difficulties in achieving high-precision control of the robot. In this paper, a multi-input-multi-output disturbance compensated sliding mode controller (MIMO-DCSMC) is proposed to tackle these problems. The proposed control method can tackle the un-modeled uncertainties and the coupling interference existed in multiple PMsā€™ synchronous movement, even with the subjectā€™s participation. Experiment results on a healthy subject confirmed that the PMs-actuated ankle rehabilitation robot controlled by the proposed MIMO-DCSMC is able to assist patients to perform high-accuracy rehabilitation tasks by tracking the desired trajectory in a compliant manner

    Reviewing Clinical Effectiveness of Active Training Strategies of Platform-Based Ankle Rehabilitation Robots

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    Objective; This review aims to provide a systematical investigation of clinical effectiveness of active training strategies applied in platform-based ankle robots. Method. English-language studies published from Jan 1980 to Aug 2017 were searched from four databases using key words of ā€œAnkleā€ AND ā€œRobotā€ AND ā€œEffect OR Improv OR Increas.ā€ Following an initial screening, three rounds of discrimination were successively conducted based on the title, the abstract, and the full paper. Result. A total of 21 studies were selected with 311 patients involved; of them, 13 studies applied a single group while another eight studies used different groups for comparison to verify the therapeutic effect. Virtual-reality (VR) game training was applied in 19 studies, while two studies used proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) training. Conclusion. Active training techniques delivered by platform ankle rehabilitation robots have been demonstrated with great potential for clinical applications. Training strategies are mostly combined with one another by considering rehabilitation schemes and motion ability of ankle joints. VR game environment has been commonly used with active ankle training. Bioelectrical signals integrated with VR game training can implement intelligent identification of movement intention and assessment. These further provide the foundation for advanced interactive training strategies that can lead to enhanced training safety and confidence for patients and better treatment efficacy

    Sensor-Based Adaptive Control and Optimization of Lower-Limb Prosthesis.

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    Recent developments in prosthetics have enabled the development of powered prosthetic ankles (PPA). The advent of such technologies drastically improved impaired gait by increasing balance and reducing metabolic energy consumption by providing net positive power. However, control challenges limit performance and feasibility of todayā€™s devices. With addition of sensors and motors, PPA systems should continuously make control decisions and adapt the system by manipulating control parameters of the prostheses. There are multiple challenges in optimization and control of PPAs. A prominent challenge is the objective setup of the system and calibration parameters to fit each subject. Another is whether it is possible to detect changes in intention and terrain before prosthetic use and how the system should react and adapt to it. In the first part of this study, a model for energy expenditure was proposed using electromyogram (EMG) signals from the residual lower-limbs PPA users. The proposed model was optimized to minimize energy expenditure. Optimization was performed using a modified Nelder-Mead approach with a Latin Hypercube sampling. Results of the proposed method were compared to expert values and it was shown to be a feasible alternative for tuning in a shorter time. In the second part of the study, the control challenges regarding lack of adaptivity for PPAs was investigated. The current PPA system used is enhanced with impedance-controlled parameters that allow the system to provide different assistance. However, current systems are set to a fixed value and fail to acknowledge various terrain and intentions throughout the day. In this study, a pseudo-real-time adaptive control system was proposed to predict the changes in the gait and provide a smoother gait. The proposed control system used physiological, kinetic, and kinematic data and fused them to predict the change. The prediction was done using machine learning-based methods. Results of the study showed an accuracy of up to 89.7 percent for prediction of change for four different cases

    Heuristic Optimization Algorithms in Robotics

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    Structure design, kinematics analysis, and effect evaluation of a novel ankle rehabilitation robot

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    This paper presents a novel ankle rehabilitation (2-CRS+PU)&R hybrid mechanism, which can meet the size requirements of different adult lower limbs based on the three-movement model of the ankle. This model is related to three types of movement modes of the ankle movement, without axis offset, which can cover the ankle joint movements. The inverse and forward position/kinematics results analysis of the mechanism is established based on the closed-loop vector method and using the optimization of particle groups algorithm. Four groups of position solutions of the mechanism are obtained. The kinematics simulation is analyzed using ADAMS software. The variations of the velocity and acceleration of all limbs are stable, without any sudden changes, which can effectively ensure the safety and comfort of the ankle model end-user. The dexterity of the mechanism is analyzed based on the transport function, and the results indicate that the mechanism has an excellent transfer performance in yielding the structure parameters. Finally, the rehabilitation evaluation is conducted according to the three types of movement modes of the ankle joint. The results show that this ankle rehabilitation mechanism can provide a superior rehabilitation function
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