216,015 research outputs found

    Uplink CoMP under a Constrained Backhaul and Imperfect Channel Knowledge

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    Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) is known to be a key technology for next generation mobile communications systems, as it allows to overcome the burden of inter-cell interference. Especially in the uplink, it is likely that interference exploitation schemes will be used in the near future, as they can be used with legacy terminals and require no or little changes in standardization. Major drawbacks, however, are the extent of additional backhaul infrastructure needed, and the sensitivity to imperfect channel knowledge. This paper jointly addresses both issues in a new framework incorporating a multitude of proposed theoretical uplink CoMP concepts, which are then put into perspective with practical CoMP algorithms. This comprehensive analysis provides new insight into the potential usage of uplink CoMP in next generation wireless communications systems.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications in February 201

    Modeling Heterogeneous Network Interference Using Poisson Point Processes

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    Cellular systems are becoming more heterogeneous with the introduction of low power nodes including femtocells, relays, and distributed antennas. Unfortunately, the resulting interference environment is also becoming more complicated, making evaluation of different communication strategies challenging in both analysis and simulation. Leveraging recent applications of stochastic geometry to analyze cellular systems, this paper proposes to analyze downlink performance in a fixed-size cell, which is inscribed within a weighted Voronoi cell in a Poisson field of interferers. A nearest out-of-cell interferer, out-of-cell interferers outside a guard region, and cross-tier interference are included in the interference calculations. Bounding the interference power as a function of distance from the cell center, the total interference is characterized through its Laplace transform. An equivalent marked process is proposed for the out-of-cell interference under additional assumptions. To facilitate simplified calculations, the interference distribution is approximated using the Gamma distribution with second order moment matching. The Gamma approximation simplifies calculation of the success probability and average rate, incorporates small-scale and large-scale fading, and works with co-tier and cross-tier interference. Simulations show that the proposed model provides a flexible way to characterize outage probability and rate as a function of the distance to the cell edge.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, July 2012, Revised December 201

    Fundamentals of Heterogeneous Cellular Networks with Energy Harvesting

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    We develop a new tractable model for K-tier heterogeneous cellular networks (HetNets), where each base station (BS) is powered solely by a self-contained energy harvesting module. The BSs across tiers differ in terms of the energy harvesting rate, energy storage capacity, transmit power and deployment density. Since a BS may not always have enough energy, it may need to be kept OFF and allowed to recharge while nearby users are served by neighboring BSs that are ON. We show that the fraction of time a k^{th} tier BS can be kept ON, termed availability \rho_k, is a fundamental metric of interest. Using tools from random walk theory, fixed point analysis and stochastic geometry, we characterize the set of K-tuples (\rho_1, \rho_2, ... \rho_K), termed the availability region, that is achievable by general uncoordinated operational strategies, where the decision to toggle the current ON/OFF state of a BS is taken independently of the other BSs. If the availability vector corresponding to the optimal system performance, e.g., in terms of rate, lies in this availability region, there is no performance loss due to the presence of unreliable energy sources. As a part of our analysis, we model the temporal dynamics of the energy level at each BS as a birth-death process, derive the energy utilization rate, and use hitting/stopping time analysis to prove that there exists a fundamental limit on \rho_k that cannot be surpassed by any uncoordinated strategy.Comment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, July 201

    Low energy indoor network : deployment optimisation

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    This article considers what the minimum energy indoor access point deployment is in order to achieve a certain downlink quality-of-service. The article investigates two conventional multiple-access technologies, namely: LTE-femtocells and 802.11n Wi-Fi. This is done in a dynamic multi-user and multi-cell interference network. Our baseline results are reinforced by novel theoretical expressions. Furthermore, the work underlines the importance of considering optimisation when accounting for the capacity saturation of realistic modulation and coding schemes. The results in this article show that optimising the location of access points both within a building and within the individual rooms is critical to minimise the energy consumption

    A multiscale hybrid model for pro-angiogenic calcium signals in a vascular endothelial cell

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    Cytosolic calcium machinery is one of the principal signaling mechanisms by which endothelial cells (ECs) respond to external stimuli during several biological processes, including vascular progression in both physiological and pathological conditions. Low concentrations of angiogenic factors (such as VEGF) activate in fact complex pathways involving, among others, second messengers arachidonic acid (AA) and nitric oxide (NO), which in turn control the activity of plasma membrane calcium channels. The subsequent increase in the intracellular level of the ion regulates fundamental biophysical properties of ECs (such as elasticity, intrinsic motility, and chemical strength), enhancing their migratory capacity. Previously, a number of continuous models have represented cytosolic calcium dynamics, while EC migration in angiogenesis has been separately approached with discrete, lattice-based techniques. These two components are here integrated and interfaced to provide a multiscale and hybrid Cellular Potts Model (CPM), where the phenomenology of a motile EC is realistically mediated by its calcium-dependent subcellular events. The model, based on a realistic 3-D cell morphology with a nuclear and a cytosolic region, is set with known biochemical and electrophysiological data. In particular, the resulting simulations are able to reproduce and describe the polarization process, typical of stimulated vascular cells, in various experimental conditions.Moreover, by analyzing the mutual interactions between multilevel biochemical and biomechanical aspects, our study investigates ways to inhibit cell migration: such strategies have in fact the potential to result in pharmacological interventions useful to disrupt malignant vascular progressio

    How user throughput depends on the traffic demand in large cellular networks

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    Little's law allows to express the mean user throughput in any region of the network as the ratio of the mean traffic demand to the steady-state mean number of users in this region. Corresponding statistics are usually collected in operational networks for each cell. Using ergodic arguments and Palm theoretic formalism, we show that the global mean user throughput in the network is equal to the ratio of these two means in the steady state of the "typical cell". Here, both means account for double averaging: over time and network geometry, and can be related to the per-surface traffic demand, base-station density and the spatial distribution of the SINR. This latter accounts for network irregularities, shadowing and idling cells via cell-load equations. We validate our approach comparing analytical and simulation results for Poisson network model to real-network cell-measurements