11 research outputs found

    Distinguishing Attack and Second-Preimage Attack on the CBC-like MACs

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    In this paper, we first present a new distinguisher on the CBC-MAC based on a block cipher in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode. It can also be used to distinguish other CBC-like MACs from random functions. The main results of this paper are on the second-preimage attack on CBC-MAC and CBC-like MACs include TMAC, OMAC, CMAC, PC-MAC and MACs based on three-key encipher CBC mode. Instead of exhaustive search, this attack can be performed with the birthday attack complexity

    Impact of ANSI X9.24-1:2009 Key Check Value on ISO/IEC 9797-1:2011 MACs

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    Abstract. ANSI X9.24-1:2009 specifies the key check value, which is used to verify the integrity of the blockcipher key. This value is defined as the most significant bits of the ciphertext of the zero block, and is assumed to be publicly known data for verification. ISO/IEC 9797-1:2011 illustrates a total of ten CBC MACs, where one of these MACs, the basic CBC MAC, is widely known to be insecure. In this paper, we consider the remaining nine CBC MACs and derive the quantitative security impact of using the key check value. We first show attacks against five MACs by taking advantage of the knowledge of the key check value. We then prove that the analysis is tight, in a concrete security paradigm. For the remaining four MACs, we prove that the standard birthday bound still holds even with the presence of the key check value. As a result, we obtain a complete characterization of the impact of using ANSI X9.24-1 key check value with the ISO/IEC 9797-1 MACs

    Analysis of RMAC

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    D.STVL.9 - Ongoing Research Areas in Symmetric Cryptography

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    This report gives a brief summary of some of the research trends in symmetric cryptography at the time of writing (2008). The following aspects of symmetric cryptography are investigated in this report: • the status of work with regards to different types of symmetric algorithms, including block ciphers, stream ciphers, hash functions and MAC algorithms (Section 1); • the algebraic attacks on symmetric primitives (Section 2); • the design criteria for symmetric ciphers (Section 3); • the provable properties of symmetric primitives (Section 4); • the major industrial needs in the area of symmetric cryptography (Section 5)

    Ongoing Research Areas in Symmetric Cryptography

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    This report is a deliverable for the ECRYPT European network of excellence in cryptology. It gives a brief summary of some of the research trends in symmetric cryptography at the time of writing. The following aspects of symmetric cryptography are investigated in this report: • the status of work with regards to different types of symmetric algorithms, including block ciphers, stream ciphers, hash functions and MAC algorithms (Section 1); • the recently proposed algebraic attacks on symmetric primitives (Section 2); • the design criteria for symmetric ciphers (Section 3); • the provable properties of symmetric primitives (Section 4); • the major industrial needs in the area of symmetric cryptography (Section 5)

    The Cryptographic Security of the German Electronic Identity Card

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    In November 2010, the German government started to issue the new electronic identity card (eID) to its citizens. Besides its original utilization as a ’visual’ identification document, the eID card can be used by the cardholder to prove one’s identity at border control and to enhance security of authentication processes over the Internet, with the eID card serving as a token to reliably transmit personal data to service providers or terminals, respectively. To this end, the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) proposed several cryptographic protocols now deployed on the eID card. The Password Authenticated Connection Establishment (PACE) protocol secures the wireless communication between the eID card and the user’s local card reader, based on a cryptographically weak password like the PIN chosen by the card owner. Subsequently, the Extended Access Control (EAC) protocol is executed by the chip and the service provider to mutually authenticate and agree on a shared secret session key. This key is then used in the secure channel protocol, called Secure Messaging (SM). Finally, an optional protocol, called Restricted Identification (RI), provides a method to use pseudonyms such that they can be linked by individual service providers, but not across different service providers (even not by malicious ones). This thesis consists of two parts. First, we present the above protocols and provide a rigorous analysis on their security from a cryptographic point of view. We show that the Germen eID card provides reasonable security for authentication and exchange of sensitive information allaying concerns regarding its usage. In the second part of this thesis, we introduce two possible modifications to enhance the security of these protocols even further. Namely, we show how to (a) add to PACE an additional efficient chip authentication step, and (b) augment RI to allow also for signatures under pseudonyms