279 research outputs found

    Linear Shape Deformation Models with Local Support Using Graph-based Structured Matrix Factorisation

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    Representing 3D shape deformations by linear models in high-dimensional space has many applications in computer vision and medical imaging, such as shape-based interpolation or segmentation. Commonly, using Principal Components Analysis a low-dimensional (affine) subspace of the high-dimensional shape space is determined. However, the resulting factors (the most dominant eigenvectors of the covariance matrix) have global support, i.e. changing the coefficient of a single factor deforms the entire shape. In this paper, a method to obtain deformation factors with local support is presented. The benefits of such models include better flexibility and interpretability as well as the possibility of interactively deforming shapes locally. For that, based on a well-grounded theoretical motivation, we formulate a matrix factorisation problem employing sparsity and graph-based regularisation terms. We demonstrate that for brain shapes our method outperforms the state of the art in local support models with respect to generalisation ability and sparse shape reconstruction, whereas for human body shapes our method gives more realistic deformations.Comment: Please cite CVPR 2016 versio

    Shrinking VOD Traffic via Rényi-Entropic Optimal Transport

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    In response to the exponential surge in Internet Video on Demand (VOD) traffic, numerous research endeavors have concentrated on optimizing and enhancing infrastructure efficiency. In contrast, this paper explores whether users’ demand patterns can be shaped to reduce the pressure on infrastructure. Our main idea is to design a mechanism that alters the distribution of user requests to another distribution which is much more cache-efficient, but still remains ‘close enough’ (in the sense of cost) to fulfil each individual user’s preference. To quantify the cache footprint of VOD traffic, we propose a novel application of Rényi entropy as its proxy, capturing the ‘richness’ (the number of distinct videos or cache size) and the ‘evenness’ (the relative popularity of video accesses) of the on-demand video distribution. We then demonstrate how to decrease this metric by formulating a problem drawing on the mathematical theory of optimal transport (OT). Additionally, we establish a key equivalence theorem: minimizing Rényi entropy corresponds to maximizing soft cache hit ratio (SCHR) — a variant of cache hit ratio allowing similarity-based video substitutions. Evaluation on a real-world, city-scale video viewing dataset reveals a remarkable 83% reduction in cache size (associated with VOD caching traffic). Crucially, in alignment with the above-mentioned equivalence theorem, our approach yields a significant uplift to SCHR, achieving close to 100%

    Data and knowledge engineering for medical image and sensor data

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    Hardware acceleration of photon mapping

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    PhD ThesisThe quest for realism in computer-generated graphics has yielded a range of algorithmic techniques, the most advanced of which are capable of rendering images at close to photorealistic quality. Due to the realism available, it is now commonplace that computer graphics are used in the creation of movie sequences, architectural renderings, medical imagery and product visualisations. This work concentrates on the photon mapping algorithm [1, 2], a physically based global illumination rendering algorithm. Photon mapping excels in producing highly realistic, physically accurate images. A drawback to photon mapping however is its rendering times, which can be significantly longer than other, albeit less realistic, algorithms. Not surprisingly, this increase in execution time is associated with a high computational cost. This computation is usually performed using the general purpose central processing unit (CPU) of a personal computer (PC), with the algorithm implemented as a software routine. Other options available for processing these algorithms include desktop PC graphics processing units (GPUs) and custom designed acceleration hardware devices. GPUs tend to be efficient when dealing with less realistic rendering solutions such as rasterisation, however with their recent drive towards increased programmability they can also be used to process more realistic algorithms. A drawback to the use of GPUs is that these algorithms often have to be reworked to make optimal use of the limited resources available. There are very few custom hardware devices available for acceleration of the photon mapping algorithm. Ray-tracing is the predecessor to photon mapping, and although not capable of producing the same physical accuracy and therefore realism, there are similarities between the algorithms. There have been several hardware prototypes, and at least one commercial offering, created with the goal of accelerating ray-trace rendering [3]. However, properties making many of these proposals suitable for the acceleration of ray-tracing are not shared by photon mapping. There are even fewer proposals for acceleration of the additional functions found only in photon mapping. All of these approaches to algorithm acceleration offer limited scalability. GPUs are inherently difficult to scale, while many of the custom hardware devices available thus far make use of large processing elements and complex acceleration data structures. In this work we make use of three novel approaches in the design of highly scalable specialised hardware structures for the acceleration of the photon mapping algorithm. Increased scalability is gained through: • The use of a brute-force approach in place of the commonly used smart approach, thus eliminating much data pre-processing, complex data structures and large processing units often required. • The use of Logarithmic Number System (LNS) arithmetic computation, which facilitates a reduction in processing area requirement. • A novel redesign of the photon inclusion test, used within the photon search method of the photon mapping algorithm. This allows an intelligent memory structure to be used for the search. The design uses two hardware structures, both of which accelerate one core rendering function. Renderings produced using field programmable gate array (FPGA) based prototypes are presented, along with details of 90nm synthesised versions of the designs which show that close to an orderof- magnitude speedup over a software implementation is possible. Due to the scalable nature of the design, it is likely that any advantage can be maintained in the face of improving processor speeds. Significantly, due to the brute-force approach adopted, it is possible to eliminate an often-used software acceleration method. This means that the device can interface almost directly to a frontend modelling package, minimising much of the pre-processing required by most other proposals

    Generalized Low Rank Models

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    Principal components analysis (PCA) is a well-known technique for approximating a tabular data set by a low rank matrix. Here, we extend the idea of PCA to handle arbitrary data sets consisting of numerical, Boolean, categorical, ordinal, and other data types. This framework encompasses many well known techniques in data analysis, such as nonnegative matrix factorization, matrix completion, sparse and robust PCA, kk-means, kk-SVD, and maximum margin matrix factorization. The method handles heterogeneous data sets, and leads to coherent schemes for compressing, denoising, and imputing missing entries across all data types simultaneously. It also admits a number of interesting interpretations of the low rank factors, which allow clustering of examples or of features. We propose several parallel algorithms for fitting generalized low rank models, and describe implementations and numerical results.Comment: 84 pages, 19 figure
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