317 research outputs found

    Object Segmentation in Images using EEG Signals

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    This paper explores the potential of brain-computer interfaces in segmenting objects from images. Our approach is centered around designing an effective method for displaying the image parts to the users such that they generate measurable brain reactions. When an image region, specifically a block of pixels, is displayed we estimate the probability of the block containing the object of interest using a score based on EEG activity. After several such blocks are displayed, the resulting probability map is binarized and combined with the GrabCut algorithm to segment the image into object and background regions. This study shows that BCI and simple EEG analysis are useful in locating object boundaries in images.Comment: This is a preprint version prior to submission for peer-review of the paper accepted to the 22nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia (November 3-7, 2014, Orlando, Florida, USA) for the High Risk High Reward session. 10 page


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    These days, detection of Visual Attention Regions (VAR), such as moving objects has become an integral part of many Computer Vision applications, viz. pattern recognition, object detection and classification, video surveillance, autonomous driving, human-machine interaction (HMI), and so forth. The moving object identification using bounding boxes has matured to the level of localizing the objects along their rigid borders and the process is called foreground localization (FGL). Over the decades, many image segmentation methodologies have been well studied, devised, and extended to suit the video FGL. Despite that, still, the problem of video foreground (FG) segmentation remains an intriguing task yet appealing due to its ill-posed nature and myriad of applications. Maintaining spatial and temporal coherence, particularly at object boundaries, persists challenging, and computationally burdensome. It even gets harder when the background possesses dynamic nature, like swaying tree branches or shimmering water body, and illumination variations, shadows cast by the moving objects, or when the video sequences have jittery frames caused by vibrating or unstable camera mounts on a surveillance post or moving robot. At the same time, in the analysis of traffic flow or human activity, the performance of an intelligent system substantially depends on its robustness of localizing the VAR, i.e., the FG. To this end, the natural question arises as what is the best way to deal with these challenges? Thus, the goal of this thesis is to investigate plausible real-time performant implementations from traditional approaches to modern-day deep learning (DL) models for FGL that can be applicable to many video content-aware applications (VCAA). It focuses mainly on improving existing methodologies through harnessing multimodal spatial and temporal cues for a delineated FGL. The first part of the dissertation is dedicated for enhancing conventional sample-based and Gaussian mixture model (GMM)-based video FGL using probability mass function (PMF), temporal median filtering, and fusing CIEDE2000 color similarity, color distortion, and illumination measures, and picking an appropriate adaptive threshold to extract the FG pixels. The subjective and objective evaluations are done to show the improvements over a number of similar conventional methods. The second part of the thesis focuses on exploiting and improving deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN) for the problem as mentioned earlier. Consequently, three models akin to encoder-decoder (EnDec) network are implemented with various innovative strategies to improve the quality of the FG segmentation. The strategies are not limited to double encoding - slow decoding feature learning, multi-view receptive field feature fusion, and incorporating spatiotemporal cues through long-shortterm memory (LSTM) units both in the subsampling and upsampling subnetworks. Experimental studies are carried out thoroughly on all conditions from baselines to challenging video sequences to prove the effectiveness of the proposed DCNNs. The analysis demonstrates that the architectural efficiency over other methods while quantitative and qualitative experiments show the competitive performance of the proposed models compared to the state-of-the-art

    Dissimilarity Gaussian Mixture Models for Efficient Offline Handwritten Text-Independent Identification using SIFT and RootSIFT Descriptors

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    Handwriting biometrics is the science of identifying the behavioural aspect of an individual’s writing style and exploiting it to develop automated writer identification and verification systems. This paper presents an efficient handwriting identification system which combines Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) and RootSIFT descriptors in a set of Gaussian mixture models (GMM). In particular, a new concept of similarity and dissimilarity Gaussian mixture models (SGMM and DGMM) is introduced. While a SGMM is constructed for every writer to describe the intra-class similarity that is exhibited between the handwritten texts of the same writer, a DGMM represents the contrast or dissimilarity that exists between the writer’s style on one hand and other different handwriting styles on the other hand. Furthermore, because the handwritten text is described by a number of key point descriptors where each descriptor generates a SGMM/DGMM score, a new weighted histogram method is proposed to derive the intermediate prediction score for each writer’s GMM. The idea of weighted histogram exploits the fact that handwritings from the same writer should exhibit more similar textual patterns than dissimilar ones, hence, by penalizing the bad scores with a cost function, the identification rate can be significantly enhanced. Our proposed system has been extensively assessed using six different public datasets (including three English, two Arabic and one hybrid language) and the results have shown the superiority of the proposed system over state-of-the-art techniques

    Sparse Radial Sampling LBP for Writer Identification

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    In this paper we present the use of Sparse Radial Sampling Local Binary Patterns, a variant of Local Binary Patterns (LBP) for text-as-texture classification. By adapting and extending the standard LBP operator to the particularities of text we get a generic text-as-texture classification scheme and apply it to writer identification. In experiments on CVL and ICDAR 2013 datasets, the proposed feature-set demonstrates State-Of-the-Art (SOA) performance. Among the SOA, the proposed method is the only one that is based on dense extraction of a single local feature descriptor. This makes it fast and applicable at the earliest stages in a DIA pipeline without the need for segmentation, binarization, or extraction of multiple features.Comment: Submitted to the 13th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2015

    Robust off-line text independent writer identification using bagged discrete cosine transform features

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    Efficient writer identification systems identify the authorship of an unknown sample of text with high confidence. This has made automatic writer identification a very important topic of research for forensic document analysis. In this paper, we propose a robust system for offline text independent writer identification using bagged discrete cosine transform (BDCT) descriptors. Universal codebooks are first used to generate multiple predictor models. A final decision is then obtained by using the majority voting rule from these predictor models. The BDCT approach allows for DCT features to be effectively exploited for robust hand writer identification. The proposed system has first been assessed on the original version of hand written documents of various datasets and results have shown comparable performance with state-of-the-art systems. Next, blurry and noisy documents of two different datasets have been considered through intensive experiments where the system has been shown to perform significantly better than its competitors. To the best of our knowledge this is the first work that addresses the robustness aspect in automatic hand writer identification. This is particularly suitable in digital forensics as the documents acquired by the analyst may not be in ideal conditions

    From Classification to Segmentation with Explainable AI: A Study on Crack Detection and Growth Monitoring

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    Monitoring surface cracks in infrastructure is crucial for structural health monitoring. Automatic visual inspection offers an effective solution, especially in hard-to-reach areas. Machine learning approaches have proven their effectiveness but typically require large annotated datasets for supervised training. Once a crack is detected, monitoring its severity often demands precise segmentation of the damage. However, pixel-level annotation of images for segmentation is labor-intensive. To mitigate this cost, one can leverage explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) to derive segmentations from the explanations of a classifier, requiring only weak image-level supervision. This paper proposes applying this methodology to segment and monitor surface cracks. We evaluate the performance of various XAI methods and examine how this approach facilitates severity quantification and growth monitoring. Results reveal that while the resulting segmentation masks may exhibit lower quality than those produced by supervised methods, they remain meaningful and enable severity monitoring, thus reducing substantial labeling costs.Comment: 43 pages. Under revie

    Deep Adaptive Learning for Writer Identification based on Single Handwritten Word Images

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    There are two types of information in each handwritten word image: explicit information which can be easily read or derived directly, such as lexical content or word length, and implicit attributes such as the author's identity. Whether features learned by a neural network for one task can be used for another task remains an open question. In this paper, we present a deep adaptive learning method for writer identification based on single-word images using multi-task learning. An auxiliary task is added to the training process to enforce the emergence of reusable features. Our proposed method transfers the benefits of the learned features of a convolutional neural network from an auxiliary task such as explicit content recognition to the main task of writer identification in a single procedure. Specifically, we propose a new adaptive convolutional layer to exploit the learned deep features. A multi-task neural network with one or several adaptive convolutional layers is trained end-to-end, to exploit robust generic features for a specific main task, i.e., writer identification. Three auxiliary tasks, corresponding to three explicit attributes of handwritten word images (lexical content, word length and character attributes), are evaluated. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets show that the proposed deep adaptive learning method can improve the performance of writer identification based on single-word images, compared to non-adaptive and simple linear-adaptive approaches.Comment: Under view of Pattern Recognitio