5 research outputs found

    Student receptiveness to Kahoot! in higher education

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    The use of technology in higher education has been increasing in the past few years and new online tools have emerged for very different purposes. Kahoot! is an example of a platform that can be used for reviewing content and motivating students for learning. Our research is based on data from a quantitative survey conducted in the previous school year and the participants were 86 undergraduate students from a Portuguese higher education institution. The preliminary results of the survey showed that students are very receptive to this tool and highly recommend it, as it promotes motivation. Other studies have shown that higher education students are usually receptive to web tools and consider technology can positively impact learning. To better understand students’ responses to the platform, in this study we aim at analysing the results according to area of study and investigating new correlations between variables, specifically (i) gender vs receptiveness to Kahoot!, (ii) gender vs recommendation of its use and (iii) technology readiness vs receptiveness to Kahoot!.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dynamizing theory-based classes in the undergraduate degree programme in Translation and Interpreting studies: the use of Kahoot!

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    Kahoot! has emerged in the last years as a great tool to increase students’ participation and motivation as well as enhancing the teaching-learning process and foster cross-curricular competences such as problem-solving and analytical and synthesis skills.This study describes an experience based on Kahoot! implemented in two groups of students from the Translation and Interpreting degree of the University of Granada. The students were enrolled in a general translation course and, for most of them, this course was their first contactwith translation.Kahoot! quizzeswere used during the first part of the course, which comprises five theoretical topics focused on several aspects of Translation Theory and Linguistics. Five different Kahoot! quizzesformed by ten questions were preparedto cover all the theoretical topics of the course. Therefore, after the presentation of each topic students had to play a Kahoot!to check if they had acquired the different contents exposed during the class. The results of the quizzes were used toevaluate students’ academic performance as they accounted for 10% of their final mar

    Aplicación plural de herramientas para gamificar. Análisis y comparativa

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    [ES] Los beneficios de la gamificación, como instrumento pedagógico para la motivación de los alumnos en su proceso de aprendizaje, están sobradamente demostrados. Este enfoque lúdico, basado en la competitividad que ofrece el juego, persigue el interés del discente por la materia, colocándole en un rol más activo y estimulándole a través de recompensas. Son muchas las herramientas que nos ofrecen para gamificar. El objetivo de este artículo es el análisis comparativo de algunas de las aplicaciones más conocidas para la realización de test en línea como KAHOOT!, SOCRATIVE, QUIZIZZ o GOOGLEFORMS. Ello nos permite considerar la más adecuada en cada caso para los contenidos evaluados en el aula.[EN] The benefits of gamification, as a pedagogical instrument for the motivationof students in their learning process, are demonstrated easily. This playful approach, based on the competitiveness offered by the game, pursues the student's interest in the subject, placing him in a more active role and stimulating him through rewards. There are many tools that offer us to gamify. The aim of this paper is the comparative analysis of some of the most well-known applications for the realization of online tests like KAHOOT!, SOCRATIVE, QUIZIZZ or GOOGLEFORMS. This allows us to consider the most appropriate in each case for the contents evaluated in the classroomSainz De Abajo, B.; De La Torre-Díez, I.; López-Coronado, M.; Aguiar Pérez, J.; De Castro Lozano, C. (2019). Aplicación plural de herramientas para gamificar. Análisis y comparativa. En IN-RED 2019. V Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 990-999. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2019.2019.1046799099

    Relación entre las actitudes y la motivación hacia el Kahoot y el rendimiento académico de estudiantes de pregrado de una universidad privada de Lima

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    Una de las nuevas estrategias de aprendizaje que involucran el uso de las tecnologías, es la gamificación, comprendida como el uso de elementos de los juegos en contextos no lúdicos. En la educación superior, la gamificación es considerada como una estrategia metodológica para promover la motivación y participación de los estudiantes. Dicha estrategia es aplicada por medio de herramientas, una de las más conocidas es Kahoot. En este contexto, la presente investigación se propone responder a la pregunta ¿Qué relación existe entre las actitudes y la motivación hacia el Kahoot y el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de pregrado de una universidad privada de Lima? El enfoque metodológico es cuantitativo y el diseño es correlacional. Se utilizaron dos cuestionarios: Actitudes hacia el uso de Kahoot y Motivación percibida, y las notas de la evaluación parcial. Ambos instrumentos se aplicaron a 138 estudiantes y los resultados se analizaron en el programa SPSS24. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian una relación positiva significativa entre las variables actitudes hacia el uso de Kahoot y motivación. A diferencia de las variables actitudes hacia el uso de Kahoot y rendimiento académico donde no se encontró relación entre ambasOne of the new learning strategies that involve the use of technologies is gamification, understood as the use of elements of games in non-ludic contexts. In higher education, gamification is considered as a methodological strategy to promote the motivation and participation of students. This strategy is applied by means of tools, one of the most known is Kahoot. In this context, this research aims to answer the question: What is the relationship between attitudes and motivation towards Kahoot, in improving the academic performance of Undergraduate students at private university in Lima? The methodological approach is quantitative, and the design is correlational. Two questionnaires were used: Attitudes towards the use of Kahoot and Perceived Motivation, and the score of the middle exam. Both instruments were applied to 138 students and the results were analyzed in the SPSS24 software. The results obtained show a significant positive relationship between the variables attitudes towards the use of Kahoot and motivation A difference between the variables attitudes toward the use of Kahoot and academic performance where no relationship was found between both.Tesi

    In-Red 2019. V Congreso nacional de innovación educativa y docencia en red

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    La Universitat Politècnica de València convoca el Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red IN-RED 2019 que tendrá lugar en la ciudad de VALENCIA los días 11 y 12 de julio de 2019,organizado conjuntamente por el Vicerrectorado de Recursos Digitales y Documentación y el Vicerrectorado de Estudios, Calidad y Acreditación de la Universitat Politècnica de València. La experiencia vivida en ediciones anteriores del congreso nos ha llevado a plantear una nueva edición del mismo, con el fin de ofrecer de nuevo la oportunidad de mostrar distintas experiencias docentes basadas en la innovación, desarrollo de metodologías, implantación de mejoras en el aula, etc., todas ellas relacionadas directa o indirectamente con la calidad de los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje desarrollados en el ámbito de la educación superior.Vega Carrero, V.; Vendrell Vidal, E. (2019). In-Red 2019. V Congreso nacional de innovación educativa y docencia en red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/127501EDITORIA