6,647 research outputs found

    KPI-related monitoring, analysis, and adaptation of business processes

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    In today's companies, business processes are increasingly supported by IT systems. They can be implemented as service orchestrations, for example in WS-BPEL, running on Business Process Management (BPM) systems. A service orchestration implements a business process by orchestrating a set of services. These services can be arbitrary IT functionality, human tasks, or again service orchestrations. Often, these business processes are implemented as part of business-to-business collaborations spanning several participating organizations. Service choreographies focus on modeling how processes of different participants interact in such collaborations. An important aspect in BPM is performance management. Performance is measured in terms of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which reflect the achievement towards business goals. KPIs are based on domain-specific metrics typically reflecting the time, cost, and quality dimensions. Dealing with KPIs involves several phases, namely monitoring, analysis, and adaptation. In a first step, KPIs have to be monitored in order to evaluate the current process performance. In case monitoring shows negative results, there is a need for analyzing and understanding the reasons why KPI targets are not reached. Finally, after identifying the influential factors of KPIs, the processes have to be adapted in order to improve the performance. %The goal thereby is to enable these phases in an automated manner. This thesis presents an approach how KPIs can be monitored, analyzed, and used for adaptation of processes. The concrete contributions of this thesis are: (i) an approach for monitoring of processes and their KPIs in service choreographies; (ii) a KPI dependency analysis approach based on classification learning which enables explaining how KPIs depend on a set of influential factors; (iii) a runtime adaptation approach which combines monitoring and KPI analysis in order to enable proactive adaptation of processes for improving the KPI performance; (iv) a prototypical implementation and experiment-based evaluation.Die Ausführung von Geschäftsprozessen wird heute zunehmend durch IT-Systeme unterstützt und auf Basis einer serviceorientierten Architektur umgesetzt. Die Prozesse werden dabei häufig als Service Orchestrierungen implementiert, z.B. in WS-BPEL. Eine Service Orchestrierung interagiert mit Services, die automatisiert oder durch Menschen ausgeführt werden, und wird durch eine Prozessausführungsumgebung ausgeführt. Darüber hinaus werden Geschäftsprozesse oft nicht in Isolation ausgeführt sondern interagieren mit weiteren Geschäftsprozessen, z.B. als Teil von Business-to-Business Beziehungen. Die Interaktionen der Prozesse werden dabei in Service Choreographien modelliert. Ein wichtiger Aspekt des Geschäftsprozessmanagements ist die Optimierung der Prozesse in Bezug auf ihre Performance, die mit Hilfe von Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) gemessen wird. KPIs basieren auf Prozessmetriken, die typischerweise die Dimensionen Zeit, Kosten und Qualität abbilden, und evaluieren diese in Bezug auf die Erreichung von Unternehmenszielen. Die Optimierung der Prozesse in Bezug auf ihre KPIs umfasst mehrere Phasen. Im ersten Schritt müssen KPIs durch Monitoring der Prozesse zur Laufzeit erhoben werden. Falls die KPI Werte nicht zufriedenstellend sind, werden im nächsten Schritt die Faktoren analysiert, die die KPI Werte beeinflussen. Schließlich werden auf Basis dieser Analyse die Prozesse angepasst um die KPIs zu verbessern. In dieser Arbeit wird ein integrierter Ansatz für das Monitoring, die Analyse und automatisierte Adaption von Prozessen mit dem Ziel der Optimierung hinsichtlich der KPIs vorgestellt. Die Beiträge der Arbeit sind wie folgt: (i) ein Ansatz zum Monitoring von KPIs über einzelne Prozesse hinweg in Service Choreographien, (ii) ein Ansatz zur Analyse von beeinflussenden Faktoren von KPIs auf Basis von Entscheidungsbäumen, (iii) ein Ansatz zur automatisierten, proaktiven Adaption von Prozessen zur Laufzeit auf Basis des Monitorings und der KPI Analyse, (iv) eine prototypische Implementierung und experimentelle Evaluierung

    Change Recommendation in Business Processes

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    Process-aware information systems are valuable for automating business tasks leading to cost reduction and efficiency. This research aims to advance the state of the art in process management towards autonomic process performance improvement by contributing control-flow change recommendations for process instances that is supporting automatic change enactment as a response to predicted KPI violations. Towards that goal, the related literature has been investigated in two literature review studies and research gaps have been identified. The proposed generic architecture provides a feedback loop that enables evaluation of the resulting recommendations for future process instances. We also present the current state of the research and future plans

    Towards Semantic KPI Measurement

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    Linked Data (LD) represent a great mechanism towards integrating information across disparate sources. The respective technology can also be exploited to perform inferencing for deriving added-value knowledge. As such, LD technology can really assist in performing various analysis tasks over information related to business process execution. In the context of Business Process as a Service (BPaaS), the first real challenge is to collect and link information originating from different systems by following a certain structure. As such, this paper proposes two main ontologies that serve this purpose: a KPI and a Dependency one. Based on these well-connected ontologies, an innovative Key Performance Indicator (KPI) analysis system is then built which exhibits two main analysis capabilities: KPI assessment and drill-down, where the second can be exploited to find root causes of KPI violations. Compared to other KPI analysis systems, LD usage enables the flexible construction and assessment of any KPI kind allowing experts to better explore the possible KPI space


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    We consider a SOA based service engineering framework as a robust engineering approach to the elaboration and analysis of functional and quality requirements, as well the formal testing of architectural solutions of emerging e-maritime systemst. Autonomic systems and related architectural frameworks are considered towards engineering e-maritime services. E-maritime services’ interfaces, behavior, and service composition design and testing aspects are discussed. A SOA SLA approach is proposed so as to enable e-maritime service properties to be formally agreed, negotiated and offered over an e-maritime SOA platform

    Gamification Analytics: Support for Monitoring and Adapting Gamification Designs

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    Inspired by the engaging effects in video games, gamification aims at motivating people to show desired behaviors in a variety of contexts. During the last years, gamification influenced the design of many software applications in the consumer as well as enterprise domain. In some cases, even whole businesses, such as Foursquare, owe their success to well-designed gamification mechanisms in their product. Gamification also attracted the interest of academics from fields, such as human-computer interaction, marketing, psychology, and software engineering. Scientific contributions comprise psychological theories and models to better understand the mechanisms behind successful gamification, case studies that measure the psychological and behavioral outcomes of gamification, methodologies for gamification projects, and technical concepts for platforms that support implementing gamification in an efficient manner. Given a new project, gamification experts can leverage the existing body of knowledge to reuse previous, or derive new gamification ideas. However, there is no one size fits all approach for creating engaging gamification designs. Gamification success always depends on a wide variety of factors defined by the characteristics of the audience, the gamified application, and the chosen gamification design. In contrast to researchers, gamification experts in the industry rarely have the necessary skills and resources to assess the success of their gamification design systematically. Therefore, it is essential to provide them with suitable support mechanisms, which help to assess and improve gamification designs continuously. Providing suitable and efficient gamification analytics support is the ultimate goal of this thesis. This work presents a study with gamification experts that identifies relevant requirements in the context of gamification analytics. Given the identified requirements and earlier work in the analytics domain, this thesis then derives a set of gamification analytics-related activities and uses them to extend an existing process model for gamification projects. The resulting model can be used by experts to plan and execute their gamification projects with analytics in mind. Next, this work identifies existing tools and assesses them with regards to their applicability in gamification projects. The results can help experts to make objective technology decisions. However, they also show that most tools have significant gaps towards the identified user requirements. Consequently, a technical concept for a suitable realization of gamification analytics is derived. It describes a loosely coupled analytics service that helps gamification experts to seamlessly collect and analyze gamification-related data while minimizing dependencies to IT experts. The concept is evaluated successfully via the implementation of a prototype and application in two real-world gamification projects. The results show that the presented gamification analytics concept is technically feasible, applicable to actual projects, and also valuable for the systematic monitoring of gamification success
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