99 research outputs found

    A Convolutional Neural Network model based on Neutrosophy for Noisy Speech Recognition

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    Convolutional neural networks are sensitive to unknown noisy condition in the test phase and so their performance degrades for the noisy data classification task including noisy speech recognition. In this research, a new convolutional neural network (CNN) model with data uncertainty handling; referred as NCNN (Neutrosophic Convolutional Neural Network); is proposed for classification task. Here, speech signals are used as input data and their noise is modeled as uncertainty. In this task, using speech spectrogram, a definition of uncertainty is proposed in neutrosophic (NS) domain. Uncertainty is computed for each Time-frequency point of speech spectrogram as like a pixel. Therefore, uncertainty matrix with the same size of spectrogram is created in NS domain. In the next step, a two parallel paths CNN classification model is proposed. Speech spectrogram is used as input of the first path and uncertainty matrix for the second path. The outputs of two paths are combined to compute the final output of the classifier. To show the effectiveness of the proposed method, it has been compared with conventional CNN on the isolated words of Aurora2 dataset. The proposed method achieves the average accuracy of 85.96 in noisy train data. It is more robust against Car, Airport and Subway noises with accuracies 90, 88 and 81 in test sets A, B and C, respectively. Results show that the proposed method outperforms conventional CNN with the improvement of 6, 5 and 2 percentage in test set A, test set B and test sets C, respectively. It means that the proposed method is more robust against noisy data and handle these data effectively.Comment: International conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IPRIA 2019

    Certainty of outlier and boundary points processing in data mining

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    Data certainty is one of the issues in the real-world applications which is caused by unwanted noise in data. Recently, more attentions have been paid to overcome this problem. We proposed a new method based on neutrosophic set (NS) theory to detect boundary and outlier points as challenging points in clustering methods. Generally, firstly, a certainty value is assigned to data points based on the proposed definition in NS. Then, certainty set is presented for the proposed cost function in NS domain by considering a set of main clusters and noise cluster. After that, the proposed cost function is minimized by gradient descent method. Data points are clustered based on their membership degrees. Outlier points are assigned to noise cluster and boundary points are assigned to main clusters with almost same membership degrees. To show the effectiveness of the proposed method, two types of datasets including 3 datasets in Scatter type and 4 datasets in UCI type are used. Results demonstrate that the proposed cost function handles boundary and outlier points with more accurate membership degrees and outperforms existing state of the art clustering methods.Comment: Conference Paper, 6 page

    A Fully Automatic Segmentation Method for Breast Ultrasound Images

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    Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death of women worldwide. Accurate lesion boundary detection is important for breast cancer diagnosis. Since many crucial features for discriminating benign and malignant lesions are based on the contour, shape, and texture of the lesion, an accurate segmentation method is essential for a successful diagnosis. Ultrasound is an effective screening tool and primarily useful for differentiating benign and malignant lesions. However, due to inherent speckle noise and low contrast of breast ultrasound imaging, automatic lesion segmentation is still a challenging task. This research focuses on developing a novel, effective, and fully automatic lesion segmentation method for breast ultrasound images. By incorporating empirical domain knowledge of breast structure, a region of interest is generated. Then, a novel enhancement algorithm (using a novel phase feature) and a newly developed neutrosophic clustering method are developed to detect the precise lesion boundary. Neutrosophy is a recently introduced branch of philosophy that deals with paradoxes, contradictions, antitheses, and antinomies. When neutrosophy is used to segment images with vague boundaries, its unique ability to deal with uncertainty is brought to bear. In this work, we apply neutrosophy to breast ultrasound image segmentation and propose a new clustering method named neutrosophic l-means. We compare the proposed method with traditional fuzzy c-means clustering and three other well-developed segmentation methods for breast ultrasound images, using the same database. Both accuracy and time complexity are analyzed. The proposed method achieves the best accuracy (TP rate is 94.36%, FP rate is 8.08%, and similarity rate is 87.39%) with a fairly rapid processing speed (about 20 seconds). Sensitivity analysis shows the robustness of the proposed method as well. Cases with multiple-lesions and severe shadowing effect (shadow areas having similar intensity values of the lesion and tightly connected with the lesion) are not included in this study

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    Salt and pepper noise reduction and edge detection algorithm based on neutrosophic logic

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    Neutrosophic set (NS) is a powerful tool to deal with indeterminacy. In this paper, the neutrosophic set is applied to the image domain and a novel edge detection technique is proposed. Noise reduction of images is a challenging task in image processing. Salt and pepper noise is one kind of noise that affects a grayscale image significantly. Generally, the median filter is used to reduce salt and pepper noise; it gives optimum results while compared to other image filters. Median filter works only up to a certain level of noise intensity. Here we proposed a neighborhood-based image filter called nbd-filter, it works perfectly for gray image regardless of noise intensity. It reduces salt and pepper noise significantly at any noise level and produces a noise-free image. Further, we proposed an edge detection algorithm based on the neutrosophic set, it detectsedges efficiently for images corrupted by noise and noise-free images. Since most of the real-life images consists of indeterminate regions, neutrosophy is a perfect tool for edge detection. The main advantage of the proposed edge detector is, it is a simple and efficient technique and detect edges more efficient than conventional edge detectors

    The Encyclopedia of Neutrosophic Researchers - vol. 1

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    This is the first volume of the Encyclopedia of Neutrosophic Researchers, edited from materials offered by the authors who responded to the editor’s invitation. The authors are listed alphabetically. The introduction contains a short history of neutrosophics, together with links to the main papers and books. Neutrosophic set, neutrosophic logic, neutrosophic probability, neutrosophic statistics, neutrosophic measure, neutrosophic precalculus, neutrosophic calculus and so on are gaining significant attention in solving many real life problems that involve uncertainty, impreciseness, vagueness, incompleteness, inconsistent, and indeterminacy. In the past years the fields of neutrosophics have been extended and applied in various fields, such as: artificial intelligence, data mining, soft computing, decision making in incomplete / indeterminate / inconsistent information systems, image processing, computational modelling, robotics, medical diagnosis, biomedical engineering, investment problems, economic forecasting, social science, humanistic and practical achievements

    CT liver tumor segmentation hybrid approach using neutrosophic sets, fast fuzzy c-means and adaptive watershed algorithm

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    Liver tumor segmentation from computed tomography (CT) images is a critical and challenging task. Due to the fuzziness in the liver pixel range, the neighboring organs of the liver with the same intensity, high noise and large variance of tumors. The segmentation process is necessary for the detection, identification, and measurement of objects in CT images. We perform an extensive review of the CT liver segmentation literature

    A new edge detection approach via neutrosophy based on maximum norm entropy

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    It is a quite important step to find object edges in applications such as object recognition, classification and segmentation. Therefore, the edge detection algorithm to be used directly influences the performance of these applications. In this study, a new edge detection method based on Neutrosophic Set (NS) structure via using maximum norm entropy (EDA-NMNE) is proposed. Many experts and intelligence systems, including the fuzzy system, do not satisfactorily succeed in resolving indeterminacies and deficiencies. However, in the NS approach, problems are solved by dividing them into True (T), False (F) and Indeterminacy (I) subsets. In addition, because the approach has a powerful algorithmic structure, NS’s conditions with indeterminate and missing situations can be solved successfully


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    Neutrosophic Science means development and applications of neutrosophic logic/set/measure/integral/probability etc. and their applications in any field