2,315 research outputs found

    K-coverage in regular deterministic sensor deployments

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    An area is k-covered if every point of the area is covered by at least k sensors. K-coverage is necessary for many applications, such as intrusion detection, data gathering, and object tracking. It is also desirable in situations where a stronger environmental monitoring capability is desired, such as military applications. In this paper, we study the problem of k-coverage in deterministic homogeneous deployments of sensors. We examine the three regular sensor deployments - triangular, square and hexagonal deployments - for k-coverage of the deployment area, for k ≥ 1. We compare the three regular deployments in terms of sensor density. For each deployment, we compute an upper bound and a lower bound on the optimal distance of sensors from each other that ensure k-coverage of the area. We present the results for each k from 1 to 20 and show that the required number of sensors to k-cover the area using uniform random deployment is approximately 3-10 times higher than regular deployments

    Reliable cost-optimal deployment of wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) technology is currently considered one of the key technologies for realizing the Internet of Things (IoT). Many of the important WSNs applications are critical in nature such that the failure of the WSN to carry out its required tasks can have serious detrimental effects. Consequently, guaranteeing that the WSN functions satisfactorily during its intended mission time, i.e. the WSN is reliable, is one of the fundamental requirements of the network deployment strategy. Achieving this requirement at a minimum deployment cost is particularly important for critical applications in which deployed SNs are equipped with expensive hardware. However, WSN reliability, defined in the traditional sense, especially in conjunction with minimizing the deployment cost, has not been considered as a deployment requirement in existing WSN deployment algorithms to the best of our knowledge. Addressing this major limitation is the central focus of this dissertation. We define the reliable cost-optimal WSN deployment as the one that has minimum deployment cost with a reliability level that meets or exceeds a minimum level specified by the targeted application. We coin the problem of finding such deployments, for a given set of application-specific parameters, the Minimum-Cost Reliability-Constrained Sensor Node Deployment Problem (MCRC-SDP). To accomplish the aim of the dissertation, we propose a novel WSN reliability metric which adopts a more accurate SN model than the model used in the existing metrics. The proposed reliability metric is used to formulate the MCRC-SDP as a constrained combinatorial optimization problem which we prove to be NP-Complete. Two heuristic WSN deployment optimization algorithms are then developed to find high quality solutions for the MCRC-SDP. Finally, we investigate the practical realization of the techniques that we developed as solutions of the MCRC-SDP. For this purpose, we discuss why existing WSN Topology Control Protocols (TCPs) are not suitable for managing such reliable cost-optimal deployments. Accordingly, we propose a practical TCP that is suitable for managing the sleep/active cycles of the redundant SNs in such deployments. Experimental results suggest that the proposed TCP\u27s overhead and network Time To Repair (TTR) are relatively low which demonstrates the applicability of our proposed deployment solution in practice

    A Deterministic Algorithm for the Deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks are made up by communicating sensor nodes that gather and elaborate information from real world in a distributed and coordinated way in order to deliver an intelligent support to human activities. They are used in many fields such as national security, surveillance, health care, biological detection, and environmental monitoring. However, sensor nodes are characterized by limited wireless communication and computing capabilities as well as reduced on-board battery power. Therefore, they have to be carefully deployed in order to cover the areas to be monitored without impairing network lifetime. This paper presents a new deterministic algorithm to solve the coverage problem of well-known areas by means of wireless sensor networks. The proposed algorithm depends on a small set of parameters and can control sensor deployment within areas even in the presence of obstacles. Moreover, the algorithm makes it possible to control the redundancy degree that can be obtained in covering a region of interest so as to achieve a network deployment characterized by a minimum number of wireless sensor nodes

    Comparative Investigation for Energy Consumption of Different Chipsets Based on Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Rapid progress in microelectromechanical system (MEMS) and radio frequency (RF) design has enabled the development of low-power, inexpensive, and network-enabled microsensors. These sensor nodes are capable of capturing various physical information, such as temperature, pressure, motion of an object, etc as well as mapping such physical characteristics of the environment to quantitative measurements. A typical wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of hundreds to thousands of such sensor nodes linked by a wireless medium. In this paper, we present a comparative investigation of energy consumption for few commercially available chipsets such as TR1001, CC1000 and CC1010 based on different scheduling methods for two types of deployment strategies. We conducted our experiment within the OMNeT++ simulator.Comment: 17 pages, Based on scheduling for Wireless Sensor Network

    LAACAD: Load bAlancing k-area coverage through autonomous deployment in wireless sensor networks

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    Session 6B: Coverage & LocalizationAlthough the problem of k-area coverage has been intensively investigated for dense wireless sensor networks (WSNs), how to arrive at a k-coverage sensor deployment that optimizes certain objectives in relatively sparse WSNs still faces both theoretical and practical difficulties. In this paper, we present a practical algorithm LAACAD (Load bAlancing k-Area Coverage through Autonomous Deployment) to move sensor nodes toward k-area coverage, aiming at minimizing the maximum sensing range required by the nodes. LAACAD enables purely autonomous node deployment as it only entails localized computations. We prove the convergence of the algorithm, as well as the (local) optimality of the output. We also show that our optimization objective is closely related to other frequently considered objectives. Therefore, our practical algorithm design also contributes to the theoretical understanding of the k-area coverage problem. Finally, we use extensive simulation results both to confirm our theoretical claims and to demonstrate the efficacy of LAACAD. © 2012 IEEE.postprin

    On Mobility Management in Multi-Sink Sensor Networks for Geocasting of Queries

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    In order to efficiently deal with location dependent messages in multi-sink wireless sensor networks (WSNs), it is key that the network informs sinks what geographical area is covered by which sink. The sinks are then able to efficiently route messages which are only valid in particular regions of the deployment. In our previous work (see the 5th and 6th cited documents), we proposed a combined coverage area reporting and geographical routing protocol for location dependent messages, for example, queries that are injected by sinks. In this paper, we study the case where we have static sinks and mobile sensor nodes in the network. To provide up-to-date coverage areas to sinks, we focus on handling node mobility in the network. We discuss what is a better method for updating the routing structure (i.e., routing trees and coverage areas) to handle mobility efficiently: periodic global updates initiated from sinks or local updates triggered by mobile sensors. Simulation results show that local updating perform very well in terms of query delivery ratio. Local updating has a better scalability to increasing network size. It is also more energy efficient than ourpreviously proposed approach, where global updating in networks have medium mobility rate and speed