1,277 research outputs found

    Association between generation gap in interest, familiarity and application of information and communication technology

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    Given the introduction of information and communication technology and its rapid progress in every society, its use and application is different between various social institutions in that it demonstrates the difference between previous and present generation. Hence, the research was conducted in the school year 2012-2013 with the aim of applying information technology among female high school students and their mothers in Gorgan Province. The research method is a descriptive-analytical method; using a cluster sampling, of 34 female schools 8 schools were randomly chosen and 260 students were included in the study out of 1625 students. Using collected questionnaires and information obtained from independent t-test the results indicated that there was a significant difference between the mean of familiarity, interest and mothers' and their children's use of information technology. © Medwell Journals, 2016

    Food allergy in EAACI journals (2016).

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    The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) owns three journals: Allergy, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology and Clinical and Translational Allergy. One of the major goals of EAACI is to understand and better manage food allergy, and to disseminate the knowledge of allergy to all stakeholders including the EAACI junior members (1). The European Symposium on Precision Medicine in Allergy and Airways Diseases at the European Union Parliament (October 14, 2015) stressed that the socioeconomic impact of food allergy (2). This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Index for Senate and House Journals, 2016

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    Index for Senate and House Journals

    National Brewing Library - Current journals

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    National Brewing Library - Current journals (2016

    Poesía vanguardista en México: la generación de la revista "Contemporáneos

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    © Medwell Journals, 2016.The study is devoted to the analysis of some tendencies in contemporary punctuation from the viewpoint of optionality. The analysis is based on the Russian and English languages. In the article the brief description of the optionality phenomenon is given. The analysis of active trends in punctuation allows to speak about the formation of new regulations involving the usage of variants according to linguistic and extralinguistic situations. The researcher states that optionality in the given aspect is found out in the parallel use of variants of using of punctuation marks in the written form of language and draws a conclusion that optionality should be regarded as a natural way of existence of punctuation norm in the Russian and English languages

    Venture capital management technique based on real options

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    © Medwell Journals, 2016.The study describes innovative process stages, provides statistics of innovative projects realization, develops a model of the innovative project evaluating by real options method

    Thematic dossiers published in Brazilian academic Music journals (2016-2020)

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    Este artigo apresenta uma compilação dos 87 dossiês temáticos publicados entre 2016 e 2020 em 27 revistas acadêmicas de Música do Brasil e considerações a respeito desta produção e de suas condições de visibilidade. Foram analisadas as capas, editoriais, sites, itens e sumários de 187 edições para identificar os dossiês. Como principais resultados, destacam-se uma organização esquemática dos 87 dossiês em 7 categorias, a grande variedade temática dos dossiês, o papel de periódicos de Programas de Pós-Graduação nas discussões sobre questões estruturais da área e a necessidade de compatibilização de inconsistências nas publicações. Estima-se que estas observações ofereçam subsídios para editores em suas decisões e que a compilação apresentada seja ferramenta básica de pesquisa para qualquer pesquisador da área de Música.This article presents a compilation of the 87 thematic dossiers published between 2016 and 2020 in 27 Brazilian journals dedicated to Music Research, along with conclusions about this academic production and their visibility conditions. We observed the covers, editorials, sites, published items and table of contents of 187 issues to identify the dossiers. As main results, we highlight a schematic organization of the 87 dossiers in seven categories, the large thematic diversity of the dossiers, the role of University Post-graduate Programs journals in discussing structural issues of the area and the need for compatibilization of inconsistences in the publications. We hope that the observes give support for editors on their choices and that the presented compilation be used as a basic research tool for any Music researcher

    Features of consulting development of Tatarstan Republic

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    © Medwell Journals, 2016.The main trends and characteristics of the regional market of consulting services in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan have been considered. The causes and conditions of the current rate of development of the industry have been obtained
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