16 research outputs found

    Handheld vs. Laptop Computers for Electronic Data Collection in Clinical Research: A Crossover Randomized Trial

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    AbstractObjective To compare users' speed, number of entry errors and satisfaction in using two current devices for electronic data collection in clinical research: handheld and laptop computers. Design The authors performed a randomized cross-over trial using 160 different paper-based questionnaires and representing altogether 45,440 variables. Four data coders were instructed to record, according to a random predefined and equally balanced sequence, the content of these questionnaires either on a laptop or on a handheld computer. Instructions on the kind of device to be used were provided to data-coders in individual sealed and opaque envelopes. Study conditions were controlled and the data entry process performed in a quiet environment. Measurements The authors compared the duration of the data recording process, the number of errors and users' satisfaction with the two devices. The authors divided errors into two separate categories, typing and missing data errors. The original paper-based questionnaire was used as a gold-standard. Results The overall duration of the recording process was significantly reduced (2.0 versus 3.3 min) when data were recorded on the laptop computer (p < 0.001). Data accuracy also improved. There were 5.8 typing errors per 1,000 entries with the laptop compared to 8.4 per 1,000 with the handheld computer (p < 0.001). The difference was even more important for missing data which decreased from 22.8 to 2.9 per 1,000 entries when a laptop was used (p < 0.001). Users found the laptop easier, faster and more satisfying to use than the handheld computer. Conclusions Despite the increasing use of handheld computers for electronic data collection in clinical research, these devices should be used with caution. They double the duration of the data entry process and significantly increase the risk of typing errors and missing data. This may become a particularly crucial issue in studies where these devices are provided to patients or healthcare workers, unfamiliar with Computer Technologies, for self-reporting or research data collection processe

    ReFridge App Concept

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    ReFridge is an app with the goal of helping reduce household food waste. When a grocery receipt is scanned, the app creates an organized fridge inventory that will help decrease the amount of food that is thrown out. The user will receive custom expiration reminders and suggested recipes while using meal prepping calendars and personalized shopping lists. Buying, cooking and consuming food will become more efficient and users will experience an increase in healthy and regulated eating habits

    Developing Adaptive Islamic Law Business Processes Models for Islamic Finance and Banking by Text Mining the Holy Quran and Hadith.

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    Global Islamic finance assets grew from 200billionto200 billion to 1.8 trillion (IMF 2015) and is growing faster than the conventional banking sector. A large number of conventional financial institutions, especially banks are moving to an Islamic financial model that\u27s comply with the Shari\u27a Law with little change to current conventional practices (reverse eningineer current business processes) to accommodate the new situation. In this study we will design and develop the business processes for the Islamic financial institutions\u27 (IFIs) products by investigating and collecting information through Islamic literature, surveys and interviews of experts in Islamic jurisprudence, regulators, academic and Islamic finance and banking practitioners. Then we will assess and evaluate the findings by using a Qur\u27anic Financial Corpus and use computational and analytical approaches to mine the Qur\u27an (the Muslim Holy book) and the Hadith (actions and words of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him) to uncover hidden knowledge on Islamic financial business processes. The knowledge acquired from this investigation will be translated into an Islamic financial process model to be adapted by Islamic and non-Islamic financial institutions. The outcome of this research will influence the future development, growth and diversification of Islamic Financial Services worldwid

    “I’m comfortable with it”: User stories of health information on Wikipedia

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    Applying a critical-constructivist approach, 21 semi-structured interviews conducted from June to October 2021 were analyzed thematically. Qualitative analysis suggests that users reported that Wikipedia’s health content can facilitate personal agency, is familiar and convenient to access, and that individuals’ trust in Wikipedia is contextual, conditional, and framed by their personal experiences

    Terveydenhuollon tietojärjestelmien arkkitehtuurit ja standardit

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    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan terveydenhuollon tietojärjestelmien järjestelmäarkkitehtuureja ja terveydenhuollon tietotekniikan standardeja. Tavoitteena on luoda kokonaiskuva alalla käytetyistä käsitteistä ja niiden välisistä yhteyksistä, terveydenhuollon tietojärjestelmien arkkitehtuureista sekä selvittää, miten niissä noudatetaan erilaisia standardeja. Arkkitehtuurikuvausten lähteinä on käytetty verkosta löytyvää järjestelmien toimittajien ylläpitämää dokumentaatiota ja niihin liittyviä tieteellisiä julkaisuja. Tietojärjestelmien toteutuksissa voidaan erottaa karkeasti kolme erilaista arkkitehtuurimallia: federoitu malli, palvelukeskeinen malli ja keskitetty malli. Federoidussa arkkitehtuurimallissa tiedot koostetaan yhdeksi kokonaisuudeksi useasta eri lähteestä. Palvelukeskeisessä mallissa erilaiset järjestelmät viestivät keskenään yhteisen palvelurajapinnan välityksellä. Keskitetyssä mallissa järjestelmä muodostaa yhden kokonaisuuden, joten integraatiota muihin järjestelmiin ei juuri tarvita. Näistä palvelukeskeinen malli on kaikkein modernein ja soveltuu tarkastelun perusteella hyvin terveydenhuollon tietojärjestelmien toteutukseen, sillä heterogeenisten järjestelmien integrointi on siinä keskeisellä sijalla. Käytössä olevien tietojärjestelmäratkaisujen perusteella tarkastellaan lähemmin standardeja neljästä eri kategoriasta. Arkkitehtuuriin liittyviä standardeja ovat RM-ODP-viitemalli, potilastietojärjestelmien standardi ISO 18308 ja kokonaisarkkitehtuuri HISA. Potilaskertomuksiin liittyviä standardeja ovat CEN/ISO 13606, OpenEHR ja ISO 20514. Sanomanvälitykseen kehitettyjä standardeja ovat HL7 versiot 2 ja 3 sekä CDA R2. Näiden yhteydessä käsitellään lisäksi HL7 RIM -viitetietomallia, joka on kaikkien HL7 versioon 3 liittyvien standardien perusta. Luokitusstandardeista käsitellään SNOMED CT -terminologiaa ja ICD-10-tautiluokitusta. Tarkastellut standardit ovat pääosin yhteensopivia, sillä niiden kehityksessä on huomioitu mahdollinen yhteiskäyttö ja niillä on paljon keskinäisiä viittauksia. Ainoastaan HL7 versio 2 on ristiriidassa uudempien HL7-standardien kanssa. Standardien joustavuuden haittapuoleksi osoittautuu erilaisten tulkintojen ristiriitaisuus standardien toteutuksessa. Terveydenhuollon tietojärjestelmien yhteentoimivuuden ongelmia ei voida ratkaista ilman arkkitehtuurista kokonaiskuvaa standardien ja järjestelmien kehityksessä

    Effects of critical success factors on maturity level of Hospital information systems

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    Hospitals are regarded as the most important part of a healthcare system. Generally, hospitals use Hospital Information System (HIS) as an infrastructure for recording, retrieval, and transmission of data, facilitation of decision-making processes, and other healthcare-related functions. An issue in HIS is that the implementation of the system in hospitals has always been associated with a high risk of failure. This study, therefore, aims to first assess the maturity of HIS in Iranian hospitals and then, examine the related Critical Success Factors (CSF) in order to mitigate the implementation risks of HISs to the authorities. Eleven hospitals under the administration of Medical University of Isfahan, Iran, were selected. Data was collected through a checklist designed based on Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model (EMRAM) expectations. Questionnaires were distributed to employees of the eleven identified hospitals using stratified sampling method in which 126 completed questionnaires were returned. The results revealed that all of the hospitals have reached to elementary stages of (EMRAM). In addition, 26 CSFs were found to be effective in HIS implementation success in the hospitals but some factors were found to be higher in the level of effectiveness. The findings were then evaluated by 14 experts who are familiar with the selected hospitals, the HIS concept and project implementation. The final results which included a comprehensive picture about the initial maturity status of HIS and also 12 more effective CSFs for successful implementation of HIS in the hospitals can provide guidance for hospital top managers and healthcare policy makers in developing appropriate strategic IT plans and HIS implementation frameworks