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    Pattern Recognition and Clustering of Transient Pressure Signals for Burst Location

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    [EN] A large volume of the water produced for public supply is lost in the systems between sources and consumers. An important-in many cases the greatest-fraction of these losses are physical losses, mainly related to leaks and bursts in pipes and in consumer connections. Fast detection and location of bursts plays an important role in the design of operation strategies for water loss control, since this helps reduce the volume lost from the instant the event occurs until its effective repair (run time). The transient pressure signals caused by bursts contain important information about their location and magnitude, and stamp on any of these events a specific "hydraulic signature". The present work proposes and evaluates three methods to disaggregate transient signals, which are used afterwards to train artificial neural networks (ANNs) to identify burst locations and calculate the leaked flow. In addition, a clustering process is also used to group similar signals, and then train specific ANNs for each group, thus improving both the computational efficiency and the location accuracy. The proposed methods are applied to two real distribution networks, and the results show good accuracy in burst location and characterization.Manzi, D.; Brentan, BM.; Meirelles, G.; Izquierdo Sebastián, J.; Luvizotto Jr., E. (2019). Pattern Recognition and Clustering of Transient Pressure Signals for Burst Location. Water. 11(11):1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/w11112279S1131111Creaco, E., & Walski, T. (2017). Economic Analysis of Pressure Control for Leakage and Pipe Burst Reduction. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 143(12), 04017074. doi:10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0000846Campisano, A., Creaco, E., & Modica, C. (2010). RTC of Valves for Leakage Reduction in Water Supply Networks. 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Robust Meter Network for Water Distribution Pipe Burst Detection. Water, 9(11), 820. doi:10.3390/w9110820Colombo, A. F., Lee, P., & Karney, B. W. (2009). A selective literature review of transient-based leak detection methods. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 2(4), 212-227. doi:10.1016/j.jher.2009.02.003Choi, D., Kim, S.-W., Choi, M.-A., & Geem, Z. (2016). Adaptive Kalman Filter Based on Adjustable Sampling Interval in Burst Detection for Water Distribution System. Water, 8(4), 142. doi:10.3390/w8040142Christodoulou, S. E., Kourti, E., & Agathokleous, A. (2016). Waterloss Detection in Water Distribution Networks using Wavelet Change-Point Detection. Water Resources Management, 31(3), 979-994. doi:10.1007/s11269-016-1558-5Guo, X., Yang, K., & Guo, Y. (2012). Leak detection in pipelines by exclusively frequency domain method. Science China Technological Sciences, 55(3), 743-752. doi:10.1007/s11431-011-4707-3Holloway, M. B., & Hanif Chaudhry, M. (1985). Stability and accuracy of waterhammer analysis. Advances in Water Resources, 8(3), 121-128. doi:10.1016/0309-1708(85)90052-1Sanz, G., Pérez, R., Kapelan, Z., & Savic, D. (2016). Leak Detection and Localization through Demand Components Calibration. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 142(2), 04015057. doi:10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0000592Zhang, Q., Wu, Z. Y., Zhao, M., Qi, J., Huang, Y., & Zhao, H. (2016). Leakage Zone Identification in Large-Scale Water Distribution Systems Using Multiclass Support Vector Machines. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 142(11), 04016042. doi:10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0000661Mounce, S. R., & Machell, J. (2006). Burst detection using hydraulic data from water distribution systems with artificial neural networks. Urban Water Journal, 3(1), 21-31. doi:10.1080/15730620600578538Covas, D., Ramos, H., & de Almeida, A. B. (2005). Standing Wave Difference Method for Leak Detection in Pipeline Systems. 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    Improving Distributed Decision Making in Inventory Management: A Combined ABC-AHP Approach Supported by Teamwork

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    [EN] The need of organizations to ensure service levels that impact on customer satisfaction has required the design of collaborative processes among stakeholders involved in inventory decision making. The increase of quantity and variety of items, on the one hand, and demand and customer expectations, on the other hand, are transformed into a greater complexity in inventory management, requiring effective communication and agreements between the leaders of the logistics processes. Traditionally, decision making in inventory management was based on approaches conditioned only by cost or sales volume. These approaches must be overcome by others that consider multiple criteria, involving several areas of the companies and taking into account the opinions of the stakeholders involved in these decisions. Inventory management becomes part of a complex system that involves stakeholders from different areas of the company, where each agent has limited information and where the cooperation between such agents is key for the system's performance. In this paper, a distributed inventory control approach was used with the decisions allowing communication between the stakeholders and with a multicriteria group decision-making perspective. This work proposes a methodology that combines the analysis of the value chain and the AHP technique, in order to improve communication and the performance of the areas related to inventory management decision making. This methodology uses the areas of the value chain as a theoretical framework to identify the criteria necessary for the application of the AHP multicriteria group decision-making technique. These criteria were defined as indicators that measure the performance of the areas of the value chain related to inventory management and were used to classify ABC inventory of the products according to these selected criteria. Therefore, the methodology allows us to solve inventory management DDM based on multicriteria ABC classification and was validated in a Colombian company belonging to the graphic arts sector.Pérez Vergara, IG.; Arias Sánchez, JA.; Poveda Bautista, R.; Diego-Mas, JA. (2020). Improving Distributed Decision Making in Inventory Management: A Combined ABC-AHP Approach Supported by Teamwork. Complexity. 2020:1-13. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/6758108S1132020Poveda-Bautista, R., Baptista, D. C., & García-Melón, M. (2012). Setting competitiveness indicators using BSC and ANP. International Journal of Production Research, 50(17), 4738-4752. doi:10.1080/00207543.2012.657964Castro Zuluaga, C. A., Velez Gallego, M. C., & Catro Urrego, J. A. (2011). 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Machine learning for multi-criteria inventory classification applied to intermittent demand. Production Planning & Control, 30(1), 76-89. doi:10.1080/09537287.2018.1525506Kartal, H., Oztekin, A., Gunasekaran, A., & Cebi, F. (2016). An integrated decision analytic framework of machine learning with multi-criteria decision making for multi-attribute inventory classification. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 101, 599-613. doi:10.1016/j.cie.2016.06.004López-Soto, D., Angel-Bello, F., Yacout, S., & Alvarez, A. (2017). A multi-start algorithm to design a multi-class classifier for a multi-criteria ABC inventory classification problem. Expert Systems with Applications, 81, 12-21. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2017.02.048Dweiri, F., Kumar, S., Khan, S. A., & Jain, V. (2016). Designing an integrated AHP based decision support system for supplier selection in automotive industry. 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    Research Agenda for Studying Open Source II: View Through the Lens of Referent Discipline Theories

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    In a companion paper [Niederman et al., 2006] we presented a multi-level research agenda for studying information systems using open source software. This paper examines open source in terms of MIS and referent discipline theories that are the base needed for rigorous study of the research agenda

    Intelligent Integrated Management for Telecommunication Networks

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    As the size of communication networks keeps on growing, faster connections, cooperating technologies and the divergence of equipment and data communications, the management of the resulting networks gets additional important and time-critical. More advanced tools are needed to support this activity. In this article we describe the design and implementation of a management platform using Artificial Intelligent reasoning technique. For this goal we make use of an expert system. This study focuses on an intelligent framework and a language for formalizing knowledge management descriptions and combining them with existing OSI management model. We propose a new paradigm where the intelligent network management is integrated into the conceptual repository of management information called Managed Information Base (MIB). This paper outlines the development of an expert system prototype based in our propose GDMO+ standard and describes the most important facets, advantages and drawbacks that were found after prototyping our proposal

    An Improved Stock Price Prediction using Hybrid Market Indicators

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    In this paper the effect of hybrid market indicators is examined for an improved stock price prediction. The hybrid market indicators consist of technical, fundamental and expert opinion variables as input to artificial neural networks model. The empirical results obtained with published stock data of Dell and Nokia obtained from New York Stock Exchange shows that the proposed model can be effective to improve accuracy of stock price prediction