2,372,491 research outputs found

    Corporate social responsibility and banks

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    Article discussing ethical issues and matters of social responsibility surrounding turmoil in the capital markets, bank failures and government intervention. Article by Charles Chatterjee (Global Policy Institute, London Metropolitan University) and Anna Lefcovitch (E C Harris LLP) published in Amicus Curiae - Journal of the Society for Advanced Legal Studies. The Journal is produced by the Society for Advanced Legal Studies at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London

    Determinant interests Buy Online at UMKM Based2, C2C and O2O

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    Ansari, ZA (2018). Study of Service Standards in the Process of Making Electronic KTPs (E-KTPs) at the Sempaja Utara Village Office. eJournal of State Administration Volume 6 No. 3 , 7993-8007. Retrieved from https://ejournal.ap.fisip-unmul.ac.id/site/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Jurnal%20FIX%20%20(09-18-18-07-12-53) .pdfFahruradi, DB (2013). E-KTP service at the Samboja Head Office of KutaiKartanegara Regency (Evaluation Study of PERPRES Number 26 of 2009 concerning Application of Identity Cards Based on National Identity Numbers). Journal of Administrative Reform , 1-13. Retrieved from http://e-journals.unmul.ac.id/index.php/JAR/article/view/473Hidayah, YH (2019). Implementation of the 2013 Curriculum in Practical Learning of Chassis Maintenance and Light Vehicle Power Transfer at SMK Muhammadiyah I Bantul. Journal of Automotive Vocational Education, Vol 2 , 33-44.Indah, T. (2018). Implementation of the Public Information Openness Policy at the Tasikmalaya City Communication and Information Agency. Journal of Communication , 2548-7647.Kuzairi, U.,. (2020, December 20). Implementation of Minimum Service Standards in Public Services in the Health Service Sector at the General Hospital dr. H. KoesnadiBondowoso . Retrieved from Jurnal Politico Vol. 17 No. 2 September 2017: journal.unmuhjember.ac.id/index.php/POLITICO/article/download/881/697Masrin. (2013). A Study on Services for Making Electronic KTP (E-KTP) at the Samarinda District Office, Ulu Kota Samarinda. Government. eJournal of Integrative Governance, 1 (ISSN 0000-0000, ejournal.pin.or.id), 68-81.Masrin. (2020, December 20). Study of KTP Making Services . Retrieved from E Journal integrative government: www.ejournal.ip.fisip-unmul.ac.id/site/wp-content/uploads ...Masrin. (2020, December 20). A Study on Electronic KTP (E-KTP) Making Services at the Samarinda Ulu District Office in SamarindaCity . Retrieved from the Journal of Integrative Governance, 2013. 1 (1); 68-81: www.ejournal.ip.fisip-unmul.ac.id/site/wp-content/uploads ...Masrin. (2020, December 20). A Study on Electronic KTP (E-KTP) Making Services at the Samarinda Ulu District Office, SamarindaCity . Retrieved from E Journal of Integrative Governance, 2013, 1 (1), 68-81: www.ejournal.ip.fisip-unmul.ac.id/site/wp-content/uploads ...Nisa, DF (2020). Socialization Towards the Application of Adaptation to New Habits in Islamic Boarding School Students in Lumajang Regency. Journal of Public Service (Journal of Public Service) , 1-8.NurmahSemil, YW (2005). Performance Analysis of Public Service Agencies. JIAKP “Dialogue”, 2 (JIAKP), 1007-1028.Central government. (2004, February 24). bkd.riau.go.id . (Central Government) Retrieved March 20, 2020, from Decree of the Minister of Administrative Reform Number 63 of 2003: https://bkd.riau.go.id/upload/media/15039944288927f44ee80c578bc259ef9094e7c3f322.pdfCentral government. (2006, December 29). Law Number 29 of 2006 . (Central Government) Retrieved March 13, 2020, from https://peraturan.bpk.go.id/Home/Details/40202Central government. (2009, July 18). Law Number 25 of 2009 . (Central Government) Retrieved March 13, 2020, from https://peraturan.bpk.go.id/Home/Details/38748/uu-no-25-tahun-2009Central government. (2013, December 24). bpk.go.id . Retrieved from Law (UU) concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration: https://peraturan.bpk.go.id/Home/Details/38985/uu-no-24-tahun-2013Central government. (2013, December 24). bpk.go.id . Retrieved from Law (UU) concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration: https://peraturan.bpk.go.id/Home/Details/38985/uu-no-24-tahun-2013Purwadhi. (2018). E-KTP Electronic Service Quality in Cimenyan District, Bandung Regency. Nationality University Journal , 1-11.Semil, N. (2018). Excellent Service for Government Agencies: Critical Assessment of the Public Service System in Indonesia. Jakarta: Golden. A Study on Service Standards in the Process of Making Electronic KTP (E-KTP) at the Office of the Sempaja Utara City Village. (2009).Sugiyono. (2011). Service Method. Jakarta: Publisher

    A Review of Critical Factors Impacting the Implementation of E-government in Developing Countries

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    A key challenge facing developing countries is the high failure rate of electronic government (e-government) programmes. Since its inception, e-government has been implemented globally with the aim that it will enhance the quality-of-service delivery, transform government's internal and external processes and make the public sector more effective and efficient. However, the majority of e-government initiatives have failed to meet their objectives, particularly in developing countries. Therefore, this research considers the factors facilitating and inhibiting the successful implementation of e-government in developing countries. The methodology adopted for the thesis was a qualitative research approach. Secondary data was collected through a literature review of various sources, namely government publications, annual reports compiled by international development agencies and relevant books. To address the research question, I identified literature from journal articles with expertise in information systems such as the Electronic Journal for E-government. The research findings indicate that e-government in developing countries is impacted by various infrastructural, financial, political, socio-economic, organisational and human related aspects. Some of these include the digital divide, resistance to change, limited ICT skills and a lack of robust regulatory frameworks. The study concludes that successful e-government does not solely rest on technology. Instead, developing countries need to understand the impact of the various local contextual factors. These are the fundamental aspects that must be considered during the strategic design of e-government initiatives to ensure they are appropriate for and relevant to local conditions

    Grassroots community participation as a key to e-governance sustainability in Africa

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    This article explores the theoretical sustainability of e-governance in Africa by assessing the nature of participation of stakeholders. It adopts an explanatory critique, drawing on perspectives debated in scholarly literature and based on reviews of country approaches. The exploration takes into account historical antecedents to participation in e-governance in Africa, revealing that dominant stakeholder interests effectively lock out the majority of citizens from active participation in e-governance, except as consumers of public services delivered through e-government. It considers the nature of attachment of stakeholders to e-governance projects. Global stakeholders increasingly have a low degree of attachment, while there is a relatively high degree of enrolment of local actors. The concept of e-governance remains solid, but is dispensable, since although government agencies have “embraced” the message of e-government, certain local actors are weakly mobilised. The policy process has failed to nurture the heterogeneity of actors, specifically grassroots actors, that is required for effective e-governance.http://link.wits.ac.za/journal/journal.htmlam201

    E-services and M-services Using IoT: An Assessment of the Kingdom of Bahrain

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    The Kingdom of Bahrain has been reported as the pioneers of the e-government within the Arabian Gulf region. Such particularly is the pride reflective within the healthcare sector. With e-government ranked first among all Arab countries and thirteen worldwide, e-health paved new heights. Its successes further resonated during the COVID-19 era. Various stakeholders in the healthcare sector moved beyond e-services. Thanks to the Internet of Things, have been able to appreciate m-health. It is certain, that the country practiced strategies to assure itself towards a fast-growing Internet users base, and this is particularly evidenced through its citizens and the expat populations. The aim of this study is to explore how the Kingdom of Bahrain was able to succeed in its e-service, e-government, and e-health services to transform from a bureaucratic model to a new IoT based m-health and m-government paradigm. A content analysis of the Kingdom of Bahrain intellectual resources, i.e., their websites as well as journal and conference papers, etc., this chapter extends an overview of how Bahrain was able to transform to an e/m-government and e/m-health paradigm, along with theoretical and practical implication with suggestions for future research are also put forth in this chapter

    Poverty and its Alleviation Lessons for Nigeria

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    The study focused on the persistent poverty status in Nigeria in spite of all the actions and activities directly and indirectly put in place to reduce it. Nigerian poverty statistics and government actions in tackling poverty were examined. Few countries that have succeeded in reducing poverty position were briefly examined. Specifically, we highlighted how Malaysia, China and South Korea aspired and attained high level poverty alleviation. The lessons of their success stories were the basis for recommendations for Nigeria as a panacea for poverty reduction which has persevere in spite of every efforts over the years. Among the recommendations made include designing of poverty line for the entire geopolitical zone, stating target of poverty reduction within a time frame, and sincerely implementing and monitoring of strategies, programmes and policies. Kalu E. Uma | Paul C.Obidike | Frank O. Ozoh "Poverty and it's Alleviation: Lessons for Nigeria" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-1 | Issue-4 , June 201

    Human work interaction design for e-Government and public information systems

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    Varied backgrounds of users, heterogeneous delivery media and diverse socio-cultural and organizational contexts pose new challenges of human work interaction design in the field of e-government and public information systems. The workshop will consolidate the empirical case studies of how human work analysis and interaction design has benefited in enhancing the user experience of e-government and public information systems and a set of effective methods, techniques and theories for this purpose. Selected research papers from the workshop will be published in the International Journal of Public Information Systems (IJPIS), Sweden.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio