591 research outputs found

    Mobile cloud computing and network function virtualization for 5g systems

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    The recent growth of the number of smart mobile devices and the emergence of complex multimedia mobile applications have brought new challenges to the design of wireless mobile networks. The envisioned Fifth-Generation (5G) systems are equipped with different technical solutions that can accommodate the increasing demands for high date rate, latency-limited, energy-efficient and reliable mobile communication networks. Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is a key technology in 5G systems that enables the offloading of computationally heavy applications, such as for augmented or virtual reality, object recognition, or gaming from mobile devices to cloudlet or cloud servers, which are connected to wireless access points, either directly or through finite-capacity backhaul links. Given the battery-limited nature of mobile devices, mobile cloud computing is deemed to be an important enabler for the provision of such advanced applications. However, computational tasks offloading, and due to the variability of the communication network through which the cloud or cloudlet is accessed, may incur unpredictable energy expenditure or intolerable delay for the communications between mobile devices and the cloud or cloudlet servers. Therefore, the design of a mobile cloud computing system is investigated by jointly optimizing the allocation of radio, computational resources and backhaul resources in both uplink and downlink directions. Moreover, the users selected for cloud offloading need to have an energy consumption that is smaller than the amount required for local computing, which is achieved by means of user scheduling. Motivated by the application-centric drift of 5G systems and the advances in smart devices manufacturing technologies, new brand of mobile applications are developed that are immersive, ubiquitous and highly-collaborative in nature. For example, Augmented Reality (AR) mobile applications have inherent collaborative properties in terms of data collection in the uplink, computing at the cloud, and data delivery in the downlink. Therefore, the optimization of the shared computing and communication resources in MCC not only benefit from the joint allocation of both resources, but also can be more efficiently enhanced by sharing the offloaded data and computations among multiple users. As a result, a resource allocation approach whereby transmitted, received and processed data are shared partially among the users leads to more efficient utilization of the communication and computational resources. As a suggested architecture in 5G systems, MCC decouples the computing functionality from the platform location through the use of software virtualization to allow flexible provisioning of the provided services. Another virtualization-based technology in 5G systems is Network Function Virtualization (NFV) which prescribes the instantiation of network functions on general-purpose network devices, such as servers and switches. While yielding a more flexible and cost-effective network architecture, NFV is potentially limited by the fact that commercial off-the-shelf hardware is less reliable than the dedicated network elements used in conventional cellular deployments. The typical solution for this problem is to duplicate network functions across geographically distributed hardware in order to ensure diversity. For that reason, the development of fault-tolerant virtualization strategies for MCC and NFV is necessary to ensure reliability of the provided services

    Cloud-aided wireless systems: communications and radar applications

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    This dissertation focuses on cloud-assisted radio technologies for communication, including mobile cloud computing and Cloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN), and for radar systems. This dissertation first concentrates on cloud-aided communications. Mobile cloud computing, which allows mobile users to run computationally heavy applications on battery limited devices, such as cell phones, is considered initially. Mobile cloud computing enables the offloading of computation-intensive applications from a mobile device to a cloud processor via a wireless interface. The interplay between offloading decisions at the application layer and physical-layer parameters, which determine the energy and latency associated with the mobile-cloud communication, motivates the inter-layer optimization of fine-grained task offloading across both layers. This problem is modeled by using application call graphs, and the joint optimization of application-layer and physical-layer parameters is carried out via a message passing algorithm by minimizing the total energy expenditure of the mobile user. The concept of cloud radio is also being considered for the development of two cellular architectures known as Distributed RAN (D-RAN) and C-RAN, whereby the baseband processing of base stations is carried out in a remote Baseband Processing Unit (BBU). These architectures can reduce the capital and operating expenses of dense deployments at the cost of increasing the communication latency. The effect of this latency, which is due to the fronthaul transmission between the Remote Radio Head (RRH) and the BBU, is then studied for implementation of Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request (HARQ) protocols. Specifically, two novel solutions are proposed, which are based on the control-data separation architecture. The trade-offs involving resources such as the number of transmitting and receiving antennas, transmission power and the blocklength of the transmitted codeword, and the performance of the proposed solutions is investigated in analysis and numerical results. The detection of a target in radar systems requires processing of the signal that is received by the sensors. Similar to cloud radio access networks in communications, this processing of the signals can be carried out in a remote Fusion Center (FC) that is connected to all sensors via limited-capacity fronthaul links. The last part of this dissertation is dedicated to exploring the application of cloud radio to radar systems. In particular, the problem of maximizing the detection performance at the FC jointly over the code vector used by the transmitting antenna and over the statistics of the noise introduced by quantization at the sensors for fronthaul transmission is investigated by adopting the information-theoretic criterion of the Bhattacharyya distance and information-theoretic bounds on the quantization rate

    Edge and Central Cloud Computing: A Perfect Pairing for High Energy Efficiency and Low-latency

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    In this paper, we study the coexistence and synergy between edge and central cloud computing in a heterogeneous cellular network (HetNet), which contains a multi-antenna macro base station (MBS), multiple multi-antenna small base stations (SBSs) and multiple single-antenna user equipment (UEs). The SBSs are empowered by edge clouds offering limited computing services for UEs, whereas the MBS provides high-performance central cloud computing services to UEs via a restricted multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) backhaul to their associated SBSs. With processing latency constraints at the central and edge networks, we aim to minimize the system energy consumption used for task offloading and computation. The problem is formulated by jointly optimizing the cloud selection, the UEs' transmit powers, the SBSs' receive beamformers, and the SBSs' transmit covariance matrices, which is {a mixed-integer and non-convex optimization problem}. Based on methods such as decomposition approach and successive pseudoconvex approach, a tractable solution is proposed via an iterative algorithm. The simulation results show that our proposed solution can achieve great performance gain over conventional schemes using edge or central cloud alone. Also, with large-scale antennas at the MBS, the massive MIMO backhaul can significantly reduce the complexity of the proposed algorithm and obtain even better performance.Comment: Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Allocation of Communication and Computation Resources in Mobile Networks

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    Konvergence komunikačních a výpočetních technologií vedlo k vzniku Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC). MEC poskytuje výpočetní výkon na tzv. hraně mobilních sítí (základnové stanice, jádro mobilní sítě), který lze využít pro optimalizaci mobilních sítí v reálném čase. Optimalizacev reálném čase je umožněna díky nízkému komunikačnímu zpoždění například v porovnání s Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC). Optimalizace mobilních sítí vyžaduje informace o mobilní síti od uživatelských zařízeních, avšak sběr těchto informací využívá komunikační prostředky, které jsou využívány i pro přenos uživatelských dat. Zvyšující se počet uživatelských zařízení, senzorů a taktéž komunikace vozidel tvoří překážku pro sběr informací o mobilních sítích z důvodu omezeného množství komunikačních prostředků. Tudíž je nutné navrhnout řešení, která umožní sběr těchto informací pro potřeby optimalizace mobilních sítí. V této práci je navrženo řešení pro komunikaci vysokého počtu zařízeních, které je postaveno na využití přímé komunikace mezi zařízeními. Pro motivování uživatelů, pro využití přeposílání dat pomocí přímé komunikace mezi uživateli je navrženo přidělování komunikačních prostředků jenž vede na přirozenou spolupráci uživatelů. Dále je provedena analýza spotřeby energie při využití přeposílání dat pomocí přímé komunikace mezi uživateli pro ukázání jejích výhod z pohledu spotřeby energie. Pro další zvýšení počtu komunikujících zařízení je využito mobilních létajících základových stanic (FlyBS). Pro nasazení FlyBS je navržen algoritmus, který hledá pozici FlyBS a asociaci uživatel k FlyBS pro zvýšení spokojenosti uživatelů s poskytovanými datovými propustnostmi. MEC lze využít nejen pro optimalizaci mobilních sítí z pohledu mobilních operátorů, ale taktéž uživateli mobilních sítí. Tito uživatelé mohou využít MEC pro přenost výpočetně náročných úloh z jejich mobilních zařízeních do MEC. Z důvodu mobility uživatel je nutné nalézt vhodně přidělení komunikačních a výpočetních prostředků pro uspokojení uživatelských požadavků. Tudíž je navržen algorithmus pro výběr komunikační cesty mezi uživatelem a MEC, jenž je posléze rozšířen o přidělování výpočetných prostředků společně s komunikačními prostředky. Navržené řešení vede k snížení komunikačního zpoždění o desítky procent.The convergence of communication and computing in the mobile networks has led to an introduction of the Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC). The MEC combines communication and computing resources at the edge of the mobile network and provides an option to optimize the mobile network in real-time. This is possible due to close proximity of the computation resources in terms of communication delay, in comparison to the Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC). The optimization of the mobile networks requires information about the mobile network and User Equipment (UE). Such information, however, consumes a significant amount of communication resources. The finite communication resources along with the ever increasing number of the UEs and other devices, such as sensors, vehicles pose an obstacle for collecting the required information. Therefore, it is necessary to provide solutions to enable the collection of the required mobile network information from the UEs for the purposes of the mobile network optimization. In this thesis, a solution to enable communication of a large number of devices, exploiting Device-to-Device (D2D) communication for data relaying, is proposed. To motivate the UEs to relay data of other UEs, we propose a resource allocation algorithm that leads to a natural cooperation of the UEs. To show, that the relaying is not only beneficial from the perspective of an increased number of UEs, we provide an analysis of the energy consumed by the D2D communication. To further increase the number of the UEs we exploit a recent concept of the flying base stations (FlyBSs), and we develop a joint algorithm for a positioning of the FlyBS and an association of the UEs to increase the UEs satisfaction with the provided data rates. The MEC can be exploited not only for processing of the collected data to optimize the mobile networks, but also by the mobile users. The mobile users can exploit the MEC for the computation offloading, i.e., transferring the computation from their UEs to the MEC. However, due to the inherent mobility of the UEs, it is necessary to determine communication and computation resource allocation in order to satisfy the UEs requirements. Therefore, we first propose a solution for a selection of the communication path between the UEs and the MEC (communication resource allocation). Then, we also design an algorithm for joint communication and computation resource allocation. The proposed solution then lead to a reduction in the computation offloading delay by tens of percent

    Joint Service Placement and Request Routing in Multi-cell Mobile Edge Computing Networks

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    The proliferation of innovative mobile services such as augmented reality, networked gaming, and autonomous driving has spurred a growing need for low-latency access to computing resources that cannot be met solely by existing centralized cloud systems. Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) is expected to be an effective solution to meet the demand for low-latency services by enabling the execution of computing tasks at the network-periphery, in proximity to end-users. While a number of recent studies have addressed the problem of determining the execution of service tasks and the routing of user requests to corresponding edge servers, the focus has primarily been on the efficient utilization of computing resources, neglecting the fact that non-trivial amounts of data need to be stored to enable service execution, and that many emerging services exhibit asymmetric bandwidth requirements. To fill this gap, we study the joint optimization of service placement and request routing in MEC-enabled multi-cell networks with multidimensional (storage-computation-communication) constraints. We show that this problem generalizes several problems in literature and propose an algorithm that achieves close-to-optimal performance using randomized rounding. Evaluation results demonstrate that our approach can effectively utilize the available resources to maximize the number of requests served by low-latency edge cloud servers.Comment: IEEE Infocom 201

    Gestion conjointe de ressources de communication et de calcul pour les réseaux sans fils à base de cloud

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    Mobile Edge Cloud brings the cloud closer to mobile users by moving the cloud computational efforts from the internet to the mobile edge. We adopt a local mobile edge cloud computing architecture, where small cells are empowered with computational and storage capacities. Mobile users’ offloaded computational tasks are executed at the cloud-enabled small cells. We propose the concept of small cells clustering for mobile edge computing, where small cells cooperate in order to execute offloaded computational tasks. A first contribution of this thesis is the design of a multi-parameter computation offloading decision algorithm, SM-POD. The proposed algorithm consists of a series of low complexity successive and nested classifications of computational tasks at the mobile side, leading to local computation, or offloading to the cloud. To reach the offloading decision, SM-POD jointly considers computational tasks, handsets, and communication channel parameters. In the second part of this thesis, we tackle the problem of small cell clusters set up for mobile edge cloud computing for both single-user and multi-user cases. The clustering problem is formulated as an optimization that jointly optimizes the computational and communication resource allocation, and the computational load distribution on the small cells participating in the computation cluster. We propose a cluster sparsification strategy, where we trade cluster latency for higher system energy efficiency. In the multi-user case, the optimization problem is not convex. In order to compute a clustering solution, we propose a convex reformulation of the problem, and we prove that both problems are equivalent. With the goal of finding a lower complexity clustering solution, we propose two heuristic small cells clustering algorithms. The first algorithm is based on resource allocation on the serving small cells where tasks are received, as a first step. Then, in a second step, unserved tasks are sent to a small cell managing unit (SCM) that sets up computational clusters for the execution of these tasks. The main idea of this algorithm is task scheduling at both serving small cells, and SCM sides for higher resource allocation efficiency. The second proposed heuristic is an iterative approach in which serving small cells compute their desired clusters, without considering the presence of other users, and send their cluster parameters to the SCM. SCM then checks for excess of resource allocation at any of the network small cells. SCM reports any load excess to serving small cells that re-distribute this load on less loaded small cells. In the final part of this thesis, we propose the concept of computation caching for edge cloud computing. With the aim of reducing the edge cloud computing latency and energy consumption, we propose caching popular computational tasks for preventing their re-execution. Our contribution here is two-fold: first, we propose a caching algorithm that is based on requests popularity, computation size, required computational capacity, and small cells connectivity. This algorithm identifies requests that, if cached and downloaded instead of being re-computed, will increase the computation caching energy and latency savings. Second, we propose a method for setting up a search small cells cluster for finding a cached copy of the requests computation. The clustering policy exploits the relationship between tasks popularity and their probability of being cached, in order to identify possible locations of the cached copy. The proposed method reduces the search cluster size while guaranteeing a minimum cache hit probability.Cette thèse porte sur le paradigme « Mobile Edge cloud» qui rapproche le cloud des utilisateurs mobiles et qui déploie une architecture de clouds locaux dans les terminaisons du réseau. Les utilisateurs mobiles peuvent désormais décharger leurs tâches de calcul pour qu’elles soient exécutées par les femto-cellules (FCs) dotées de capacités de calcul et de stockage. Nous proposons ainsi un concept de regroupement de FCs dans des clusters de calculs qui participeront aux calculs des tâches déchargées. A cet effet, nous proposons, dans un premier temps, un algorithme de décision de déportation de tâches vers le cloud, nommé SM-POD. Cet algorithme prend en compte les caractéristiques des tâches de calculs, des ressources de l’équipement mobile, et de la qualité des liens de transmission. SM-POD consiste en une série de classifications successives aboutissant à une décision de calcul local, ou de déportation de l’exécution dans le cloud.Dans un deuxième temps, nous abordons le problème de formation de clusters de calcul à mono-utilisateur et à utilisateurs multiples. Nous formulons le problème d’optimisation relatif qui considère l’allocation conjointe des ressources de calculs et de communication, et la distribution de la charge de calcul sur les FCs participant au cluster. Nous proposons également une stratégie d’éparpillement, dans laquelle l’efficacité énergétique du système est améliorée au prix de la latence de calcul. Dans le cas d’utilisateurs multiples, le problème d’optimisation d’allocation conjointe de ressources n’est pas convexe. Afin de le résoudre, nous proposons une reformulation convexe du problème équivalente à la première puis nous proposons deux algorithmes heuristiques dans le but d’avoir un algorithme de formation de cluster à complexité réduite. L’idée principale du premier est l’ordonnancement des tâches de calculs sur les FCs qui les reçoivent. Les ressources de calculs sont ainsi allouées localement au niveau de la FC. Les tâches ne pouvant pas être exécutées sont, quant à elles, envoyées à une unité de contrôle (SCM) responsable de la formation des clusters de calculs et de leur exécution. Le second algorithme proposé est itératif et consiste en une formation de cluster au niveau des FCs ne tenant pas compte de la présence d’autres demandes de calculs dans le réseau. Les propositions de cluster sont envoyées au SCM qui évalue la distribution des charges sur les différentes FCs. Le SCM signale tout abus de charges pour que les FCs redistribuent leur excès dans des cellules moins chargées.Dans la dernière partie de la thèse, nous proposons un nouveau concept de mise en cache des calculs dans l’Edge cloud. Afin de réduire la latence et la consommation énergétique des clusters de calculs, nous proposons la mise en cache de calculs populaires pour empêcher leur réexécution. Ici, notre contribution est double : d’abord, nous proposons un algorithme de mise en cache basé, non seulement sur la popularité des tâches de calculs, mais aussi sur les tailles et les capacités de calculs demandés, et la connectivité des FCs dans le réseau. L’algorithme proposé identifie les tâches aboutissant à des économies d’énergie et de temps plus importantes lorsqu’elles sont téléchargées d’un cache au lieu d’être recalculées. Nous proposons ensuite d’exploiter la relation entre la popularité des tâches et la probabilité de leur mise en cache, pour localiser les emplacements potentiels de leurs copies. La méthode proposée est basée sur ces emplacements, et permet de former des clusters de recherche de taille réduite tout en garantissant de retrouver une copie en cache