343 research outputs found

    Review of Development Stages in the Conceptual Design of an Electro Hydrostatic Actuator for Robotics

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    The design of modern robotic devices faces numerous requirements and limitations which are related to optimization and robustness. Consequently, these stringent requirements have caused improvements in many engineering areas and lead to development of new optimization methods which better handle new complex products designed for application in industrial robots. One of the newly developed methods used in industrial robotics is the concept of a self-contained power device, an Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator (EHA). EHA devices were designed with a central idea, to avoid the possible drawbacks which were present in other types of actuators that are currently used in robotic systems. This paper is a review of the development phases of an EHA device for robotic applications. An overview of the advantages and disadvantages related to current EHA designs are presented, and finally possible ideas for future developments are suggested

    Développement d'une unité de valves motorisées et algorithme de transition pour actionnement hydrostatique bimodal d'une jambe robotique

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    Les robots mobiles, tels que les exosquelettes et les robots marcheurs, utilisent des actionneurs qui doivent satisfaire à une large plage de requis de force et de vitesse. Par exemple, pour le cycle de marche d’une jambe robotique, la phase d’appui nécessite une force élevée tandis que la phase de balancement requiert une grande vitesse. Pour satisfaire ces requis opposés, le dimensionnement d’un système d’actionnement traditionnel à rapport de réduction unique conduit généralement à un moteur électrique lourd, surdimensionné et à une faible efficacité énergétique. Ainsi, l’alternative explorée est une architecture hydrostatique à deux vitesses où des valves motorisées sont utilisées pour reconfigurer dynamiquement le système entre deux modes de fonctionnement : fort ou rapide. La complexité réside dans le choix d’une technologie de valve légère ainsi que dans le développement d’un algorithme de contrôle permettant de réaliser les transitions de manière rapide et fluide. Un prototype d’une unité de valves motorisées est conçu et intégré dans l’architecture hydrostatique complète de l’actionneur et un banc d’essai d’une jambe robotique est fabriqué. Trois stratégies de contrôle des moteurs sont comparées lors du changement de mode : une vitesse constante, une diminution de vitesse et une réduction du courant. La méthode choisie, le contrôle en courant, est ensuite utilisée pour la démonstration des phases d’appui et de balancement de la jambe robotique. Par cette méthode, il est possible d’effectuer des transitions rapides, de maintenir une force suffisante et de minimiser les oscillations qui surviennent lors du contact avec le sol. Ces travaux offrent donc un premier point de comparaison au niveau du choix de valves, de la masse, de la vitesse d’actionnement et de la stratégie de contrôle

    Performance analysis of a new energy-efficient variable supply pressure electro-hydraulic motion control system

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    Electro-hydraulic actuation is used in many motion control applications due to its high power density, excellent dynamic response and good durability. However fluid power actuation has been shown to be very energy inefficient, with an average efficiency for fluid power systems across all industries of 22% in the USA. This is a very significant problem, given that 3% of the energy used by mankind is transmitted in this way.The key challenge for researchers is to reduce energy losses in hydraulic actuation systems without increasing weight, size, and noise, and without reducing speed of response. Conventional high performance electro-hydraulic motion control systems use a fixed supply pressure with valve-controlled actuators (FPVC). This is inherently inefficient due to the need to use a valve to throttle the flow required by each actuator in the system down to match its load pressure. In this paper, a new load-prediction based method is proposed, in which the supply pressure is varied to track the pressure required by any actuator branch. By implementing this model-based approach using a high response servomotor-driven pump, it is shown that the dynamic response remains excellent. The load model not only allows feedforward control for servomotor speed based on the motion demand, but also feedforward for the control valves to supplement conventional proportional-integral feedback control.The new variable supply pressure valve-controlled (VPVC) method is investigated in simulation and experimentally using a two-axis hydraulic robot arm supplied by an axial piston pump. The performance has been rigorously compared with the same robot arm using a fixed supply pressure and proportional-integral joint position control. Experimental results showed that up to 70% hydraulic power saving was achieved, and that the dynamic tracking errors for VPVC were about half that for FPVC as a result of using feedforward control.</p

    Analysis and Design of a Gear Shifting Mechanism for Transmission Based Actuators

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    The fundamental idea of Transmission Based Actuators (TBA) is to incorporate a multi-speed transmission to spread a servomotor’s torque speed characteristics across a wider output speed range. TBA uses multi-speed transmissions such that heavy, high-torque motors can be traded for high-speed, reduced mass motor-transmission combinations. TBA design consists of a D.C. Brushless motor, discrete gear transmission and a fixed reduction. Of these, the fundamental to the proof of principle of TBA is the design of the discrete gear transmission. Basically the DVT is a three-speed gearbox consisting of 3 sets of epicyclic gears. Every planetary gear set is a two-degree of freedom system. In the present design one input is always the sun gear and the other is the ring gear. The motor gives one input to the planetary gear and the second input to the planetary gear set is obtained by locking the band brakes such that the ring gear speed is zero. Three different speeds are obtained by selectively and synchronously locking the three annular ring gears using corresponding external flexible band brakes. The complete dynamic model of the Gear Shifting Mechanism (GSM) has been developed and the braking torque has been estimated. The gear shifting mechanism primarily consists of a band brake, a series of mechanical linkages and electrical actuator. It is used to stop the ring gear, rotating at a very high speed and hold it to obtain the desired gear ratio. . Then a brake test stand has been designed and built to test the functionality of the GSM. The effective braking torque and the system time constant were measured for both dry and wet conditions. The obtained test results have been analyzed with respect to the predicted simulated results

    Development of Motion Control Systems for Hydraulically Actuated Cranes with Hanging Loads

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    Automation has been used in industrial processes for several decades to increase efficiency and safety. Tasks that are either dull, dangerous, or dirty can often be performed by machines in a reliable manner. This may provide a reduced risk to human life, and will typically give a lower economic cost. Industrial robots are a prime example of this, and have seen extensive use in the automotive industry and manufacturing plants. While these machines have been employed in a wide variety of industries, heavy duty lifting and handling equipment such as hydraulic cranes have typically been manually operated. This provides an opportunity to investigate and develop control systems to push lifting equipment towards the same level of automation found in the aforementioned industries. The use of winches and hanging loads on cranes give a set of challenges not typically found on robots, which requires careful consideration of both the safety aspect and precision of the pendulum-like motion. Another difference from industrial robots is the type of actuation systems used. While robots use electric motors, the cranes discussed in this thesis use hydraulic cylinders. As such, the dynamics of the machines and the control system designmay differ significantly. In addition, hydraulic cranes may experience significant deflection when lifting heavy loads, arising from both structural flexibility and the compressibility of the hydraulic fluid. The work presented in this thesis focuses on motion control of hydraulically actuated cranes. Motion control is an important topic when developing automation systems, as moving from one position to another is a common requirement for automated lifting operations. A novel path controller operating in actuator space is developed, which takes advantage of the load-independent flow control valves typically found on hydraulically actuated cranes. By operating in actuator space the motion of each cylinder is inherently minimized. To counteract the pendulum-like motion of the hanging payload, a novel anti-swing controller is developed and experimentally verified. The anti-swing controller is able to suppress the motion from the hanging load to increase safety and precision. To tackle the challenges associated with the flexibility of the crane, a deflection compensator is developed and experimentally verified. The deflection compensator is able to counteract both the static deflection due to gravity and dynamic de ection due to motion. Further, the topic of adaptive feedforward control of pressure compensated cylinders has been investigated. A novel adaptive differential controller has been developed and experimentally verified, which adapts to system uncertainties in both directions of motion. Finally, the use of electro-hydrostatic actuators for motion control of cranes has been investigated using numerical time domain simulations. A novel concept is proposed and investigated using simulations.publishedVersio

    The Fourteenth Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid Power, SICFP15: Abstracts

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    At this time the conference includes various themes like hybrids, drives, digital hydraulics and pneumatics. Special attention in the program is given for energy efficiency, renewable energy production and energy recovery. They are reflecting well the situation, where environmental issues and energy saving are increasingly important issues
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