907 research outputs found


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    The highly competitive environment in today's wireless and cellular network industries is making the management of systems seek for better and more advance techniques to keep masses of data, complexity of systems and deadline constrains under control with a lower cost and higher efficiency. Therefore, the management is getting significant attentions by researchers in order to increase the efficiency of the resource usage to provide high quality services. Two of the cornerstones of the management system in wireless and cellular network are carrier assignment and packet scheduling. Therefore, this work focuses on analysis and development of carrier assignment and packet scheduling methods in multi-band Wi-Fi and LTE-A networks. First, several existing carrier assignment methods which are developed by considering different strategists in LTE and LTE-A are analyzed. Secondly, a new technique for the carrier assignment methods for LTE and LTE-A is developed to improve the efficiency of carrier assignment methods. Thirdly, a novel carrier assignment method is proposed by considering the behaviors of mobile users for LTE and LTE-A. Then, a novel architecture with packet scheduling scheme is proposed for next generation mobile routers in multi-band Wi-Fi environment as similar to LTE-A. Finally, the scheme is improved based on energy awareness. Results show that the developed methods improve the performance of the systems in comparison to existing methods. The proposed methods and related analysis should help network engineers and service providers build next generation carrier assignment and packet scheduling methods to satisfy users in LTE, LTE-A and Wi-Fi

    Control-data separation architecture for cellular radio access networks: a survey and outlook

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    Conventional cellular systems are designed to ensure ubiquitous coverage with an always present wireless channel irrespective of the spatial and temporal demand of service. This approach raises several problems due to the tight coupling between network and data access points, as well as the paradigm shift towards data-oriented services, heterogeneous deployments and network densification. A logical separation between control and data planes is seen as a promising solution that could overcome these issues, by providing data services under the umbrella of a coverage layer. This article presents a holistic survey of existing literature on the control-data separation architecture (CDSA) for cellular radio access networks. As a starting point, we discuss the fundamentals, concepts, and general structure of the CDSA. Then, we point out limitations of the conventional architecture in futuristic deployment scenarios. In addition, we present and critically discuss the work that has been done to investigate potential benefits of the CDSA, as well as its technical challenges and enabling technologies. Finally, an overview of standardisation proposals related to this research vision is provided

    Wideband Autonomous Cognitive Radios: Spectrum Awareness and PHY/MAC Decision Making

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    The cognitive radios (CRs) have opened up new ways of better utilizing the scarce wireless spectrum resources. The CRs have been made feasible by recent advances in software-defined radios (SDRs), smart antennas, reconfigurable radio frequency (RF) front-ends, and full-duplex RF front-end architectures, to name a few. Generally, a CR is considered as a dynamically reconfigurable radio capable of adapting its operating parameters to the surrounding environment. Recent developments in spectrum policy and regulatory domains also allow more flexible and efficient utilization of wider RF spectrum range in the future. In line with the future directions of CRs, a new vision of a future autonomous CR device, called Radiobots, was previously proposed. The goals of the proposed Radiobot surpass the dynamic spectrum access (DSA) to achieve wideband operability and the main features of cognition. In order to ensure the practicality and robust operation of the Radiobot structure, the research focus of this dissertation includes the following aspects: 1) robust spectrum sensing and operability in a centralized CR network setup; 2) robust multivariate non-parametric quickest detection for dynamic spectrum usage tracking in an alien RF environment; 3) joint physical layer and medium access control layer (PHY/MAC) decision-making for wideband bandwidth aggregation (simultaneous operation over multiple modes/networks); and 4) autonomous spectrum sensing scheduling solutions in an alien ultra wideband RF environment. The major contribution of this dissertation is to investigate the feasibility of the autonomous CR operation in heterogeneous RF environments, and to provide novel solutions to the fundamental and crucial problems/challenges, including spectrum sensing, spectrum awareness, wideband operability, and autonomous PHY/MAC protocols, thus bringing the autonomous Radiobot one step closer to reality

    Towards Viable Large Scale Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    We explore radio resource allocation and management issues related to a large-scale heterogeneous (hetnet) wireless system made up of several Radio Access Technologies (RATs) that collectively provide a unified wireless network to a diverse set of users through co-ordination managed by a centralized Global Resource Controller (GRC). We incorporate 3G cellular technologies HSPA and EVDO, 4G cellular technologies WiMAX and LTE, and WLAN technology Wi-Fi as the RATs in our hetnet wireless system. We assume that the user devices are either multi-modal or have one or more reconfigurable radios which makes it possible for each device to use any available RAT at any given time subject to resource-sharing agreements. For such a hetnet system where resource allocation is coordinated at a global level, characterizing the network performance in terms of various conflicting network efficiency objectives that takes costs associated with a network re-association operation into account largely remains an open problem. Also, all the studies to-date that try to characterize the network performance of a hetnet system do not account for RAT-specific implementation details and the management overhead associated with setting up a centralized control. We study the radio resource allocation problem and the implementation/management overhead issues associated with a hetnet system in two research phases. In the first phase, we develop cost models associated with network re-association in terms of increased power consumption and communication downtime taking into account various user device assumptions. Using these cost models in our problem formulations, the first phase focuses on resource allocation strategies where we use a high-level system modeling approach to study the achievable performance in terms of conflicting network efficiency measures of spectral efficiency, overall power consumption, and instantaneous and long-term fairness for each user in the hetnet system. Our main result from this phase of study suggests that the gain in spectral efficiency due to multi-access network diversity results in a tremendous increase in overall power consumption due to frequent re-associations required by user devices. We then develop a utility function-based optimization algorithm to characterize and achieve a desired tradeoff in terms of all four network efficiency measures of spectral efficiency, overall power consumption and instantaneous and long-term fairness. We show an increase in a multi-attribute system utility measure of up to 56.7% for our algorithm compared to other widely studied resource allocation algorithms including max-sum rate, proportional fairness, max-min fairness and min power. The second phase of our research study focuses on practical implementation issues including the overhead required to implement a centralized GRC solution in a hetnet system. Through detailed protocol level simulations performed in ns-2, we show an increase in spectral efficiency of up to 99% and an increase in instantaneous fairness of up to 28.5% for two sort-based user device-to-Access Point (AP)/Base Station (BS) association algorithms implemented at the GRC that aim to maximize system spectral efficiency and instantaneous fairness performance metrics respectively compared to a distributed solution where each user makes his/her own association decision. The efficiency increase for each respective attribute again results in a tremendous increase in power consumption of up to 650% and 794% for each respective algorithm implemented at the GRC compared to a distributed solution because of frequent re-associations

    A survey of self organisation in future cellular networks

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    This article surveys the literature over the period of the last decade on the emerging field of self organisation as applied to wireless cellular communication networks. Self organisation has been extensively studied and applied in adhoc networks, wireless sensor networks and autonomic computer networks; however in the context of wireless cellular networks, this is the first attempt to put in perspective the various efforts in form of a tutorial/survey. We provide a comprehensive survey of the existing literature, projects and standards in self organising cellular networks. Additionally, we also aim to present a clear understanding of this active research area, identifying a clear taxonomy and guidelines for design of self organising mechanisms. We compare strength and weakness of existing solutions and highlight the key research areas for further development. This paper serves as a guide and a starting point for anyone willing to delve into research on self organisation in wireless cellular communication networks