46,668 research outputs found

    Jointly optimised iterative source-coding, channel-coding and modulation for transmission over wireless channels

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    Joint source-coding, channel-coding and modulation schemes based on Variable Length Codes (VLCs), Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM), Turbo TCM (TTCM), Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation (BICM) and iteratively decoded BICM (BICM-ID) schemes are proposed. A significant coding gain is achieved without bandwidth expansion, when exchanging information between the VLC and the coded modulation decoders with the advent of iterative decoding. With the aid of using independent interleavers for the In-phase and Quadrature phase components of the complex-valued constellation, further diversity gain may be achieved. The performance of the proposed schemes is evaluated over both AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels. Explicitly, at BER = 10-5 most of the proposed schemes have BER curves less than one-dB away from the channel capacity limit

    Exponential Golomb and Rice Error Correction codes for generalized near-capacity joint source and channel coding

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    The recently proposed Unary Error Correction (UEC) and Elias Gamma Error Correction (EGEC) codes facilitate the near-capacity Joint Source and Channel Coding (JSCC) of symbol values selected from large alphabets at a low complexity. Despite their large alphabet, these codes were only designed for a limited range of symbol value probability distributions. In this paper, we generalize the family of UEC and EGEC codes to the class of Rice and Exponential Golomb (ExpG) Error Correction (RiceEC and ExpGEC) codes, which have a much wider applicability, including the symbols produced by the H.265 video codec, the letters of the English alphabet and in fact any arbitrary monotonic unbounded source distributions. Furthermore, the practicality of the proposed codes is enhanced to allow a continuous stream of symbol values to be encoded and decoded using only fixed-length system components. We explore the parameter space to offer beneficial trade-offs between error correction capability, decoding complexity, as well as transmission-energy, -duration and -bandwidth over a wide range of operating conditions. In each case, we show that our codes offer significant performance improvements over the best of several state-of-the-art benchmarkers. In particular, our codes achieve the same error correction capability, as well as transmissionenergy, -duration and -bandwidth as a Variable Length Error- Correction (VLEC) code benchmarker, while reducing the decoding complexity by an order of magnitude. In comparison with the best of the other JSCC and Separate Source and Channel Coding (SSCC) benchmarkers, our codes consistently offer E_b/N_0 gains of between 0.5 dB and 1.0 dB which only appear to be modest, because the system operates close to capacity. These improvements are achieved for free, since they are not achieved at the cost of increasing transmission-energy, -duration, -bandwidth or decoding complexity

    Codes robustes et codes joints source-canal pour transmission multimédia sur canaux mobiles

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    Some new error-resilient source coding and joint source/channel coding techniquesare proposed for the transmission of multimedia sources over error-prone channels.First, we introduce a class of entropy codes providing unequal error-resilience, i.e.providing some protection to the most sensitive information. These codes are thenextended to exploit the temporal dependencies. A new state model based on the aggregation of some states of the trellis is thenproposed and analyzed for soft source decoding of variable length codes with a lengthconstraint. It allows the weighting of the compromise between the estimation accuracyand the decoding complexity.Next, some paquetization methods are proposed to reduce the error propagationphenomenon of variable length codes.Finally, some re-writing rules are proposed to extend the binary codetree representationof entropy codes. The proposed representation allows in particular the designof codes with improved soft decoding performances.Cette thèse propose des codes robustes et des codes conjoints source/canal pourtransmettre des signaux multimédia sur des canaux bruités. Nous proposons des codesentropiques offrant une résistance intrinsèque aux données prioritaires. Ces codes sontétendus pour exploiter la dépendance temporelle du signal.Un nouveau modèle d’état est ensuite proposé et analysé pour le décodage souplede codes à longueur variable avec une contrainte de longueur. Il permet de réglerfinement le compromis performance de décodage/complexité.Nous proposons également de séparer, au niveau du codage entropique, les étapesde production des mots de codes et de paquétisation. Différentes stratégies de constructionde train binaire sont alors proposées.Enfin, la représentation en arbre binaire des codes entropiques est étendue enconsidérant des règles de ré-écriture. Cela permet en particulier d’obtenir des codesqui offrent des meilleures performances en décodage souple

    The Reliability Function of Lossy Source-Channel Coding of Variable-Length Codes with Feedback

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    We consider transmission of discrete memoryless sources (DMSes) across discrete memoryless channels (DMCs) using variable-length lossy source-channel codes with feedback. The reliability function (optimum error exponent) is shown to be equal to max{0,B(1R(D)/C)},\max\{0, B(1-R(D)/C)\}, where R(D)R(D) is the rate-distortion function of the source, BB is the maximum relative entropy between output distributions of the DMC, and CC is the Shannon capacity of the channel. We show that, in this setting and in this asymptotic regime, separate source-channel coding is, in fact, optimal.Comment: Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory in Apr. 201

    Joint source-channel coding with feedback

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    This paper quantifies the fundamental limits of variable-length transmission of a general (possibly analog) source over a memoryless channel with noiseless feedback, under a distortion constraint. We consider excess distortion, average distortion and guaranteed distortion (dd-semifaithful codes). In contrast to the asymptotic fundamental limit, a general conclusion is that allowing variable-length codes and feedback leads to a sizable improvement in the fundamental delay-distortion tradeoff. In addition, we investigate the minimum energy required to reproduce kk source samples with a given fidelity after transmission over a memoryless Gaussian channel, and we show that the required minimum energy is reduced with feedback and an average (rather than maximal) power constraint.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Iterative joint design of source codes and multiresolution channel codes

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    We propose an iterative design algorithm for jointly optimizing source and channel codes. The joint design combines channel-optimized vector quantization (COVQ) for the source code with rate-compatible punctured convolutional (RCPC) coding for the channel code. Our objective is to minimize the average end-to-end distortion. For a given channel SNR and transmission rate, our joint source and channel code design achieves an optimal allocation of bits between the source and channel coders. This optimal allocation can reduce distortion by up to 6 dB over suboptimal allocations for the source data set considered. We also compare the distortion of our joint iterative design with that of two suboptimal design techniques: COVQ optimized for a given channel bit-error-probability, and RCPC channel coding optimized for a given vector quantizer. We conclude by relaxing the fixed transmission rate constraint and jointly optimizing the transmission rate, source code, and channel code