344 research outputs found

    Energy-Efficient Coordinated Multi-Cell Multigroup Multicast Beamforming with Antenna Selection

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    This paper studies energy-efficient coordinated beamforming in multi-cell multi-user multigroup multicast multiple-input single-output systems. We aim at maximizing the network energy efficiency by taking into account the fact that some of the radio frequency chains can be switched off in order to save power. We consider the antenna specific maximum power constraints to avoid non-linear distortion in power amplifiers and user-specific quality of service (QoS) constraints to guarantee a certain QoS levels. We first introduce binary antenna selection variables and use the perspective formulation to model the relation between them and the beamformers. Subsequently, we propose a new formulation which reduces the feasible set of the continuous relaxation, resulting in better performance compared to the original perspective formulation based problem. However, the resulting optimization problem is a mixed-Boolean non-convex fractional program, which is difficult to solve. We follow the standard continuous relaxation of the binary antenna selection variables, and then reformulate the problem such that it is amendable to successive convex approximation. Thereby, solving the continuous relaxation mostly results in near-binary solution. To recover the binary variables from the continuous relaxation, we switch off all the antennas for which the continuous values are smaller than a small threshold. Numerical results illustrate the superior convergence result and significant achievable gains in terms of energy efficiency with the proposed algorithm.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted to IEEE ICC 2017 - International Workshop on 5G RAN Desig

    Energy Efficient Resource Allocation Optimization in Fog Radio Access Networks with Outdated Channel Knowledge

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    Fog Radio Access Networks (F-RAN) are gaining worldwide interests for enabling mobile edge computing for Beyond 5G. However, to realize the future real-time and delay-sensitive applications, F-RAN tailored radio resource allocation and interference management become necessary. This work investigates user association and beamforming issues for providing energy efficient F-RANs. We formulate the energy efficiency maximization problem, where the F-RAN specific constraint to guarantee local edge processing is explicitly considered. To solve this intricate problem, we design an algorithm based on the Augmented Lagrangian (AL) method. Then, to alleviate the computational complexity, a heuristic low-complexity strategy is developed, where the tasks are split in two parts: one solving for user association and Fog Access Points (F-AP) activation in a centralized manner at the cloud, based on global but outdated user Channel State Information (CSI) to account for fronthaul delays, and the second solving for beamforming in a distributed manner at each active F-AP based on perfect but local CSIs. Simulation results show that the proposed heuristic method achieves an appreciable performance level as compared to the AL-based method, while largely outperforming the energy efficiency of the baseline F-RAN scheme and limiting the sum-rate degradation compared to the optimized sum-rate maximization algorithm

    Low-latency Networking: Where Latency Lurks and How to Tame It

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    While the current generation of mobile and fixed communication networks has been standardized for mobile broadband services, the next generation is driven by the vision of the Internet of Things and mission critical communication services requiring latency in the order of milliseconds or sub-milliseconds. However, these new stringent requirements have a large technical impact on the design of all layers of the communication protocol stack. The cross layer interactions are complex due to the multiple design principles and technologies that contribute to the layers' design and fundamental performance limitations. We will be able to develop low-latency networks only if we address the problem of these complex interactions from the new point of view of sub-milliseconds latency. In this article, we propose a holistic analysis and classification of the main design principles and enabling technologies that will make it possible to deploy low-latency wireless communication networks. We argue that these design principles and enabling technologies must be carefully orchestrated to meet the stringent requirements and to manage the inherent trade-offs between low latency and traditional performance metrics. We also review currently ongoing standardization activities in prominent standards associations, and discuss open problems for future research
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