7,227 research outputs found

    Control of intelligent robots in space

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    In view of space activities like International Space Station, Man-Tended-Free-Flyer (MTFF) and free flying platforms, the development of intelligent robotic systems is gaining increasing importance. The range of applications that have to be performed by robotic systems in space includes e.g., the execution of experiments in space laboratories, the service and maintenance of satellites and flying platforms, the support of automatic production processes or the assembly of large network structures. Some of these tasks will require the development of bi-armed or of multiple robotic systems including functional redundancy. For the development of robotic systems which are able to perform this variety of tasks a hierarchically structured modular concept of automation is required. This concept is characterized by high flexibility as well as by automatic specialization to the particular sequence of tasks that have to be performed. On the other hand it has to be designed such that the human operator can influence or guide the system on different levels of control supervision, and decision. This leads to requirements for the hardware and software concept which permit a range of application of the robotic systems from telemanipulation to autonomous operation. The realization of this goal requires strong efforts in the development of new methods, software and hardware concepts, and the integration into an automation concept

    A model-based residual approach for human-robot collaboration during manual polishing operations

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    A fully robotized polishing of metallic surfaces may be insufficient in case of parts with complex geometric shapes, where a manual intervention is still preferable. Within the EU SYMPLEXITY project, we are considering tasks where manual polishing operations are performed in strict physical Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) between a robot holding the part and a human operator equipped with an abrasive tool. During the polishing task, the robot should firmly keep the workpiece in a prescribed sequence of poses, by monitoring and resisting to the external forces applied by the operator. However, the user may also wish to change the orientation of the part mounted on the robot, simply by pushing or pulling the robot body and changing thus its configuration. We propose a control algorithm that is able to distinguish the external torques acting at the robot joints in two components, one due to the polishing forces being applied at the end-effector level, the other due to the intentional physical interaction engaged by the human. The latter component is used to reconfigure the manipulator arm and, accordingly, its end-effector orientation. The workpiece position is kept instead fixed, by exploiting the intrinsic redundancy of this subtask. The controller uses a F/T sensor mounted at the robot wrist, together with our recently developed model-based technique (the residual method) that is able to estimate online the joint torques due to contact forces/torques applied at any place along the robot structure. In order to obtain a reliable residual, which is necessary to implement the control algorithm, an accurate robot dynamic model (including also friction effects at the joints and drive gains) needs to be identified first. The complete dynamic identification and the proposed control method for the human-robot collaborative polishing task are illustrated on a 6R UR10 lightweight manipulator mounting an ATI 6D sensor

    Two-Stage Transfer Learning for Heterogeneous Robot Detection and 3D Joint Position Estimation in a 2D Camera Image using CNN

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    Collaborative robots are becoming more common on factory floors as well as regular environments, however, their safety still is not a fully solved issue. Collision detection does not always perform as expected and collision avoidance is still an active research area. Collision avoidance works well for fixed robot-camera setups, however, if they are shifted around, Eye-to-Hand calibration becomes invalid making it difficult to accurately run many of the existing collision avoidance algorithms. We approach the problem by presenting a stand-alone system capable of detecting the robot and estimating its position, including individual joints, by using a simple 2D colour image as an input, where no Eye-to-Hand calibration is needed. As an extension of previous work, a two-stage transfer learning approach is used to re-train a multi-objective convolutional neural network (CNN) to allow it to be used with heterogeneous robot arms. Our method is capable of detecting the robot in real-time and new robot types can be added by having significantly smaller training datasets compared to the requirements of a fully trained network. We present data collection approach, the structure of the multi-objective CNN, the two-stage transfer learning training and test results by using real robots from Universal Robots, Kuka, and Franka Emika. Eventually, we analyse possible application areas of our method together with the possible improvements.Comment: 6+n pages, ICRA 2019 submissio

    Safety-related Tasks within the Set-Based Task-Priority Inverse Kinematics Framework

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    In this paper we present a framework that allows the motion control of a robotic arm automatically handling different kinds of safety-related tasks. The developed controller is based on a Task-Priority Inverse Kinematics algorithm that allows the manipulator's motion while respecting constraints defined either in the joint or in the operational space in the form of equality-based or set-based tasks. This gives the possibility to define, among the others, tasks as joint-limits, obstacle avoidance or limiting the workspace in the operational space. Additionally, an algorithm for the real-time computation of the minimum distance between the manipulator and other objects in the environment using depth measurements has been implemented, effectively allowing obstacle avoidance tasks. Experiments with a Jaco2^2 manipulator, operating in an environment where an RGB-D sensor is used for the obstacles detection, show the effectiveness of the developed system

    Mobile forensic triage for damaged phones using M_Triage

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    Mobile forensics triage is a useful technique in a digital forensics investigation for recovering lost or purposely deleted and hidden files from digital storage. It is particularly useful, especially when solving a very sensitive crime, for example, kidnapping, in a timely manner. However, the existing mobile forensics triage tools do not consider performing a triage examination on damaged mobile phones. This research addressed the issues of performing triage examination on damaged Android mobile phones and reduction of false positive result generated by the current mobile forensics triage tools. Furthermore, the research addressed the issues of ignoring possible evidence residing in a bad block memory location. In this research a new forensics triage tool called M_Triage was introduced by extending Decode’s framework to handle data retrieval challenges on damaged Android mobile phones. The tool was designed to obtain evidence quickly and accurately (i.e. valid address book, call logs, SMS, images, and, videos, etc.) on Android damaged mobile phones. The tool was developed using C#, while back end engines was done using C programming and tested using five data sets. Based on the computational time processing comparison with Dec0de, Lifter, XRY and Xaver, the result showed that there was 75% improvement over Dec0de, 36% over Lifter, 28% over XRY and finally 71% over Xaver. Again, based on the experiment done on five data sets, M_Triage was capable of carving valid address book, call logs, SMS, images and videos as compared to Dec0de, Lifter, XRY and Xaver. With the average improvement of 90% over DEC0DE, 30% over Lifter, 40% over XRY and lastly 61% over Xaver. This shows that M_Triage is a better tool to be used because it saves time, carve more relevant files and less false positive result are achieved with the tool

    Mobile forensic triage for damaged phones using M_Triage

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    Mobile forensics triage is a useful technique in a digital forensics investigation for recovering lost or purposely deleted and hidden files from digital storage. It is particularly useful, especially when solving a very sensitive crime, for example, kidnapping, in a timely manner. However, the existing mobile forensics triage tools do not consider performing a triage examination on damaged mobile phones. This research addressed the issues of performing triage examination on damaged Android mobile phones and reduction of false positive result generated by the current mobile forensics triage tools. Furthermore, the research addressed the issues of ignoring possible evidence residing in a bad block memory location. In this research a new forensics triage tool called M_Triage was introduced by extending Decode’s framework to handle data retrieval challenges on damaged Android mobile phones. The tool was designed to obtain evidence quickly and accurately (i.e. valid address book, call logs, SMS, images, and, videos, etc.) on Android damaged mobile phones. The tool was developed using C#, while back end engines was done using C programming and tested using five data sets. Based on the computational time processing comparison with Dec0de, Lifter, XRY and Xaver, the result showed that there was 75% improvement over Dec0de, 36% over Lifter, 28% over XRY and finally 71% over Xaver. Again, based on the experiment done on five data sets, M_Triage was capable of carving valid address book, call logs, SMS, images and videos as compared to Dec0de, Lifter, XRY and Xaver. With the average improvement of 90% over DEC0DE, 30% over Lifter, 40% over XRY and lastly 61% over Xaver. This shows that M_Triage is a better tool to be used because it saves time, carve more relevant files and less false positive result are achieved with the tool

    ROBOSIM: An intelligent simulator for robotic systems

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    The purpose of this paper is to present an update of an intelligent robotics simulator package, ROBOSIM, first introduced at Technology 2000 in 1990. ROBOSIM is used for three-dimensional geometrical modeling of robot manipulators and various objects in their workspace, and for the simulation of action sequences performed by the manipulators. Geometric modeling of robot manipulators has an expanding area of interest because it can aid the design and usage of robots in a number of ways, including: design and testing of manipulators, robot action planning, on-line control of robot manipulators, telerobotic user interface, and training and education. NASA developed ROBOSIM between 1985-88 to facilitate the development of robotics, and used the package to develop robotics for welding, coating, and space operations. ROBOSIM has been further developed for academic use by its co-developer Vanderbilt University, and has been in both classroom and laboratory environments for teaching complex robotic concepts. Plans are being formulated to make ROBOSIM available to all U.S. engineering/engineering technology schools (over three hundred total with an estimated 10,000+ users per year)

    Collision-free motion of two robot arms in a common workspace

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    Collision-free motion of two robot arms in a common workspace is investigated. A collision-free motion is obtained by detecting collisions along the preplanned trajectories using a sphere model for the wrist of each robot and then modifying the paths and/or trajectories of one or both robots to avoid the collision. Detecting and avoiding collisions are based on the premise that: preplanned trajectories of the robots follow a straight line; collisions are restricted to between the wrists of the two robots (which corresponds to the upper three links of PUMA manipulators); and collisions never occur between the beginning points or end points on the straight line paths. The collision detection algorithm is described and some approaches to collision avoidance are discussed
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