37 research outputs found

    An Overview Of Breath Phase Detection – Techniques & Applications

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    The main aim of this study is to provide an overview on the state of the art techniques (acoustic and non-acoustic approaches) involved in breath phase detection and to highlight applications where breath phase detection is vital. Both acoustic and non-acoustic approaches are summarized in detail. The non-acoustic approach involves placement of sensors or flow measurement devices to estimate the breath phases, whereas the acoustic approach involves the use of sophisticated signal processing methods on respiratory sounds to detect breath phases. This article also briefly discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the acoustic and non-acoustic approaches of breath phase detection. The literature reveals that recent advancements in computing technology open avenues for researchers to apply sophisticated signal processing techniques and artificial intelligence algorithms to detect the breath phases in a non-invasive way. Future works that can be implemented after detecting the breath phases are also highlighted in this article

    An Overview of Breath Phase Detection – Techniques & Applications

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    The main aim of this study is to provide an overview on the state of the art techniques (acoustic and nonacoustic approaches) involved in breath phase detection and to highlight applications where breath phase detection is vital. Both acoustic and non-acoustic approaches are summarized in detail. The non-acoustic approach involves placement of sensors or flow measurement devices to estimate the breath phases, whereas the acoustic approach involves the use of sophisticated signal processing methods on respiratory sounds to detect breath phases. This article also briefly discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the acoustic and non-acoustic approaches of breath phase detection. The literature reveals that recent advancements in computing technology open avenues for researchers to apply sophisticated signal processing techniques and artificial intelligence algorithms to detect the breath phases in a non-invasive way. Future works that can be implemented after detecting the breath phases are also highlighted in this article

    Recommendations Related To Wheeze Sound Data Acquisition

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    In the field of computerized respiratory sounds,a reliable data set with a sufficient number of subjects is required for the development of wheeze detection algorithm or for further analysis.Validated and accurate data is a critical issue in the field of research.In this study,the protocol related to wheeze sound data acquisition is discussed.Previously,most articles focused on wheeze detection or its parametric analysis,but no consideration was given to data acquisition.Second major purpose of this study is to exhibit particulars of our dataset which was attained for future analysis.We compile a database with a sufficient and reliable number of cases with all essential details,in contrast to commercially available wheeze sound data used for research,freely available online data on websites and data used to train medical students for auscultation

    Algoritmos de procesado de señal basados en Non-negative Matrix Factorization aplicados a la separación, detección y clasificación de sibilancias en señales de audio respiratorias monocanal

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    La auscultación es el primer examen clínico que un médico lleva a cabo para evaluar el estado del sistema respiratorio, debido a que es un método no invasivo, de bajo coste, fácil de realizar y seguro para el paciente. Sin embargo, el diagnóstico que se deriva de la auscultación sigue siendo un diagnóstico subjetivo que se encuentra condicionado a la habilidad, experiencia y entrenamiento de cada médico en la escucha e interpretación de las señales de audio respiratorias. En consecuencia, se producen un alto porcentaje de diagnósticos erróneos que ponen en riesgo la salud de los pacientes e incrementan el coste asociado a los centros de salud. Esta Tesis propone nuevos métodos basados en Non-negative Matrix Factorization aplicados a la separación, detección y clasificación de sonidos sibilantes para proporcionar una vía de información complementaria al médico que ayude a mejorar la fiabilidad del diagnóstico emitido por el especialista. Auscultation is the first clinical examination that a physician performs to evaluate the condition of the respiratory system, because it is a non-invasive, low-cost, easy-to-perform and safe method for the patient. However, the diagnosis derived from auscultation remains a subjective diagnosis that is conditioned by the ability, experience and training of each physician in the listening and interpretation of respiratory audio signals. As a result, a high percentage of misdiagnoses are produced that endanger the health of patients and increase the cost associated with health centres. This Thesis proposes new methods based on Non-negative Matrix Factorization applied to separation, detection and classification of wheezing sounds in order to provide a complementary information pathway to the physician that helps to improve the reliability of the diagnosis made by the doctor.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento INGENIERÍA DE TELECOMUNICACIÓ

    Characterization And Classification Of Asthmatic Wheeze Sounds According To Severity Level Using Spectral Integrated Features

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    This study aimed to investigate and classify wheeze sounds of asthmatic patients according to their severity level (mild, moderate and severe) using spectral integrated (SI) features. Method: Segmented and validated wheeze sounds were obtained from auscultation recordings of the trachea and lower lung base of 55 asthmatic patients during tidal breathing manoeuvres. The segments were multi-labelled into 9 groups based on the auscultation location and/or breath phases. Bandwidths were selected based on the physiology, and a corresponding SI feature was computed for each segment. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses were then performed to investigate the discriminatory behaviour of the features with respect to the severity levels in the various groups. The asthmatic severity levels in the groups were then classified using the ensemble (ENS), support vector machine (SVM) and k-nearest neighbour (KNN) methods. Results and conclusion: All statistical comparisons exhibited a significant difference (p < 0.05) among the severity levels with few exceptions. In the classification experiments, the ensemble classifier exhibited better performance in terms of sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value (PPV). The trachea inspiratory group showed the highest classification performance compared with all the other groups. Overall, the best PPV for the mild, moderate and severe samples were 95% (ENS), 88% (ENS) and 90% (SVM), respectively. With respect to location, the tracheal related wheeze sounds were most sensitive and specific predictors of asthma severity levels. In addition, the classification performances of the inspiratory and expiratory related groups were comparable, suggesting that the samples from these locations are equally informativ

    Identification Of Asthma Severity Levels Through Wheeze Sound Characterization And Classification Using Integrated Power Features

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    This study aimed to investigate and classify wheeze sound characteristics according to asthma severity levels (mild, moderate and severe) using integrated power (IP) features. Method: Validated and segmented wheeze sounds were obtained from the lower lung base (LLB) and trachea recordings of 55 asthmatic patients with different severity levels during tidal breathing manoeuvres. From the segments, nine datasets were obtained based on the auscultation location, breath phases and their combination. In this study, IP features were extracted for assessing asthma severity. Subsequently, univariate and multivariate (MANOVA) statistical analyses were separately implemented to analyse behaviour of wheeze sounds according to severity levels. Furthermore, the ensemble (ENS), knearest- neighbour (KNN) and support vector machine (SVM) classifiers were applied to classify the asthma severity levels. Results and conclusion: The univariate results of this study indicated that the majority of features significantly discriminated (p < 0.05) the severity levels in all the datasets. The MANOVA results yielded significantly (p < 0.05) large effect size in all datasets (including LLB-related) and almost all post hoc results were significant(p < 0.05). A comparison ofthe performance of classifiers revealed that eight ofthe nine datasets showed improved performance with the ENS classifier. The Trachea inspiratory (T-Inspir) dataset produced the highest performance. The overall best positive predictive rate (PPR) for the mild, moderate and severe severity levels were 100% (KNN), 92% (SVM) and 94% (ENS) respectively. Analysis related to auscultation locations revealed that tracheal wheeze sounds are more specific and sensitive predictors of asthma severity. Additionally, phase related investigations indicated that expiratory and inspiratory wheeze sounds are equally informative for the classification of asthma severit

    Wheeze Sound Analysis Using Computer-Based Techniques: A Systematic Review

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    Wheezes are high pitched continuous respiratory acoustic sounds which are produced as a result of airway obstruction. Computer-based analyses of wheeze signals have been extensively used for parametric analysis, spectral analysis, identification of airway obstruction, feature extraction and diseases or pathology classification. While this area is currently an active field of research, the available literature has not yet been reviewed. This systematic review identified articles describing wheeze analyses using computer-based techniques on the SCOPUS, IEEE Xplore, ACM, PubMed and Springer and Elsevier electronic databases. After a set of selection criteria was applied, 41 articles were selected for detailed analysis. The findings reveal that 1) computerized wheeze analysis can be used for the identification of disease severity level or pathology, 2) further research is required to achieve acceptable rates of identification on the degree of airway obstruction with normal breathing, 3) analysis using combinations of features and on subgroups of the respiratory cycle has provided a pathway to classify various diseases or pathology that stem from airway obstructio

    Pan European Voice Conference - PEVOC 11

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    The Pan European VOice Conference (PEVOC) was born in 1995 and therefore in 2015 it celebrates the 20th anniversary of its establishment: an important milestone that clearly expresses the strength and interest of the scientific community for the topics of this conference. The most significant themes of PEVOC are singing pedagogy and art, but also occupational voice disorders, neurology, rehabilitation, image and video analysis. PEVOC takes place in different European cities every two years (www.pevoc.org). The PEVOC 11 conference includes a symposium of the Collegium Medicorum Theatri (www.comet collegium.com