5 research outputs found

    An extension of the RiMAX multipath estimation algorithm for ultra-wideband channel modeling

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    This work presents an extension of the high-resolution RiMAX multipath estimation algorithm, enabling the analysis of frequency-dependent propagation parameters for ultra-wideband (UWB) channel modeling. Since RiMAX is a narrowband algorithm, it does not account for the frequency-dependency of the radio channel or the environment. As such, the impact of certain materials in which these systems operate can no longer be considered constant with respect to frequency, preventing an accurate estimation of multipath parameters for UWB communication. In order to track both the specular and dense multipath components (SMC and DMC) over frequency, an extension to the RiMAX algorithm was developed that can process UWB measurement data. The advantage of our approach is that geometrical propagation parameters do not appear or disappear from one sub-band onto the next. The UWB-RiMAX algorithm makes it possible to re-evaluate common radio channel parameters for DMC in the wideband scenario, and to extend the well-known deterministic propagation model comprising of SMC alone, towards a more hybrid model containing the stochastic contributions from the DMC's distributed diffuse scattering as well. Our algorithm was tested with synthetic radio channel models in an indoor environment, which show that our algorithm can match up to 99% of the SMC parameters according to the multipath component distance (MCD) metric and that the DMC reverberation time known from the theory of room electromagnetics can be estimated on average with an error margin of less than 2 ns throughout the UWB frequency band. We also present some preliminary results in an indoor environment, which indicate a strong presence of DMC and thus diffuse scattering. The DMC power represents up to 50% of the total measured power for the lower UWB frequencies and reduces to around 30% for the higher UWB frequencies

    Underwater communication via particle velocity channels : principles, channel models, and system design

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    A vector sensor is capable of measuring important non-scalar components of the acoustic field such as the particle velocity, which cannot be obtained by a single scalar pressure sensor. In the past few decades, extensive research has been conducted on the theory and design of vector sensors. On the other hand, underwater acoustic communication systems have been relying on scalar sensors only, which measure the pressure of the acoustic field. By taking advantage of the vector components of the acoustic field, such as the particle velocity, the vector sensor can be used for detecting the transmitted data. In this dissertation, the concept of data detection and equalization in underwater particle velocity channels using acoustic vector sensors was developed. System equations for such a receiver were derived and channel equalization using these sensors was formulated. A multiuser system using vector sensors and space time block codes was also developed, which does not use spreading codes and bandwidth expansion. This is particularly important in bandlimited underwater channels. With regard to channel models for particle velocity channels, characterization of particle velocity channels and their impact on vector sensor communication systems performance were therefore of interest. In multipath channels such as shallow waters, a vector sensor receives the signal through several paths and each path has a different delay (travel time). Motion of the transmitter or receiver in a multipath channel introduces different Doppler shifts as well. Those introduce different levels of correlation in an array of vector sensors. Therefore, in this dissertation, a statistical framework for mathematical characterization of different types of correlations in acoustic vector sensor arrays was developed. Exact and closed-form approximation correlation expressions were derived which related signal correlations to some key channel parameters such as mean angle of arrivals and angle spreads. Using these expressions, the correlations between the pressure and velocity channels of the sensors could be calculated, in terms of element spacing, frequency and time separation. The derived closed-form parametric expressions for the signal correlations can serve as useful tools to estimate some important physical parameters as well. Knowledge of the delay and Doppler spreads in acoustic particle velocity channel is also important for efficient design of underwater vector sensor communication system. In this dissertation, these channel spreads were characterized using the zero crossing rates of channel responses in frequency and time domain. Useful expressions for delay and Doppler spreads were derived in terms of the key channel parameters, mean angle of arrivals and angle spreads. These results are needed for design and performance predication of communication systems in time-varying and frequency-selective underwater particle velocity channels

    Experimental statistical channel modelling for advanced wireless communication systems in indoor environments

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    Draadloze communicatiesystemen voor mobiele telefonie en draadloos internet zijn onmisbaar geworden in het dagelijkse leven. De grootste troef van draadloze communicatie over bedrade communicatie is de toegenomen mobiliteit. Draadloze communicatie heeft evenwel ook één groot nadeel, namelijk de onzekerheid over de kwaliteit van de link tussen zender en ontvanger. Waar bedrade communicatie een doorgedreven ontwerp van het kanaal tussen zender en ontvanger (d.i. de kabel) toelaat, is het ontwerp van het draadloze kanaal (d.i. de omgeving) bijna onmogelijk. Desondanks kunnen wel modellen van de propagatie van draadloze signalen opgesteld worden voor verschillende types omgevingen. Deze modellen laten toe om de betrouwbaarheid en de performantie van een draadloze link in te schatten. Modellering van draadloze propagatie voor indooromgevingen is het algemeen onderwerp van dit proefschrift. De propagatiemodellering in dit proefschrift betreft drie types indooromgevingen, nl. industriële en kantooromgevingen, en de omgeving binnen in een voertuig. De modellering bestaat uit statistische modellen gebaseerd op veldmetingen in deze omgevingen. Verschillende parameters van draadloze signalen worden onderzocht, zoals de variabiliteit van het signaalvermogen met de afstand en in de tijd, het signaalbereik, de dispersie in het tijdsdomein, de dispersie in het spatiaal domein en het vermogensverlies bij propagatie van buiten naar binnen een voertuig