72,357 research outputs found

    Determinants Of Jobs Seekers’ Intention In Using E-Recruitments: Insight From Indonesia

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    In a digital world, job seekers prefer to use e-recruitment in looking for a vacancy. Thus, the explanation of the determinants of their attitude in using this technology is left unobserved. This article reports the result of a survey study on how users utilize e-recruitment to search for works. Three hundred eighty-five just-graduated undergraduate students answered questions regarding their intention of using the e-recruitment under Technology Acceptance Model. We propose Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and Perceived of Enjoyment as the determinants of the job seekers intention. Results showed that those three variables influence the decision making of job seekers. We found also Perceived Usefulness is the mediating effect for jobs seekers in easy-to-use and enjoy feeling. This article provides evidence that e-recruitment has to be friendly user and fun to use to attract job seekers intention. Keywords: E-Recruitment, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived of Enjoyment, Job Seeker

    The Effects of Recruitment Message Specificity on Applicant Attraction to Organizations

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    We used the elaboration likelihood model from marketing research to explain and examine how recruitment message specificity influences job seeker attraction to organizations. Using an experimental design and data from 171 college-level job seekers, the results showed that detailed recruitment messages led to enhanced perceptions of organization attributes and person-organization fit. Perceptions of fit were found to mediate the relationship between message specificity and intention to apply to the organization. In addition, perceptions of organization attributes and person-organization fit were found to influence intentions to apply under circumstances of explicit recruitment information while attractiveness and fit perceptions were shown to influence application intentions under conditions of implicit recruitment information. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed

    Job Search Behavior of Employed Managers

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    Job search typically has been thought of as an antecedent to voluntary turnover or job choice behavior. This study extends the existing literature by proposing a model of the job search process and examining the job search behavior of employed managers. Managers were initially surveyed about their job search activity over the past year. Approximately one year later, the same managers were surveyed to assess whether they had changed jobs since the initial survey, and the circumstances surrounding the job change. This survey data was matched with job, organizational, and personal information contained in the data base of a large executive search firm. Results suggest that dissatisfaction with different aspects of the organization and job were more strongly related to job search than were perceptions of greener pastures. Moreover, although some job search activity does facilitate turnover, a considerable amount of search does not lead to turnover. Thus, it appears that search serves many purposes. Implications of managerial job search on organizations are discussed

    Determinants of Underemployment During the Early Career: A Longitudinal Multi-country Study

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    This paper explores the relative effects of individual, organizational, labor market, and societal components on underemployment of young adults during their early career. Quantitative underemployment, defined as periods of unemployment, temporary employment, and part-time employment is of psychological importance, because it delays or hinders the integration of career starters into the world of work by excluding them from the experience needed to develop competencies and knowledge essential for functional participation in the labor force. A first step to decrease the occurrence of underemployment for career starters involves a better understanding of the relative importance of contributing factors. This paper used a longitudinal multi-country study to explore the relative weight of individual, organizational, and macro level factors on the occurrence of underemployment. From a sample of career starters in two occupational groups with relatively good employment prospects in six European countries, the results confirmed the relationships of underemployment to gender, education, initial experience, labor market outlook, and the socio-economic and socio-political situation of the country. The country specific variance in underemployment proved to be the most important predictor of youngsters later probability to be underemployed: its effect was about 2.5 times as large as the variance explained by the initial labor market experience and 10 times as large as the effect of the educational level

    Leaf apoplastic proteome composition in UV-B treated Arabidopsis thaliana mutants impaired in extracellular glutathione degradation

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    In plants, environmental perturbations often result in oxidative reactions in the apoplastic space, which are counteracted for by enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidative systems, including ascorbate and glutathione. The occurrence of the latter and its exact role in the extracellular space are not well documented, however. In Arabidopsis thaliana, the gamma-glutamyl transferase isoform GGT1 bound to the cell wall takes part in the so-called gamma-glutamyl cycle for extracellular glutathione degradation and recovery, and may be implicated in redox sensing and balance. In this work, oxidative conditions were imposed with UV-B radiation and studied in redox altered ggt1 mutants. Elevated UV-B has detrimental effects on plant metabolism, plasma membranes representing a major target for ROS generated by this harmful radiation. The response of ggt1 knockout Arabidopsis leaves to UV-B radiation was assessed by investigating changes in apoplastic protein composition. We then compared the expression changes resulting from the mutation and from the UV-B treatment. Rearrangements occurring in apoplastic protein composition suggest the involvement of hydrogen peroxide, which may ultimately act as a signal. Other important changes related to hormonal effects, cell wall remodeling, and redox activities are also reported. We argue that oxidative stress conditions imposed by UV-B and by disruption of the gamma-glutamyl cycle result in similar stress-induced responses, to some degree at least. Data shown here are associated with the article from Trentin et al. [1]; protein data have been deposited to the PRIDE database [2] with identifier PXD001807

    Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction: a Case Study at Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia Terengganu (FRDMT) Fire Fighters

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    Job satisfaction involves the emotions and their behavioural expression towards their job. It is known that a job is the activity which involves the satisfaction of emotion and expression. These emotions and behavioural expression is in relation to the pleasant or unpleasant feeling that they experienced towards their job fulfilment within an organization. These feelings are influenced by job-related factors. This had highly suggested that a job satisfaction level should be well accepted and satisfied by any employees to guarantee a minimal turnover for any organization. Therefore, the objective of this study is to identify the factors that influence job satisfaction among Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia, Terengganu (FRDMT) fire fighters. It involves fire fighters from different grade level. It is important to identify job satisfaction among them in order to acknowledge their expression towards job satisfaction and to accommodate their opportunities to voice their opinion anonymously. This study uses primary data of 234 Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia, Terengganu (FRDMT) fire fighters. Stratified random sampling technique was utilized for data collection, which is then analyzed using the descriptive and correlation analysis in order to achieve the objectives of the study. The findings showed that only working environment and co-workers significantly influence job satisfaction. Meanwhile, for the other three variables, namely promotion, reward and leadership style did not influence job satisfaction. Keywords: Job satisfaction, fire fighters, working environment, promotion, reward, leadership styl

    Understanding employees’ intrapreneurial behavior: a case study

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide a deeper insight into the organizational factors and personal motivations of intrapreneurs that may foster intrapreneurial behaviors of employees in a new technology-based firm (NTBF). Design/methodology/approach – The paper takes a qualitative approach to explore organizational and individual antecedents of employees’ intrapreneurial behavior. A single case study was conducted on the basis of semi-structured interviews with the founders and top managers of the firm and with intrapreneurial employees. Findings – Results show that intrapreneurial projects may arise in firms whose top managers support corporate entrepreneurship (CE) in a non-active manner. Intrapreneurial behaviors of employees can emerge despite the lack of time and limited resources available for undertaking projects. Moreover, work discretion and mutual confidence and the quality of the relationship between employees and top managers are the most valued factors for intrapreneurs. Practical implications – Based on the intrapreneurial projects studied, this paper helps to contextualize intrapreneurs’ perception of organizational support and the personal motivations for leading projects within an NTBF. Originality/value – Traditionally, the literature has mainly focused on the top-down implementation of entrepreneurial projects within large firms. This paper contributes to the understanding of the combination of firm- and individual-level factors that facilitate intrapreneurial behaviors of employees. It also illustrates the contextual conditions and the firms’ orientation on CE within an NTBF
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