11 research outputs found

    Survey of Technologies for Web Application Development

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    Web-based application developers face a dizzying array of platforms, languages, frameworks and technical artifacts to choose from. We survey, classify, and compare technologies supporting Web application development. The classification is based on (1) foundational technologies; (2)integration with other information sources; and (3) dynamic content generation. We further survey and classify software engineering techniques and tools that have been adopted from traditional programming into Web programming. We conclude that, although the infrastructure problems of the Web have largely been solved, the cacophony of technologies for Web-based applications reflects the lack of a solid model tailored for this domain.Comment: 43 page

    A basic web-based distance education model

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Computer Engineering, Izmir, 2005Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 147)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxv, 201 leavesDuring the recent years, the rapid growth of the Web and multimedia technologies urged a shift of Computer-Based Educational Technology towards the Web. In the leading universities of the developed countries, studies on Web-Based Education have started and in an increasing manner are going strong. In the last few years, the leading universities of Turkey are also greatly interested in Web-Based Education and have started their re-structuring accordingly.The goal of this study is to design a basic model to be utilized by a university aiming to offer web-based distance education. In achieving this; by the use of system approach, a model comprising of three subsystems, namely system analysis, system design and evaluation&control, working in coordination with each other, has been tried to be proposed. There may be only one missing point of this study, that is; since preparing a lesson or program according to this model was not foreseen in this thesis, the effectiveness evaluations suggested in the evaluation&control subsystem could not be realized. It is recommended to realize such an evaluation in a further study to make it possible to reveal the effectiveness of web-based education by preparing a lesson or program according to this model.On the other hand, a survey has been conducted in Turkey in some of the universities either offering web-based education or are interested in studies in this field.The aim of this survey is to analyze from system design point of view the studies carried out in our universities on this matter and to get a picture of the existing situation.The directed questions aiming this were prepared by taking into consideration of the three stages of system design subsystem, i.e. administrative design, educational design, and technological design. It is intended for the result of this survey to shed light to the new-coming institutions in this field. As a matter of fact, each stage of this subsystem is a survey item itself and should be researched one by one in other studies.Furthermore, for individuals interested in distance education and web-based distance education and for people newly involved in this matter, this thesis is intended to be a reference material and to serve this purpose the sections are prepared containing the basic information accordingly. Nevertheless, since most of the information regarding system design are prepared without taking into consideration the disabled people, the relevant information are not complete. In another study, the offering of the web-based education to the disabled people, especially for deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, and blind students, has to be investigated.Finally, in this thesis the proposed model for the Web-Based Distance Education, as being a basic and conceptual model, has a flexible structure; i.e., suitable for all the institutions and establishments intending to offer the web-based education.What is important here, is to exploit the potential sources within the institution that will display the required systematic approach

    XFormsDB - An XForms-Based Framework for Simplifying Web Application Development

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    WWW:n luonne muuttuu jatkuvasti vastatakseen paremmin käyttäjien kasvavia tarpeita. Vaikka tämä kehitys kohti hyödyllisempiä vuorovaikutteisia palveluita ja sovelluksia on parantanut WWW:n käyttö- ja käyttäjäkokemusta, niin se on myös samalla tehnyt WWW-sovellusten kehittämisestä paljon monimutkaisempaa. Tämän työn päätavoitteena oli tutkia, miten WWW-sovellusten kehittämistä voitaisiin helpottaa deklaratiivisen ohjelmoinnin keinoin. Työssä esitetään laajennus, jonka avulla yleisimmät palvelinpään toiminnallisuudet voidaan saumattomasti liittää osaksi XForms-merkintäkieltä. Myös laajennuksen käyttökelpoisuus ja mahdollisuudet validoidaan prototyyppitoteutuksen, nimeltään XFormsDB-ohjelmistokehys, ja kahden WWW-esimerkkisovelluksen avulla. Tulokset osoittavat, että XFormsDB-ohjelmistokehyksen avulla voidaan kirjoittaa hyödyllisiä, erittäin vuorovaikutteisia monen käyttäjän WWW-sovelluksia nopeasti ja helposti vain yhtä dokumenttia ja yhtä ohjelmointimallia käyttäen.The nature of the World Wide Web is constantly changing to meet the increasing demands of its users. While this trend towards more useful interactive services and applications has improved the utility and the user experience of the Web, it has also made the development of Web applications much more complex. The main objective of this Thesis was to study how Web application development could be simplified by means of declarative programming. An extension that seamlessly integrates common server-side functionalities to the XForms markup language is proposed and its feasibility and capabilities are validated with a proof-of-concept implementation, called the XFormsDB framework, and two sample Web applications. The results show that useful, highly interactive multi-user Web applications can be authored quickly and easily in a single document and under a single programming model using the XFormsDB framework

    Mashup Ecosystems: Integrating Web Resources on Desktop and Mobile Devices

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    The Web is increasingly used as an application platform, and recent development of it has introduced software ecosystems where different actors collaborate. This collaboration is international from day one, and it evolves and grows rapidly. In web ecosystems applications are provided as services, and interdependencies between ecosystem parts can vary from very strong and obvious to loose and recondite. Mashups -- web application hybrids that combine resources from different services into an integrated system that has increased value from user perspective -- are exploiting services of the Web and creating ecosystems where end-users, mashup authors, and service providers collaborate. The term "resources" is used here in a broad sense, and it can refer to user's local data, infinite content of the Web, and even executable code. This dissertation presents mashups as a new breed of web applications that are intended for parsing the web content into an easily accessed form on both regular desktop computers as well as on mobile devices. Constantly evolving web technologies and new web services open up unforeseen possibilities for mashup development. However, developing mashups with current methods and tools for existing deployment environments is challenging. First, the Web as an application platform faces numerous shortcomings, second, web application development practices in general are still immature, and third, development of mashups has additional requirements that need to be addressed. In addition, mobility sets even more challenges for mashup authoring. This dissertation describes and addresses numerous issues regarding mashup ecosystems and client-side mashup development. To achieve this, we have implemented technical research artifacts including mashup ecosystems and different kinds of mashup compositions. The artifacts are developed with numerous runtime environments and tools and targeted at different end-user platforms. This has allowed us to evaluate methods, tools, and practises used during the implementation. As result, this dissertation identifies the fundamental challenges of mashup ecosystems and describes how service providers and mashup ecosystem authors can address these challenges in practice. In addition, example implementation of a specialized multimedia mashup ecosystem for mobile devices is described. To address mashup development issues, this dissertation introduces practical guidelines and a reference architecture that can be applied when mashups are created with traditional web development tools. Moreover, environments that can be used on mobile devices to create mashups that have access to both web and local resources are introduced. Finally, a novel approach to web software development -- creating software as a mashup -- is introduced, and a realization of such concept is described

    The Effects of Self-Explanation and Reading Questions and Answers on Learning Computer Programming Language

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    The current study explored the differential effects of two learning strategies, self-explanation and reading questions and answers, on students\u27 test performance in the computer programming language JavaScript. Students\u27 perceptions toward the two strategies as to their effectiveness in learning JavaScript was also explored by examining students\u27 preferred strategy and the reasons for their choice. An online interactive tutorial instruction that implemented worked-examples and multimedia learning principles was developed for this study. A total of 147 high school students (ages ranging from 14 to 17) who were taking a Computer Introduction course participated in this study. The course was offered in six periods and all periods were taught by one instructor, the current investigator. The six periods were randomly divided into two groups with three periods in each group. One group (n = 78) started learning the first two of the five lessons in the tutorial with the self-explanation learning strategy while the other group (n = 69) started the first two lessons with the reading questions and answers strategy. Then the two groups learned the next two lessons with the tutorial that swapped the two strategies, so they can experience the other learning strategy. Finally, the two groups went back to their original strategy to learn the 5th and last lesson in the tutorial. Students took an end-of-lesson test after each lesson and completed a questionnaire at the end of the final lesson regarding their perceptions toward the two learning strategies. Students\u27 prerequisite knowledge of XHTML and motivation to learn computer programming language were measured before taking the JavaScript tutorial lessons. The two learning strategies did not have differential effects on students\u27 test performance. However, students largely expressed their preference toward the self-explanation learning strategy over the reading questions and answers strategy. Students considered self-explanation incurring much more work yet more effective with helping them learn JavaScript, supporting the notion that self-explanation generates germane cognitive load that directly contributes to learning. The seeming discrepancy in findings between students\u27 test performance and the reasoning for their choice on the preferred strategy was discussed in the areas of familiar versus new strategy, difficulty of learning materials, and experimental duration

    Jquery tabanlı blok programlama öğretiminin programlamaya yönelik tutuma etkisinin değerlendirilmesi : Başiskele örneği

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Programlama konusu eğitimin birçok basamağında öğrencilere öğrenmesi zor gelen konular arasında yer almaktadır. Ortaokul düzeyinde programlama eğitimi "Bilişim Teknolojileri ve Yazılım" dersi kapsamında öğrencilere verilmektedir. Dersi etkili olarak yürütebilmenin yollarından biri Scratch ve benzeri görsel programlama dillerini kullanmaktır. Fakat görsel programlama dillerinin algoritma öğretimi konusunda başarılı olduğu halde programlama öğretimi konusunda birtakım sınırlılıkları mevcuttur. Bu sorunu çözmek için hem Scratch gibi blok mantığının kullanıldığı, hem de bu kodların karşılığı olan "JQuery" kodlarını içeren bir yazılım araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilmiştir. Bu araştırma, JQuery tabanlı blok programlama (JTBP) sistemini öğrencileri ileri seviye programlama dillerine hazırlamak amacıyla geliştirmek ve bu yazılımı 6. Sınıf öğrencilerinin programlamaya yönelik tutumlarını değiştirmede etkililiği ve öğrenci görüşleri üzerinden değerlendirmek üzere gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma bulguları, geliştirilen JTBP yazılımının öğrencilerin programlamaya yönelik tutumlarını, özellikle kendi özgün tasarımlarını yaptıktan sonra büyük oranda olumlu yönde değiştirdiğini göstermiştir. Öğrenciler programlamayı daha çok sevmeye başlamışlarıdır. Oyun tasarımı ve bilişim konusunda kendilerini geliştirme isteklerinde artış gözlenmiştir. Ancak programlamaya yönelik motivasyon ve programlamayı önemli görme durumlarında belirgin bir değişim gözlenmemiştir. JTBP yazılımına yönelik öğrenci görüşleri incelendiğinde öğrenciler yazılımın hoşlarına gittiğini ve yazılımı heyecanlı buldukları belirtmişlerdir.The subject of programming is among the subjects that are difficult to learn in many stages of education. The programming education at secondary level is given to the students within the scope of "Information Technologies and Software" course. One of the ways to carry out the lesson effectively is to use Scratch and similar visual programming languages. However, although visual programming languages are successful in teaching algorithms, there are some limitations in teaching programming. In order to solve this problem, a software was developed by the researcher which includes block logic such as Scratch and JQuery codes corresponding to these blocks. This research was carried out to develop the JQuery based block programming (JTBP) system in order to prepare students for advanced programming languages and to evaluate this software on the effectiveness of changing 6th grade students' attitudes towards programming and to evaluate the software by students' opinions. The study findings showed that the developed JTBP software significantly changed the students' attitudes towards programming, especially after making their own original designs. Students begin to like programming more. An increase was observed in their desire to develop themselves in game design and informatics. However, there was no significant change in motivation towards programming and the importance of programming. When the students' opinions about JTBP software were examined, the students stated that they liked the software and found the software exciting

    Code-injection Verwundbarkeiten in Web Anwendungen am Beispiel von Cross-site Scripting

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    The majority of all security problems in today's Web applications is caused by string-based code injection, with Cross-site Scripting (XSS)being the dominant representative of this vulnerability class. This thesis discusses XSS and suggests defense mechanisms. We do so in three stages: First, we conduct a thorough analysis of JavaScript's capabilities and explain how these capabilities are utilized in XSS attacks. We subsequently design a systematic, hierarchical classification of XSS payloads. In addition, we present a comprehensive survey of publicly documented XSS payloads which is structured according to our proposed classification scheme. Secondly, we explore defensive mechanisms which dynamically prevent the execution of some payload types without eliminating the actual vulnerability. More specifically, we discuss the design and implementation of countermeasures against the XSS payloads Session Hijacking'', Cross-site Request Forgery'', and attacks that target intranet resources. We build upon this and introduce a general methodology for developing such countermeasures: We determine a necessary set of basic capabilities an adversary needs for successfully executing an attack through an analysis of the targeted payload type. The resulting countermeasure relies on revoking one of these capabilities, which in turn renders the payload infeasible. Finally, we present two language-based approaches that prevent XSS and related vulnerabilities: We identify the implicit mixing of data and code during string-based syntax assembly as the root cause of string-based code injection attacks. Consequently, we explore data/code separation in web applications. For this purpose, we propose a novel methodology for token-level data/code partitioning of a computer language's syntactical elements. This forms the basis for our two distinct techniques: For one, we present an approach to detect data/code confusion on run-time and demonstrate how this can be used for attack prevention. Furthermore, we show how vulnerabilities can be avoided through altering the underlying programming language. We introduce a dedicated datatype for syntax assembly instead of using string datatypes themselves for this purpose. We develop a formal, type-theoretical model of the proposed datatype and proof that it provides reliable separation between data and code hence, preventing code injection vulnerabilities. We verify our approach's applicability utilizing a practical implementation for the J2EE application server.Cross-site Scripting (XSS) ist eine der häufigsten Verwundbarkeitstypen im Bereich der Web Anwendungen. Die Dissertation behandelt das Problem XSS ganzheitlich: Basierend auf einer systematischen Erarbeitung der Ursachen und potentiellen Konsequenzen von XSS, sowie einer umfassenden Klassifikation dokumentier Angriffsarten, wird zunächst eine Methodik vorgestellt, die das Design von dynamischen Gegenmaßnahmen zur Angriffseingrenzung erlaubt. Unter Verwendung dieser Methodik wird das Design und die Evaluation von drei Gegemaßnahmen für die Angriffsunterklassen "Session Hijacking", "Cross-site Request Forgery" und "Angriffe auf das Intranet" vorgestellt. Weiterhin, um das unterliegende Problem grundsätzlich anzugehen, wird ein Typ-basierter Ansatz zur sicheren Programmierung von Web Anwendungen beschrieben, der zuverlässigen Schutz vor XSS Lücken garantiert

    Computer supported IT training for managers

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    It is widely acknowledged that communications and information technologies (C&IT) have revolutionised organisational life. However, although C&I technologies have extensively entered the workplace, in many organisations they seem to be making very little contribution to the achievement of the goals of the organisation. The research that has been focused in this area has suggested that potential users in the organisations are perceived (and often perceive themselves) to have inadequate knowledge and skill to utilise the technologies effectively. It also indicates that the users frequently lack motivation to use the technologies because they feel that the technologies are insufficiently supportive of tasks, which they need to perform. This latter observation appears to be particularly important where the users have the choice as to whether and when they will use the technologies (i. e. they are 'discretionary' users) as is often the case with managers in a non-C&IT focused organisation. Service and an interest in the role of training in this process. As a starting point, a study of previous research work was undertaken which indicated that conventional training was likely to be of limited usefulness in this environment. It also indicated that C&IT based support systems in the workplace were being suggested as a possible The research presented in this thesis started from a perceived need to improve the effective utilisation of the new technologies by managers in the Malaysian Civil supplement to existing conventional training methods. These results were field tested by undertaking a survey of a sample of managers in the Malaysian Civil Service to determine their perception of existing training and to assess the potential acceptability of C&IT based support for their work. The results of the survey confirmed the other research studies by indicating that the existing training, while satisfactory in itself, did not seem particularly relevant to the workplace tasks that the managers needed to carry out. The results also indicated that the knowledge and skill gained through training had frequently been forgotten or lost by the time it was needed in the workplace. Finally, a significant number of the managers who were surveyed indicated that they were interested in `point of need' support and that, although they would prefer that support to come from people, they would be interested in trying a C&IT based system, if one were provided. An examination of the requirements for point of need support indicated that any system must include both information about the usage of the C&I technologies and equipment themselves and about the application of the technologies to the tasks which needed to be performed in the workplace. Given the spatial distribution of the managers and the relatively rapid evolution of the applications that the managers would be expected to use, it was postulated that a fully distributed system with `learning' capabilities would require. To test the principles involved a prototype Web based system was developed and released. Initial feedback has been collected and analysed and suggestions are made for the application of the findings to improving the effectiveness with which managers use communications and information technologies in the workplace

    Extensión de la especificación IMS Learning Design desde la adaptación e integración de unidades de aprendizaje

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    IMS Learning Design (IMS-LD) representa una corriente actual en aprendizaje online y blended que se caracteriza porque: a) Es una especificación que pretende estandarizar procesos de aprendizaje, así como reutilizarlos en diversos contextos b) Posee una expresividad pedagógica más elaborada que desarrollos anteriores o en proceso c) Mantiene una relación cordial y prometedora con Learning Management Systems (LMSs), herramientas de autoría y de ejecución d) Existe una amplia variedad de grupos de investigación y proyectos europeos trabajando sobre ella, lo que augura una sostenibilidad, al menos académica Aun así, IMS Learning Design es un producto inicial (se encuentra en su primera versión, de 2003) y mejorable en diversos aspectos, como son la expresividad pedagógica y la interoperabilidad. En concreto, en esta tesis nos centramos en el aprendizaje adaptativo o personalizado y en la integración de Unidades de Aprendizaje, como dos de los pilares que definen la especificación, y que al mismo tiempo la potencian considerablemente. El primero (aprendizaje adaptativo) hace que se puedan abordar itinerarios individuales personalizados de estudio, tanto en flujo de aprendizaje como en contenido o interfaz; el segundo (integración) permite romper el aislamiento de los paquetes de información o cursos (Unidades de Aprendizaje, UoL) y establecer un diálogo con otros sistemas (LMSs), modelos y estándares, así como una reutilización de dichas UoLs en diversos contextos. En esta tesis realizamos un estudio de la especificación desde la base, analizando su modelo de información y cómo se construyen Unidades de Aprendizaje. Desde el Nivel A al Nivel C analizamos y criticamos la estructura de la especificación basándonos en un estudio teórico y una investigación práctica fruto del modelado de Unidades de Aprendizaje reales y ejecutables que nos proporcionan una información muy útil de base, y que mayormente adjuntamos en los anexos, para no interferir en el flujo de lectura del cuerpo principal. A partir de este estudio, analizamos la integración de Unidades de Aprendizaje con otros sistemas y especificaciones, abarcando desde la integración mínima mediante un enlace directo hasta la compartición de variables y estados que permiten una comunicación en tiempo real de ambas partes. Exponemos aquí también las conclusiones de diversos casos de estudio basados en adaptación que se anexan al final de la tesis y que se vuelven un instrumento imprescindible para lograr una solución real y aplicable. Como segundo pilar de la tesis complementario a la integración de Unidades de Aprendizaje, estudiamos el aprendizaje adaptativo: Los tipos, los avances y los enfoques y restricciones de modelado dentro de IMS-LD. Por último, y como complemento de la investigación teórica, a través de diversos casos prácticos estudiamos la manera en que IMS-LD modela la perzonalización del aprendizaje y hasta qué punto. Este primer bloque de análisis (general, integración y aprendizaje adaptativo) nos permite realizar una crítica estructural de IMS-LD en dos grandes apartados: Modelado y Arquitectura. Modelado apunta cuestiones que necesitan mejora, modificación, extensión o incorporación de elementos de modelado dentro de IMS-LD, como son procesos, componentes y recursos de programación. Arquitectura engloba otras cuestiones centradas en la comunicación que realiza IMS-LD con el exterior y que apuntan directamente a capas estructurales de la especificación, más allá del modelado. Aunque se encuentra fuera del núcleo de esta tesis, también se ha realizado una revisión de aspectos relacionados con Herramientas de autoría, por ser este un aspecto que condiciona el alcance del modelado y la penetración de la especificación en los distintos públicos objetivo. Sobre Herramientas, no obstante, no realizamos ninguna propuesta de mejora. La solución desarrollada, se centra en las diversas cuestiones sobre Modelado y Arquitectura encontradas en el análisis. Esta solución se compone de un conjunto de propuestas de estructuras, nuevas o ya existentes y modificadas, a través de las que se refuerza la capacidad expresiva de la especificación y la capacidad de interacción con un entorno de trabajo ajeno. Esta investigación de tres años ha sido llevada a cabo entre 2004 y 2007, principalmente con colegas de The Open University of The Netherlands, The University of Bolton, Universitat Pompeu Fabra y del departamento Research & Innovation de ATOS Origin, y ha sido desarrollada parcialmente dentro de proyectos europeos como UNFOLD, EU4ALL y ProLearn. La conclusión principal que se extrae de esta investigación es que IMS-LD necesita una reestructuración y modificación de ciertos elementos, así como la incorporación de otros nuevos, para mejorar una expresividad pedagógica y una capacidad de integración con otros sistemas de aprendizaje y estándares eLearning, si se pretenden alcanzar dos de los objetivos principales establecidos de base en la definición de esta especificación: La personalización del proceso de aprendizaje y la interoperabilidad real. Aun así, es cierto que la implantación de la especificación se vería claramente mejorada si existieran unas herramientas de más alto nivel (preferiblemente con planteamiento visual) que permitieran un modelado sencillo por parte de los usuarios finales reales de este tipo de especificaciones, como son los profesores, los creadores de contenido y los pedagogos-didactas que diseñan la experienicia de aprendizaje. Este punto, no obstante, es ajeno a la especificación y afecta a la interpretación que de la misma realizan los grupos de investigación y compañías que desarrollan soluciones de autoría. _____________________________________________IMS Learning Design (IMS-LD) is a current asset in eLearning and blended learning, due to several reasons: a) It is a specification that points to standardization and modeling of learning processes, and not just content; at the same time, it is focused on the re-use of the information packages in several contexts; b) It shows a deeper pedagogical expressiveness than other specifications, already delivered or in due process c) It is integrated at different levels into well-known Learning Management Systems (LMSs) d) There are a huge amount of European research projects and groups working with it, which aims at sustainability (in academia, at least) Nevertheless, IMS-LD is roughly an initial outcome (be aware that we are still working with the same release, dated on 2003). Therefore, it can and must be improved in several aspects, i.e., pedagogical expressiveness and interoperability. In this thesis, we concentrate on Adaptive Learning (or Personalised Learning) and on the Integration of Units of Learning (UoLs). They both are core aspects which the specification is built upon. They also can improve it significantly. Adaptation makes personalised learning itineraries, adapted to every role, to every user involved in the process, and focus on several aspects, i.e., flow, content and interface. Integration fosters the re-use of IMS-LD information packages in different contexts and connects both-ways UoLs with other specifications, models and LMSs. In order to achive these goals we carry out a threephase analysis. First, analysis of IMS-LD in several steps: foundations, information model, construction of UoLs. From Level A to Level C, we analyse and review the specification structure. We lean on a theoretical frameword, along with a practical approach, coming from the actual modeling of real UoLs which give an important report back. Out of this analysis we get a report on the general structure of IMS-LD. Second, analysis and review of the integration of UoLs with several LMSs, models and specifications: we analyse three different types of integration: a) minimal integration, with a simple link between parts; b) embedded integration, with a marriage of both parts in a single information package; and d) full integration, sharing variables and states between parts. In this step, we also show different case studies and report our partial conclusions. And third, analysis and review of how IMS-LD models adaptive learning: we define, classify and explain several types of adaptation and we approach them with the specificacion. A key part of this step is the actual modeling of UoLs showing adaptive learning processes. We highlight pros and cons and stress drawbacks and weak points that could be improved in IMS-LD to support adaptation, but also general learning processes Out of this three-step analysis carried out so far (namely general, integration, adaptation) we focus our review of the IMS-LD structure and information model on two blocks: Modeling and Architecture. Modeling is focused on process, components and programming resources of IMS-LD. Architecture is focused on the communication that IMS-LD establishes outside, both ways, and it deals with upper layers of the specification, beyong modeling issues. Modeling and Architecture issues need to be addressed in order to improve the pedagogical expressiveness and the integration of IMS-LD. Furthermore, we provide an orchestrated solution which meets these goals. We develop a structured and organized group of modifications and extensions of IMS-LD, which match the different reported problems issues. We suggest modifications, extensions and addition of different elements, aiming at the strength of the specification on adaptation and integration, along with general interest issues. The main conclusion out of this research is that IMS-LD needs a re-structure and a modification of some elements. It also needs to incorporate new ones. Both actions (modification and extension) are the key to improve the pedagogical expressiveness and the integration with other specifications and eLearning systems. Both actions aim at two clear objectives in the definition of IMS-LD: the personalisation of learning processes, and a real interoperability. It is fair to highlight the welcome help of high-level visual authoring tools. They can support a smoother modeling process that could focus on pedagogical issues and not on technical ones, so that a broad target group made of teachers, learning designers, content creators and pedagogues could make use of the specification in a simpler way. However, this criticism is outside the specification, so outside the core of this thesis too. This three-year research (2004-2007) has been carried out along with colleagues from The Open University of The Netherlands, The University of Bolton, Universitat Pompeu Fabra and from the Department of Research & Innovation of ATOS Origin. In addition, a few European projects, like UNFOLD, EU4ALL and ProLearn, have partially supported it

    Semantic discovery and reuse of business process patterns

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    Patterns currently play an important role in modern information systems (IS) development and their use has mainly been restricted to the design and implementation phases of the development lifecycle. Given the increasing significance of business modelling in IS development, patterns have the potential of providing a viable solution for promoting reusability of recurrent generalized models in the very early stages of development. As a statement of research-in-progress this paper focuses on business process patterns and proposes an initial methodological framework for the discovery and reuse of business process patterns within the IS development lifecycle. The framework borrows ideas from the domain engineering literature and proposes the use of semantics to drive both the discovery of patterns as well as their reuse