45,673 research outputs found

    Java EE Organizer

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      Práce ukazuje základy práce s technologiemi Java EE, návrh aplikace Java EE organizér, zabývá se volbou vhodných technologii v Javě EE, zabezpečení aplikace a problematice práce se síťovými aplikacemi v Java EE technologiích. Součástí je i pojednání o zabezpečení takovýchto druhů aplikace a způsobu jejich návrhu. Primárními technologiemi používanými v této práci jsou Java EE 5 (aplikační platforma), Glassfish (aplikační server), Firebird (databáze), TopLink JPA (ORM manažer).This thesis deal with Java EE technologies and various subtechnologies of Java EE platform. This work is based on experience designing Java EE aplication network organizer with focus on technologies like DB connectivity (JPA, TopLink JPA), network enabled enterprise application design, remote accessing of bussiness logic in Java EE and security of the system as whole. Primary technologies used are Java EE 5 (core platform), Glassfish (application server), Firebird (database) and TopLink (ORM manager).

    Java EE Organizer

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    Tato práce pojednává o analýze stávajících organizérů a přístupů, které jsou s těmito aplikacemi spojeny. Další část práce popisuje model třívrstvé architektury a její části. Jsou zde také popisovány některé základní technologie, které jsou obsaženy v platformě Java EE a nebo jsou s touto platformou úzce spjaty. Další část práce je věnována popisu implementace a návrhu aplikace Java EE Organizér, což je aplikace, jejímž úkolem je správa událostí, úkolů a kontaktů.This thesis analyses existing organizers and approaches associated with these applications. Next part of the work describes three tier architecture and its individual parts. It also described some of the basic technologies which are included in the Java EE platform, or which that are closely related to this platform. Last part of the work is dedicated to describing the implementation and design of Java EE Organizer. It is an application which target is administration of event, task and contact manager.

    Java EE Organizer

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    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou aplikací pro orgranizaci času a kontaktů. Obsahuje analýzu stávajících řešení, používaných architektur a stručnou charakteristiku konkrétních aplikací. Práce se také zabývá tvorbou aplikačního klienta pro Java EE aplikace a pojednává o základních technologiích, které se v této oblasti používají (Swing, platforma Java EE a její technologie). Praktická část obsahuje návrh a implementaci modulů pro správu kontaktů a úkolů, které jsou zakomponovány do demonstrační aplikace Java EE Organizér.This thesis deals with applications for organization of time and contacts. It includes analysis of existing solutions, used architectures and brief characteristics of existing applications. Thesis also deals with developing a client application for Java EE applications, and discusses the basic technologies that are used in this eld (Swing, Java EE platform and its technologies). The practical part includes design and implementation of modules for managing contacts and tasks, which are incorporated into the demo application Java EE Organizer.

    Running and testing Java EE applications in embedded mode with JupEEter framework

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    This paper presents a design and usage of the author’s innovative framework, called JupEEter. This framework helps running and testing Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) applications [1] and to use Java EE components in Java SE [2] applications. The framework defines the application server and application life-cycle and exploits annotation based programming technique for its configuration

    Népesedési világnap – Java EE esettanulmány: World Population Day – Java EE case study

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    In 1987 the United Nations declared July 11 to be World Population Day. The population of our planet reached 5 billion that day. On the worldometer.info website, regularly updated reports are available to the population globally, by region, by country. We start from a Java SE project and develop it into a Java EE project. In the process, we use an object-oriented approach, MVC architectural design pattern. The completed case study is a distributed Java project that displays population in specified regions from 1950 to the current year based on data collected from the web. The article describes the specification, the development/planning steps, the implementation and presents the result. Kivonat Az ENSZ 1987-ben július 11-ét a népesedési világnappá nyilvánította. Bolygónk lakossága aznap érte el az 5 milliárdot. A worldometer.info weboldalon folyamatosan frissülő kimutatások érhetők el a népességhez globálisan, régiónként, országonként. Kiindulunk egy Java SE projektből és továbbfejlesztjük Java EE projektté. A folyamat során objektumorientált személettel, MVC architekturális tervezési mintát használunk. Az elkészült esettanulmány egy hálózaton keresztül működő Java projekt, amely webről összegyűjtött adatok alapján jeleníti meg a megadott régiókban a népességszámot 1950-től, egészen az aktuális évig. A cikk ismerteti a specifikációt, a továbbfejlesztés/tervezés lépéseit, a megvalósítást és bemutatja az eredményt

    Анализ новых перспектив технологий Java Enterprise для корпоративных приложений с появлением Polyglot JVM

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    Стаття присвячена аналізу архітектур серверних платформ для корпоративних застосувань на мові програмування Java з використанням технологій Java EE, Spring, Akka та актуальності використання цих архітектур при зміні мови програмування. Декілька останніх років популярним є питання, яка мова замінить Java. Цінність використання Java для корпоративних застосувань складається не в самій мові, а у створених архітектурах та існуючому стеку технологій, які ефективно вирішують задачу розробки високонавантажених корпоративних систем. Розглянуто еволюцію серверних платформ для корпоративних застосувань від CORBA до Java EE/Spring/AKKA, виділені основні складові цих платформ. Проаналізовано як за допомогою Polyglot JVM можливо зберегти ці архітектури та технології в секторі корпоративних застосувань та при цьому додати інновації, пов’язані з появою нових мов програмування.One of the most frequent questions today is ‘what language will replace Java?’ What should we do with all the Java technologies for enterprise applications? These technologies are definitely valuable. Is it possible to replace a programming language and preserve the best practices at the same time? Yes - with Polyglot JVM. Introduction of Polyglot JVM has two goals: it clears the way to innovations and it allows to preserve Java enterprise technologies. Evolution of server platforms starting from CORBA to Java EE/Spring/Akka is analyzed and core platforms’ values are distinguished It is analyzed how to keep architectures of server platforms and introduce innovations driven by new programming languages.Статья посвящена анализу архитектур серверных платформ для корпоративных приложений на языке программирования Java с использованием технологий Java EE, Spring, Akka и актуальности использования этих архитектур при смене языка программирования. Последние несколько лет популярен вопрос о том, какой язык заменит язык Java. Ценность использования Java для корпоративных приложений состоит не в самом языке, а в выработанных архитектурах и существующем стеке технологий, которые эффективно решают задачу разработки высоконагруженных корпоративных систем. Рассмотрена эволюция серверных платформ для корпоративных приложений от CORBA до Java EE/Spring/AKKA, выделены основные составляющие этих платформа. Проанализировано как при помощи Polyglot JVM возможно сохранить архитектуры платформ в секторе корпоративных приложений и при этом привнести инновации, связанные с появлением новых языков программирования

    Development of modern applications using Java Enterprise Edition and WebSphere Application Server

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    There are many different platforms available for developing modern multi-tier applications. One of the leading platforms is Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE), which was renamed during the writing of the thesis and will be known as Jakarta Enterprise Edition (Jakarta EE). The application server performs most functionalities of multi-tier applications. There are many application servers for the Java EE platform on the market, one of the most commonly used is WebSphere application server (WAS). In this thesis we first introduce Java and Java EE. Then we describe multi-tier applications and their implementation with Java EE platform. After this, we look closely at the novelties of the last two versions of Java EE and the Java EE profiles. Finally, we describe application servers and WAS. The thesis is based on a review of the literature and documentation of Java EE, with an emphasis on its last two versions. The result of the thesis is a summary and analysis of the latest two versions of Java EE and an overview and analysis of Java EE application servers

    Scala Server Faces

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    Progress in the Java language has been slow over the last few years. Scala is emerging as one of the probable successors for Java with features such as type inference, higher order functions, closure support and sequence comprehensions. This allows object-oriented yet concise code to be written using Scala. While Java based MVC frameworks are still prevalent, Scala based frameworks along with Ruby on Rails, Django and PHP are emerging as competitors. Scala has a web framework called Lift which has made an attempt to borrow the advantages of other frameworks while keeping code concise. Since Sun’s MVC framework, Java Server Faces 2.0 and its future versions seem to be heading in a reasonably progressive direction; I have developed a framework which attempts to overcome its limitations. I call such a framework ―Scala Server Faces‖. This framework provides a way of writing Java EE applications in Scala yet borrow from the concept of ―convention over configuration‖ followed by rival web frameworks. Again, an Eclipse tool is provided to make the programmer\u27s task of writing code on the popular Eclipse platform. Scala Server Faces, the framework and the tool allows the programmer to write enterprise web applications in Scala by providing features such as templating support, CRUD screen generation for database model objects, an Ant script to help deployment and integration with the Glassfish Application Server