52,704 research outputs found

    Jacques Derrida

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    A clear and concise survey of some of the most significant writers on photography who have played a major part in defining and influencing our understanding of the medium. It provides a succinct overview of writing on photography from a diverse range of disciplines and perspectives and examines the shifting perception of the medium over the course of its 170 year history

    Jacques Derrida

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    Jacques Derrida: Law as Absolute Hospitality presents a comprehensive account and understanding of Derrida’s approach to law and justice. Through a detailed reading of Derrida’s texts, Jacques de Ville contends that it is only by way of Derrida's deconstruction of the metaphysics of presence, and specifically in relation to the texts of Husserl, Levinas, Freud and Heidegger - that the reasoning behind his elusive works on law and justice can be grasped. Through detailed readings of texts such as To speculate – on Freud, Adieu, Declarations of Independence, Before the Law, Cogito and the history of madness, Given Time, Force of Law and Specters of Marx, De Ville contends that there is a continuity in Derrida’s thinking, and rejects the idea of an ‘ethical turn’. Derrida is shown to be neither a postmodernist nor a political liberal, but a radical revolutionary. De Ville also controversially contends that justice in Derrida’s thinking must be radically distinguished from Levinas’s reflections on ‘the other’. It is the notion of absolute hospitality - which Derrida derives from Levinas, but radically transforms - that provides the basis of this argument. Justice must on De Ville’s reading be understood in terms of a demand of absolute hospitality which is imposed on both the individual and the collective subject. A much needed account of Derrida's influential approach to law, Jacques Derrida: Law as Absolute Hospitality will be an invaluable resource for those with an interest in legal theory, and for those with an interest in the ethics and politics of deconstruction

    Nous – infinis entre deux fins

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    Dans cet article, je tente d’étudier l’oscillation entre les concepts de fini et d’infini dans divers textes de Jacques Derrida et son incidence sur les problĂ©matiques de la promesse et de la mort. Cette Ă©tude me conduit Ă  considĂ©rer une proposition de Jacques Derrida sur un « nous infini » face au « soleil fini » comme une rĂ©Ă©criture du Soleil placĂ© en abĂźme de Francis Ponge.In this paper, I set out to study the oscillation between the concepts of « the finite » and « the infinite » in a series of texts by Jacques Derrida as well as its effect on the issues of promise and death. This study leads me to consider the idea of a « nous infini », in relationship to the « soleil fini » that was put forth by Jacques Derrida in his rewriting of Francis Ponge’s Soleil placĂ© en abĂźme

    Jacques Derrida

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    Jacques Derrida: Law as Absolute Hospitality presents a comprehensive account and understanding of Derrida’s approach to law and justice. Through a detailed reading of Derrida’s texts, Jacques de Ville contends that it is only by way of Derrida's deconstruction of the metaphysics of presence, and specifically in relation to the texts of Husserl, Levinas, Freud and Heidegger - that the reasoning behind his elusive works on law and justice can be grasped. Through detailed readings of texts such as To speculate – on Freud, Adieu, Declarations of Independence, Before the Law, Cogito and the history of madness, Given Time, Force of Law and Specters of Marx, De Ville contends that there is a continuity in Derrida’s thinking, and rejects the idea of an ‘ethical turn’. Derrida is shown to be neither a postmodernist nor a political liberal, but a radical revolutionary. De Ville also controversially contends that justice in Derrida’s thinking must be radically distinguished from Levinas’s reflections on ‘the other’. It is the notion of absolute hospitality - which Derrida derives from Levinas, but radically transforms - that provides the basis of this argument. Justice must on De Ville’s reading be understood in terms of a demand of absolute hospitality which is imposed on both the individual and the collective subject. A much needed account of Derrida's influential approach to law, Jacques Derrida: Law as Absolute Hospitality will be an invaluable resource for those with an interest in legal theory, and for those with an interest in the ethics and politics of deconstruction

    The Gift and the meaning-giving subject: A Reading of Given Time

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    In this essay the relation between justice and the gift in Derrida’s thinking is explored. The essay shows that an understanding of the ontological difference or the relation between Being and beings in Heidegger’s thinking as well as Freud’s speculations on the death drive are essential to comprehend the ‘concept’ or ‘notion’ of diffĂ©rance as well as the gift in Derrida’s thinking. The analysis points to the complexity of Derrida’s thinking in his contemplation of the relation between justice and law and the need for a broader investigation to understand what is at stake in this regard. An exploration of the gift shows that Derrida’s thinking on justice is not ‘relativistic’ as is often assumed and that the gift can in a certain way function as a ‘guide’ in questions of constitutional interpretation

    Per quĂš no disposem d'un concepte adequat a DĂ©u? Jean-Luc Marion, Jacques Derrida i Mark C. Taylor

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    El nostre objectiu Ă©s confrontar el pensament de la donaciĂł de Jean-Luc Marion amb les reflexions entorn de la "diffĂ©rance" de Jacques Derrida per analitzar per quĂš difereix, gairebĂ© fins a oposar-se, el motiu pel qual aquests dos autors consideren que no pot proporcionar-se un concepte o una definiciĂł adequats a DĂ©u. PARAULES CLAU: DĂ©u, "diffĂ©rance", Edmund Husserl, fenĂČmens saturats, Jacques Derrida, Jean-Luc Marion, Mark C. Taylor, significant, significat, teologia negativa. Why don’t we have an adequate concept of God? Jean-Luc Marion, Jacques Derrida and Mark C. Taylor. ABSTRACT: Our goal is to compare and contrast the thought of Jean-Luc Marion with Jacques Derrida’s reflections about diffĂ©rance in order to explore why the reasons according to which both authors hold that a concept or a definition of God cannot be provided differ almost completely. KEY-WORDS: DiffĂ©rance, Edmund Husserl, God, Jacques Derrida, Jean-Luc Marion, Mark C. Taylor, negative theology, saturated phenomena, signified, signifier

    “With a View to Speech”

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    The Beast & the Sovereign, by Jacques Derrida, 2 volumes, translated by Geoffrey Bennington, edited by Geoffrey Bennington and Peggy Kamuf. The Seminars of Jacques Derrida. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009 and 2011. Volume 1, 349 pp. 22.50paper,22.50 paper, 38.00 cloth. Volume 2, 293 pp. 30.00e−book,30.00 e-book, 35.00 cloth

    Post-strukturalistlik legitiimsuse „kontseptsioon”

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    KĂ€esolev vĂ€itekiri kĂ€sitleb legitiimsuse kontseptsiooni. Töö eesmĂ€rgiks on jĂ”uda dekonstruktiivse analĂŒĂŒsi kaudu nn. post-strukturalistliku legitiimsuse „kontseptsiooni“ sĂ”nastamiseni. PĂ”hitĂ€helepanu koondub Jacques Derrida ja Hannah Arendti kĂ€sitlustele vabariikliku asutamisaktiga seonduvast „nĂ”iaringi“ paradoksist. VĂ”ttes vaatluse alla teemad nagu vabariikliku asutamisakti loogika, performatiivide-konstatiivide eristus, vĂ€givald, dekonstruktsiooni eetika ning analĂŒĂŒsides autorite nagu Hannah Arendt, John Austin, Jacques Derrida, Bonnie Honig, Walter Benjamin, Ernesto Laclau asjakohaseid tekste, nĂ€itab kĂ€esolev vĂ€itekiri, et legitiimsus töötab ĂŒhiskondlikul vĂ€ljal nagu derridalik infrastruktuur – resigneerimine.This thesis is an investigation into the concept of legitimacy. It aims at formulating a post-structuralist concept of legitimacy by following a deconstructive analysis of two accounts of the “vicious circle” of the republican founding act of a state. These accounts belong to Jacques Derrida and Hannah Arendt. Addressing themes like the republican founding act, the performative-constative distinction, violence, ethics of deconstruction and analysing relevant texts of authors like Hannah Arendt, John Austin, Jacques Derrida, Bonnie Honig, Walter Benjamin, Ernesto Laclau, and others the thesis arrives at a “concept” of legitimacy that functions as a Derridean infrastructure – resigning

    Jacques Derrida's philosophy of hospitality

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    In the latest of our occasional series on theorists of hospitality, Kevin O'Gorman explores how the controversial philosopher Jacques Derrida (1930-2004) contributes to our understanding of hospitality. Derrida's meditation on the contradictions within the language of hospitality are identified, along with his attempts to illuminate a variety of contemporary hospitality scenarios
