20 research outputs found

    Levan Production in Shake Flask and Fermenter Influence of Feeding Strategy on Levan Yield and Molecular Weight Distribution

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    Effect of feeding strategy on levan production was studied in a shake flask and a 5 L lab scale fermenter. In a shake flask, levan specific substrate yield (YP/S) increased from 0.35 g levan/g sucrose to 0.48 g levan/g sucrose with repeated batch feeding. In a 3 L reactor, levan productivity of 7.18 g/L h was obtained with the fed-batch mode of fermentation. The gel permeation chromatography results indicate that higher initial sucrose concentration under the fed-batch mode operation resulted in the formation of low molecular weight fractions (4 and 10 kDa). Thus, fed-batch fermentation favors levan production resulting in higher yield and productivity and also affects the molecular weight distribution of the biopolymer

    Evolución de pacientes operados con cáncer de pulmón en el servicio de Cirugía de Tórax y Cardiovascular del Complejo Hospitalario Luis Nicanor Sáenz, en el periodo 2017 al 2022

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    Cuando se diagnostica el cáncer de pulmón en estadios clínicos avanzados este se convierte en una enfermedad mortal. Según Amorín Kajatt (5), en el cáncer pulmonar los síntomas son muchas veces inespecíficos o en gran parte de los casos son silentes, esto quiere decir que los pacientes son diagnosticados de forma incidental o cuando ya inician con sintomatología y los pacientes deciden acudir para atención médica, los estadios clínicos de la enfermedad en muchos casos son avanzados; entendiendo por ello estadios IIIB o IV y más aun sumando la problemática nacional y nuestro pobre sistema de salud, los paciente llegan tarde a especialistas o a centro especializados para este tipo de patologías; lo cual conduce a un diagnóstico tardío, lo cual limita el arsenal terapéutico, empeora el pronóstico y la subsistencia de estos usuarios. De esta manera, en otro tipo de realidades y en países desarrollados ya se viene trabajando en la prevención, dejar el uso de tabaco, fomentar una vida saludable combinando una dieta equilibrada y actividad física periódica. Sumado a ello mayor consideración al paciente con factor de riesgo, como por ejemplo aquellos que tienen familia de 1er grado de cáncer o fumadores pesados o personas que están expuestos a sustancias toxicas. Asimismo, actualmente se cuenta con un mayor arsenal diagnóstico y terapéutico, pero su efectividad se ve reflejada de forma directamente proporcional al estadio de diagnóstico, puesto que en estadios tempranos la cirugía está demostrando en algunos casos ser curativa (5); que es lo que buscamos demostrar en este proyecto de investigación; que a más pronto sea el diagnostico mayor es la expectativa de vida del paciente, reflejada en el mayor número de años vida, posterior a la ejecución del diagnóstico

    O 'drama epidêmico' da dengue : causas, sofrimento e responsabilidades no jornal nacional (1986-2008)

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    O trabalho reflete sobre as relações entre mídia, saúde e política, a partir da análise da cobertura das epidemias de dengue em 1986, 1998 e 2008, realizada pelo principal telejornal brasileiro, o Jornal Nacional, da Rede Globo de Televisão. Distante das abordagens que veem o jornalismo como a transmissão de informações, mais ou menos acurada em função de seus interesses políticos, econômicos e editoriais, interrogamos os dispositivos midiáticos como coprodutores de sentidos sociais. A análise comparativa privilegia a historicidade das operações que tecem as causas, responsabilidades e as formas de narrar os sofrimentos, assim como a concepção de justiça social que os sustenta. Argumentamos que em 2008 há um expressivo deslocamento do posicionamento discursivo que o telejornal propõe para si e para o telespectador, baseado no binômio risco-segurança. No contexto de esvaziamento da ação política, percebe-se a individualização de responsabilidades e sofrimentos, a idealização do poder da ação do Estado e a hipertrofia do julgamento midiático

    Secondary Electron Emission from Solids. II. Theoretical Descriptions

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    A primary beam impinging on a solid target suffers elastic and inelastic collisions with the components of the solid. These collisions can be incorporated into a Monte-Carlo simulation model if all the cross sections associated with the various types of collisions are known. Elastic diffusion effects are mainly related to the interactions of the particles with the real potential V(r) surrounding each ionic core. An essential simplification of the inelastic interactions is to consider that the solid reacts as a whole to an external probe, which is the incident electron beam. The linear response of the solid to an external perturbation is described by its dielectric function. In the present paper, the methods used to evaluate the elastic and inelastic cross-sections and to simulate the secondary electron emission are reviewed and discussed

    Xenopus borealis tadpole globin gene expression

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    Catalog of research reports, papers, bulletins and theses

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    CER68-69DBS40.July 1, 1969

    Le faciès monétaire des oppida du plateau de Jastres (Lussas et Lavilledieu, Ardèche)

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    Sites majeurs pour l’étude du passage de la Protohistoire à l’époque romaine à l’ouest du Rhône, les deux oppida voisins de Jastres-Nord et de Jastres-Sud (Ardèche) sont datés du IIe et du Ier s. av. J.‑C. Ils ont été fouillés entre 1974 et 1993 par Claude Lefebvre ; ses conclusions, développées dans sa thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2001 et publiée en 2006 sont présentées dans la première partie de l’article.Les 205 monnaies recueillies sur les sites (dont 193 à Jastres-Nord) sont à 98 % antérieures à l’époque d’Auguste, confirmant l’abandon du plateau vers 20/10 av. J.‑C. La position de Jastres, entre Nord et Sud est bien montrée par le faciès monétaire ; comme sur les sites du Midi, on note la prédominance du monnayage massaliète (38%) et du monnayage de Nîmes et des Volques arécomiques (24 %) ; mais Jastres est aussi tourné vers le Nord, vers les voisins arvernes (12 %) et allobroges (15 %).Les premières phases d’occupation du site ont livré très peu de monnaies ; plus de la moitié des trouvailles appartiennent à la phase 4 (seconde moitié du Ier s. av. J.‑C.), c’est-à-dire la période où se généralise l’économie monétaire.The two neighbouring oppida at North Jastres and South Jastres (Ardèche), two major sites in the study in the period between Protohistory and the roman era to the West of the Rhône valley, are dated from the second and the first century BC. They were excavated by Claude Lefebvre from 1974 to 1993. His conclusions, presented in his 2001 doctoral thesis in that was published in 2006, are developed in the first part of the article. Of the 205 coins found on the site (including 193 from North Jastres), 98% predate the Augustinian period, thereby confirming that the plateau was abandoned around 20/10 B.C.The position of Jastres, set between the north and the south, is highlighted on coin faces. As with other sites in Southern France, Massilian coinage (38%), coins from Nîmes and the Arecomic Volquians (24%) predominate, but, as other finds suggest, Jastres also looked to its northerly neighbours the Averni (12%) and the Allobroges (15%).Very few coins from the early stages of the occupation of the site have been discovered. Most of those found belong to phase 4 (the second half of the first century B.C.), the period when a money-based economy began to develop

    Le faciès monétaire des oppida du plateau de Jastres (Lussas et Lavilledieu, Ardèche)

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    Sites majeurs pour l’étude du passage de la Protohistoire à l’époque romaine à l’ouest du Rhône, les deux oppida voisins de Jastres-Nord et de Jastres-Sud (Ardèche) sont datés du IIe et du Ier s. av. J.‑C. Ils ont été fouillés entre 1974 et 1993 par Claude Lefebvre ; ses conclusions, développées dans sa thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2001 et publiée en 2006 sont présentées dans la première partie de l’article.Les 205 monnaies recueillies sur les sites (dont 193 à Jastres-Nord) sont à 98 % antérieures à l’époque d’Auguste, confirmant l’abandon du plateau vers 20/10 av. J.‑C. La position de Jastres, entre Nord et Sud est bien montrée par le faciès monétaire ; comme sur les sites du Midi, on note la prédominance du monnayage massaliète (38%) et du monnayage de Nîmes et des Volques arécomiques (24 %) ; mais Jastres est aussi tourné vers le Nord, vers les voisins arvernes (12 %) et allobroges (15 %).Les premières phases d’occupation du site ont livré très peu de monnaies ; plus de la moitié des trouvailles appartiennent à la phase 4 (seconde moitié du Ier s. av. J.‑C.), c’est-à-dire la période où se généralise l’économie monétaire.The two neighbouring oppida at North Jastres and South Jastres (Ardèche), two major sites in the study in the period between Protohistory and the roman era to the West of the Rhône valley, are dated from the second and the first century BC. They were excavated by Claude Lefebvre from 1974 to 1993. His conclusions, presented in his 2001 doctoral thesis in that was published in 2006, are developed in the first part of the article. Of the 205 coins found on the site (including 193 from North Jastres), 98% predate the Augustinian period, thereby confirming that the plateau was abandoned around 20/10 B.C.The position of Jastres, set between the north and the south, is highlighted on coin faces. As with other sites in Southern France, Massilian coinage (38%), coins from Nîmes and the Arecomic Volquians (24%) predominate, but, as other finds suggest, Jastres also looked to its northerly neighbours the Averni (12%) and the Allobroges (15%).Very few coins from the early stages of the occupation of the site have been discovered. Most of those found belong to phase 4 (the second half of the first century B.C.), the period when a money-based economy began to develop

    The Daily Egyptian, April 19, 1985

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