1,765 research outputs found

    CLS 2+1 flavor simulations at physical light- and strange-quark masses

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    We report recent efforts by CLS to generate an ensemble with physical light- and strange-quark masses in a lattice volume of 192x96^3 at ÎČ=3.55\beta=3.55 corresponding to a lattice spacing of 0.064 fm. This ensemble is being generated as part of the CLS 2+1 flavor effort with improved Wilson fermions. Our simulations currently cover 5 lattice spacings ranging from 0.039 fm to 0.086 fm at various pion masses along chiral trajectories with either the sum of the quark masses kept fixed, or with the strange-quark mass at the physical value. The current status of simulations is briefly reviewed, including a short discussion of measured autocorrelation times and of the main features of the simulations. We then proceed to discuss the thermalization strategy employed for the generation of the physical quark-mass ensemble and present first results for some simple observables. Challenges encountered in the simulation are highlighted.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures; Proceedings, 35th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice2017): Granada, Spai

    Cloning and expression of pullulanase gene from locally isolated bacillus SP

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    Bacterial pullulanase represents one of th e starch-degrading enzymes that are widely used in the starch processing indu stry along with amylases. Amylases hydrolyze a -(1,4 )-glycosidic linkage in starch to produce a mixture of glucose , maltooligo sacchari de and limited a-dextrin. All the remaining a -(1,6)-glycosid ic branches in the products are hydrolyzed by p ullulanase. This is an advantage t o improve glucose production by coupling pullulanase and amylase in the p rocess. As such, many pullulana e enzyme has been isolated and one has been showing optimum pH of 10-10.5 which is suitable for use in dishwasher detergent additive in removal of star ch stain. We have recently iso lated a few bacterias that have shown potentially pullulanase producers by the holo-zone in pullulan-plate assay. One of them, we named Bacillus –1 sho ws a bigger holo-zone among others, Bacillus- 1 is highly active in pH more than 7. The enzyme also shows a mo derate activity to wards starch that may be indicates be side hydrolyzes a -(1,6)-glycosidic linkage in starch, it also hydrolyzes a -(1,4)- glycosidi c simi lar to a -amylase. Unfortunately the enzyme from wild-type bacteria is in lower yield an d in this studies, we intend to clone and sequence the pullulanase gene and also expressed the gene in a high expression system to be able to produce in a high yield before characterizing expressed protein

    Development of intelligent McKibben actuator

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    The aim of this study is to develop an intelligent McKibben actuator with an integrated soft displacement sensor inside, so that displacement of this actuator can be controlled without having any extra devices attached. In addition, the high compliance which is a positive feature of the McKibben actuator is still conserved. This paper consists of four main parts. First of all, different types of soft displacement sensors made out of rubber were composed, and tested for their functional characteristics. Secondly, the intelligent McKibben actuator was developed with the soft displacement sensor incorporated within. Then, experiments of the position servo control with a single intelligent McKibben actuator were carried out. At last a robot arm mechanism was designed with two intelligent McKibben actuators, and those experimental results showed a great potential for its future applications.</p

    Microstrength, strength and microstructure of carbonaceous materials

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    The effect of heat treatment at 700-1500 ÂșC on the mechanical strength, micro strength and pore structure of carbonaceous materials, including coke, char and coals, were studied using tensile test, ultra micro indentation and image analysis. Strength of chars and pyrolysed coals was strongly enhanced by heat treatment at temperature below 1100 °C; strength of cokes was slightly degraded after heat treatment at 1500 °C. Mechanical strength of carbonaceous materials was demonstrated to be significantly affected by micro strength and porosity. Micro strength of chars and coals was significantly enhanced by heat treatment, whereas micro strength of cokes was only marginally increased by heat treatment. The major growth in the micro strength of chars and coals took place at annealing temperature below 1100 °C. Porosity of chars and coals significantly increased during annealing at temperatures below 1100 °C. Further increasing annealing temperature from 1100-1500 °C caused marginal porosity evolution in pyrolysed coals and chars. Porosity of cokes increased slightly in the temperature range of 1300-1500 °C

    Variasi Gambaran Foto Thorax Tuberkulosis Paru Pada Anak Sebelum dan Sesudah Terapi Obat Anti Tuberkulosis (OAT) Selama 6 Bulan di RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta

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    Latar Belakang : Tuberkulosis (TB) merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang penting di dunia. Pada tahun 1992 World Health Organization (WHO) telah mencanangkan TB sebagai sebagai “Global Emergency”. Indonesia masih menempati urutan ke 3 di dunia untuk jumlah kasus TB setelah India dan Cina. Metodologi Penelitian : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan rancangan penelitian yang sederhana berupa sampling survey dan merupakan rancangan penelitian noneksperimental. Penelitian deskriptif merupakan penelitian dengan pendekatan cross sectional yang dilakukan secara murni untuk mengadakan deskripsi tanpa dilakukan analisis yang mendalam. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di bagian Rekam Medik RSUD dr Moewardi Surakarta. Penelitian akan dilaksanakan pada Agustus 2010 sampai September 2011. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling, yaitu subyek penelitian dipilih dengan pertimbangan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi, dimana jumlah sampel minimal dalam penelitian ini adalah 30 orang. Sedangkan sampel yang didapat sebanyak 40 pasien. Hasil Penelitian : Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan adanya gambaran limfadenopati sebanyak 38 pasien, konsolidasi sebanyak 34 pasien, efusi pleura sebanyak 25 pasien, atelektasis sebanyak 9 pasien, milier sebanyak 7 pasien, sedangkan kalsifikasi tidak ada. Setelah pasien mendapat terapi OAT selama 6 bulan, limfadenopati menjadi 7 pasien, konsolidasi menjadi 2 pasien, efusi pleura menjadi 2 pasien, atelektasis menjadi 3 pasien, milier menjadi 5 pasien, sedangkan kalsifikasi menjadi 32 pasien. Kesimpulan : Ada variasi gambaran foto thorax pada pasien TB paru pada anak sebelum dan sesudah terapi OAT selama 6 bulan. Variasi gambaran tersebut meliputi limfadenopati, infiltrat, konsolidasi, efusi pleura, atelektasis dan milier. Terapi TB paru pada anak dengan OAT terbukti efektif

    Geometric Objects: A Quality Index to Electromagnetic Energy Transfer Performance in Sustainable Smart Buildings

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    Sustainable smart buildings play an essential role in terms of more efficient energy. However, these buildings as electric loads are affected by an important distortion in the current and voltage waveforms caused by the increasing proliferation of nonlinear electronic devices. Overall, buildings all around the world consume a significant amount of energy, which is about one-third of the total primary energy resources. Optimization of the power transfer process of such amount of energy is a crucial issue that needs specific tools to integrate energy-efficient behaviour throughout the grid. When nonlinear loads are present, new capable ways of thinking are needed to consider the effects of harmonics and related power components. In this manner, technology innovations are necessary to update the power factor concept to a generalized total or a true one, where different power components involved in it calculation, properly reflect each harmonic interaction. This work addresses an innovative theory that applies the Poynting Vector philosophy via Geometric Algebra to the electromagnetic energy transfer process providing a physical foundation. In this framework, it is possible to analyse and detect the nature of disturbing loads in the exponential growth of new globalized buildings and architectures in our era. This new insight is based on the concept of geometric objects with different dimension: vector, bivector, trivector, multivector. Within this paper, these objects are correlated with the electromagnetic quantities responsible for the energy flow supplied to the most common loads in sustainable smart buildings. Besides, it must be considered that these phenomena are characterized by a quality index multivector appropriate even for detecting harmonic sources. A numerical example is used to illustrate the clear capabilities of the suggested index when it applies to industrial loads for optimization of energy control systems and enhance comfort management in smart sustainable buildings

    Hubungan antara Status Gizi dan Prestasi Belajar Murid SD Negeri di Kecamatan Tuntang Kabupaten Semarang

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    Latar Belakang : Salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi prestasi belajar adalah status gizi. Anak - anak dengan status gizi tidak normal ternyata lebih sering sakit, lebih sering absen dan tidak naik kelas. Berdasarkan data dari dinas kependidikan Jawa Tengah jumlah lulusan di Kabupaten Semarang 12.485 dengan 5.962 siswa yang mengulang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara status gizi dan prestasi belajar murid SDN di Kecamatan Tuntang Kabupaten Semarang. Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan di 4 sekolah dasar yang dipilih secara cluster sampling di Kecamatan Tuntang Kabupaten Semarang dengan jumlah sampel 70 anak usia 7-13 tahun. Analisis data ini menggunakan uji chi square. Hasil: Sampel yang berstatus gizi normal memiliki nilai baik sebesar 42.82% , sampel yang berstatus gizi tidak normal memiliki prestasi belajar kurang 50.04%, berdasarkan uji chi square dengan membandingkan status gizi dan prestasi belajar, dengan hasil nilai (p < 0.001) berdasarkan IMT menurut umur, menggunakan nilai pembatas (p < 0.05), menunjukan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara status gizi dan prestasi belajar. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara status gizi dan prestasi belajar murid SD Negeri di Kecamatan Tuntang Kabupaten Semarang. Background : One of the factors that can influence the learning achievement of childern is nutritional status. Childern with nutritional status is not normal, who are late to school, more often absent, and nott the next grade. Base on data from departement of education Jawa Tengah amount of graduate in Semarang Regency is 12.485 and nott the next grade 5.962 .The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between nutritional status and learning achievement of the student in primary school in Tuntang District, Semarang Regency. Methods: The research is analytic study used cross sectional design. The research was conducted in 4 elementary schools by cluster sampling selected in the Tuntang District Semarang Regency. Sample were 70 children aged 7-13 years. The analysis of data use chi square test. Results: Sample with normal nutritional status have good value is 42.82% , sample with nutritional status is not normal have less learning achievemen is 50.04%, base on chi square test to compare the nutritional status of the value of learning performance, with the value (p < 0.001) for a count of nutritional status based on IMT by age, by using the restriction value (p < 0.05). It shows that there was significant correlation between nutritional status and learning performance. Conclusion: There was significant correlation between nutritional status and learning performance
