8 research outputs found

    Radioactive Needlework, Reconstruction of needle-positions in radiation treatment

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    Nucletron presented a medical problem to the SWI 2006: how to find needles used for cancer treatment in a prostate? More concretely: how to find the positions of these needles from distorted images from an ultrasound probe? Section 1 explains the background of this problem. In Section 2 we deal with physical explanations for the distortions. In Section 3 we give a brief overview of medical imaging and explain which techniques we used to clean up the images

    A robust multigrid approach for variational image registration models

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    AbstractVariational registration models are non-rigid and deformable imaging techniques for accurate registration of two images. As with other models for inverse problems using the Tikhonov regularization, they must have a suitably chosen regularization term as well as a data fitting term. One distinct feature of registration models is that their fitting term is always highly nonlinear and this nonlinearity restricts the class of numerical methods that are applicable. This paper first reviews the current state-of-the-art numerical methods for such models and observes that the nonlinear fitting term is mostly ‘avoided’ in developing fast multigrid methods. It then proposes a unified approach for designing fixed point type smoothers for multigrid methods. The diffusion registration model (second-order equations) and a curvature model (fourth-order equations) are used to illustrate our robust methodology. Analysis of the proposed smoothers and comparisons to other methods are given. As expected of a multigrid method, being many orders of magnitude faster than the unilevel gradient descent approach, the proposed numerical approach delivers fast and accurate results for a range of synthetic and real test images

    A More Robust Multigrid Algorithm for Diffusion Type Registration Model

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    Registration refers to the useful process of aligning two similar but different intensity image functions in order to either track changes or combine information. Variational models are capable of finding transform maps containing large and non-uniform deformations between such a pair of images. Since finding a transform map is an inverse problem, as with all models, suitable regularisation is necessary to overcome the non-uniqueness of the problem. In the case of diffusion type models regularisation terms impose smoothness on the transformation by minimising the gradient of the flow field. The diffusion model also coincides with the basic model for optical flow frameworks of Horn and Schunck (1981). The biggest drawback with variational models is the large computational cost required to solve the highly non-linear system of PDEs; Chumchob and Chen (2011) developed a non-linear multigrid (NMG) method to address this cost problem. However, a closer look at the analysis of the NMG scheme highlighted omissions which affected the convergence of the NMG scheme. Moreover, the NMG method proposed by Chumchob and Chen did not impose any control of non-physical folding which invalidates a map. This paper has proposed several key ideas. First we re-evaluate the analysis of the NMG method to show how the omissions in Chumchob and Chen (2011) have a noticeable impact on the convergence of the NMG method. In addition, we also provide a way of estimating the convergence rate of a solver on the coarsest grid in order to estimate the number of iterations that will be required to obtain a solution with appropriate accuracy. Second we propose an extension to the Chumchob–Chen NMG method which controls any folding within the deformation. Experimental results on the proposed multigrid framework demonstrate improvements in convergence and the accuracy of registrations compared with previous methods

    Variational Methods in Shape Space

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    This dissertation deals with the application of variational methods in spaces of geometric shapes. In particular, the treated topics include shape averaging, principal component analysis in shape space, computation of geodesic paths in shape space, as well as shape optimisation. Chapter 1 provides a brief overview over the employed models of shape space. Geometric shapes are identified with two- or three-dimensional, deformable objects. Deformations will be described via physical models; in particular, the objects will be interpreted as consisting of either a hyperelastic solid or a viscous liquid material. Furthermore, the description of shapes via phase fields or level sets is briefly introduced. Chapter 2 reviews different and related approaches to shape space modelling. References to related topics in image segmentation and registration are also provided. Finally, the relevant shape optimisation literature is introduced. Chapter 3 recapitulates the employed concepts from continuum mechanics and phase field modelling and states basic theoretical results needed for the later analysis. Chapter 4 addresses the computation of shape averages, based on a hyperelastic notion of shape dissimilarity: The dissimilarity between two shapes is measured as the minimum deformation energy required to deform the first into the second shape. A corresponding phase-field model is introduced, analysed, and finally implemented numerically via finite elements. A principal component analysis of shapes, which is consistent with the previously introduced average, is considered in Chapter 5. Elastic boundary stresses on the average shape are used as representatives of the input shapes in a linear vector space. On these linear representatives, a standard principal component analysis can be performed, where the employed covariance metric should be properly chosen to depend on the input shapes. Chapter 6 interprets shapes as belonging to objects made of a viscous liquid and correspondingly defines geodesic paths between shapes. The energy of a path is given as the total physical dissipation during the deformation of an object along the path. A rigid body motion invariant time discretisation is achieved by approximating the dissipation along a path segment by the deformation energy of a small solid deformation. The numerical implementation is based on level sets. Chapter 7 is concerned with the optimisation of the geometry and topology of solid structures that are subject to a mechanical load. Given the load configuration, the structure rigidity, its volume, and its surface area shall be optimally balanced. A phase field model is devised and analysed for this purpose. In this context, the use of nonlinear elasticity allows to detect buckling phenomena which would be ignored in linearised elasticity

    Neue Methoden des 3D Ultraschalls zur Geschwindigkeitsrekonstruktion und intraoperativen Navigation

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