58 research outputs found

    Design and optimization of joint iterative detection and decoding receiver for uplink polar coded SCMA system

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    SCMA and polar coding are possible candidates for 5G systems. In this paper, we firstly propose the joint iterative detection and decoding (JIDD) receiver for the uplink polar coded sparse code multiple access (PC-SCMA) system. Then, the EXIT chart is used to investigate the performance of the JIDD receiver. Additionally, we optimize the system design and polar code construction based on the EXIT chart analysis. The proposed receiver integrates the factor graph of SCMA detector and polar soft-output decoder into a joint factor graph, which enables the exchange of messages between SCMA detector and polar decoder iteratively. Simulation results demonstrate that the JIDD receiver has better BER performance and lower complexity than the separate scheme. Specifically, when polar code length N=256 and code rate R=1/2 , JIDD outperforms the separate scheme 4.8 and 6 dB over AWGN channel and Rayleigh fading channel, respectively. It also shows that, under 150% system loading, the JIDD receiver only has 0.3 dB performance loss compared to the single user uplink PC-SCMA over AWGN channel and 0.6 dB performance loss over Rayleigh fading channel

    Low Complexity Multi-User MIMO Detection for Uplink SCMA System Using Expectation Propagation Algorithm

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    Sparse code multiple access (SCMA), which combines the advantages of low density signature (LDS) and code-division multiple access (CDMA), is regarded as one of the promising modulation technique candidate for the next generation of wireless systems. Conventionally, the message passing algorithm (MPA) is used for data detector at the receiver side. However, the MPA-SCMA cannot be implemented in the next generation wireless systems, because of its unacceptable complexity cost. Specifically, the complexity of MPA-SCMA grows exponentially with the number of antennas. Considering the use of high dimensional systems in the next generation of wireless systems, such as massive multi-user MIMO systems, the conventional MPA-SCMA is prohibitive. In this paper, we propose a low complexity detector algorithm named the expectation propagation algorithm (EPA) for SCMA. Mainly, the EPA-SCMA solves the complexity problem of MPA-SCMA and enables the implementation of SCMA in massive MU-MIMO systems. For instance, the EPA-SCMA also enables the implemantation of SCMA in the next generation wireless systems. We further show that the EPA can achieve the optimal detection performance as the numbers of transmit and receive antennas grow. We also demonstrate that a rotation design in SCMA codebook is unnecessary, which is quite rather different from the general assumptio

    A Tutorial on Decoding Techniques of Sparse Code Multiple Access

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    Sparse Code Multiple Access (SCMA) is a disruptive code-domain non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) scheme to enable future massive machine-type communication networks. As an evolved variant of code division multiple access (CDMA), multiple users in SCMA are separated by assigning distinctive sparse codebooks (CBs). Efficient multiuser detection is carried out at the receiver by employing the message passing algorithm (MPA) that exploits the sparsity of CBs to achieve error performance approaching to that of the maximum likelihood receiver. In spite of numerous research efforts in recent years, a comprehensive one-stop tutorial of SCMA covering the background, the basic principles, and new advances, is still missing, to the best of our knowledge. To fill this gap and to stimulate more forthcoming research, we provide a holistic introduction to the principles of SCMA encoding, CB design, and MPA based decoding in a self-contained manner. As an ambitious paper aiming to push the limits of SCMA, we present a survey of advanced decoding techniques with brief algorithmic descriptions as well as several promising directions

    AFDM-SCMA: A Promising Waveform for Massive Connectivity over High Mobility Channels

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    This paper studies the affine frequency division multiplexing (AFDM)-empowered sparse code multiple access (SCMA) system, referred to as AFDM-SCMA, for supporting massive connectivity in high-mobility environments. First, by placing the sparse codewords on the AFDM chirp subcarriers, the input-output (I/O) relation of AFDM-SCMA systems is presented. Next, we delve into the generalized receiver design, chirp rate selection, and error rate performance of the proposed AFDM-SCMA The proposed AFDM-SCMA is shown to provide a general framework and subsume the existing OFDM-SCMA as a special case. Third, for efficient transceiver design, we further propose a class of sparse codebooks for simplifying the I/O relation, referred to as I/O relation-inspired codebook design in this paper. Building upon these codebooks, we propose a novel iterative detection and decoding scheme with linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) estimator for both downlink and uplink channels based on orthogonal approximate message passing principles. Our numerical results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed AFDM-SCMA systems over OFDM-SCMA systems in terms of the error rate performance. We show that the proposed receiver can significantly enhance the error rate performance while reducing the detection complexity

    Massive Unsourced Random Access: Exploiting Angular Domain Sparsity

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    This paper investigates the unsourced random access (URA) scheme to accommodate numerous machine-type users communicating to a base station equipped with multiple antennas. Existing works adopt a slotted transmission strategy to reduce system complexity; they operate under the framework of coupled compressed sensing (CCS) which concatenates an outer tree code to an inner compressed sensing code for slot-wise message stitching. We suggest that by exploiting the MIMO channel information in the angular domain, redundancies required by the tree encoder/decoder in CCS can be removed to improve spectral efficiency, thereby an uncoupled transmission protocol is devised. To perform activity detection and channel estimation, we propose an expectation-maximization-aided generalized approximate message passing algorithm with a Markov random field support structure, which captures the inherent clustered sparsity structure of the angular domain channel. Then, message reconstruction in the form of a clustering decoder is performed by recognizing slot-distributed channels of each active user based on similarity. We put forward the slot-balanced K-means algorithm as the kernel of the clustering decoder, resolving constraints and collisions specific to the application scene. Extensive simulations reveal that the proposed scheme achieves a better error performance at high spectral efficiency compared to the CCS-based URA schemes
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