1,343 research outputs found

    Iterated logarithms and gradient flows

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    We consider applications of the theory of balanced weight filtrations and iterated logarithms, initiated in arXiv:1706.01073, to PDEs. The main result is a complete description of the asymptotics of the Yang--Mills flow on the space of metrics on a holomorphic bundle over a Riemann surface. A key ingredient in the argument is a monotonicity property of the flow which holds in arbitrary dimension. The A-side analog is a modified curve shortening flow for which we provide a heuristic calculation in support of a detailed conjectural picture.Comment: 29 pages, comments encourage

    Singular spaces, groupoids and metrics of positive scalar curvature

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    We define and study, under suitable assumptions, the fundamental class, the index class and the rho class of a spin Dirac operator on the regular part of a spin stratified pseudomanifold. More singular structures, such as singular foliations, are also treated. We employ groupoid techniques in a crucial way; however, an effort has been made in order to make this article accessible to readers with only a minimal knowledge of groupoids. Finally, whenever appropriate, a comparison between classical microlocal methods and groupoids methods has been provided.Comment: 50 page

    Dimension and dynamical entropy for metrized C*-algebras

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    We introduce notions of dimension and dynamical entropy for unital C*-algebras ``metrized'' by means of c-Lip-norms, which are complex-scalar versions of the Lip-norms constitutive of Rieffel's compact quantum metric spaces. Our examples involve UHF algebras and noncommutative tori. In particular we show that the entropy of a noncommutative toral automorphism with respect to the canonical c-Lip-norm coincides with the topological entropy of its commutative analogue.Comment: To appear in Commun. Math. Phys., 33 page

    Harmonic analysis of iterated function systems with overlap

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    In this paper we extend previous work on IFSs without overlap. Our method involves systems of operators generalizing the more familiar Cuntz relations from operator algebra theory, and from subband filter operators in signal processing.Comment: 37 page

    A generalized integrability problem for G-Structures

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    Given an n~\widetilde n-dimensional manifold M~\widetilde M equipped with a G~\widetilde G-structure π~:P~M~\widetilde\pi:\widetilde P\rightarrow \widetilde M, there is a naturally induced GG-structure π:PM\pi: P\rightarrow M on any submanifold MM~M\subset\widetilde M that satisfies appropriate regularity conditions. We study generalized integrability problems for a given GG-structure π:PM\pi: P\rightarrow M, namely the questions of whether it is locally equivalent to induced GG-structures on regular submanifolds of homogeneous G~\widetilde G-structures π~:P~H~/K~\widetilde\pi:\widetilde P\to \widetilde{H}/\widetilde{K}. If π~:P~H~/K~\widetilde\pi:\widetilde P\to \widetilde{H}/\widetilde{K} is flat kk-reductive we introduce a sequence of generalized curvatures taking values in appropriate cohomology groups and prove that the vanishing of these curvatures are necessary and sufficient conditions for the solution of the corresponding generalized integrability problems.Comment: 30 pages, v2: improved presentation and results v3: improved presentation, final version to appear in Ann. Mat. Pura App

    Dirac operators and spectral triples for some fractal sets built on curves

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    We construct spectral triples and, in particular, Dirac operators, for the algebra of continuous functions on certain compact metric spaces. The triples are countable sums of triples where each summand is based on a curve in the space. Several fractals, like a finitely summable infinite tree and the Sierpinski gasket, fit naturally within our framework. In these cases, we show that our spectral triples do describe the geodesic distance and the Minkowski dimension as well as, more generally, the complex fractal dimensions of the space. Furthermore, in the case of the Sierpinski gasket, the associated Dixmier-type trace coincides with the normalized Hausdorff measure of dimension log3/log2\log 3/ \log 2.Comment: 48 pages, 4 figures. Elementary proofs omitted. To appear in Adv. Mat

    Bianchi spaces and their 3-dimensional isometries as S-expansions of 2-dimensional isometries

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    In this paper we show that some 3-dimensional isometry algebras, specifically those of type I, II, III and V (according Bianchi's classification), can be obtained as expansions of the isometries in 2 dimensions. It is shown that in general more than one semigroup will lead to the same result. It is impossible to obtain the algebras of type IV, VI-IX as an expansion from the isometry algebras in 2 dimensions. This means that the first set of algebras has properties that can be obtained from isometries in 2 dimensions while the second set has properties that are in some sense intrinsic in 3 dimensions. All the results are checked with computer programs. This procedure can be generalized to higher dimensions, which could be useful for diverse physical applications.Comment: 23 pages, one of the authors is new, title corrected, finite semigroup programming is added, the semigroup construction procedure is checked by computer programs, references to semigroup programming are added, last section is extended, appendix added, discussion of all the types of Bianchi spaces is include

    Fredholm conditions on non-compact manifolds: theory and examples

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    We give explicit Fredholm conditions for classes of pseudodifferential operators on suitable singular and non-compact spaces. In particular, we include a "user's guide" to Fredholm conditions on particular classes of manifolds including asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds, asymptotically Euclidean (or conic) manifolds, and manifolds with poly-cylindrical ends. The reader interested in applications should be able read right away the results related to those examples, beginning with Section 5. Our general, theoretical results are that an operator adapted to the geometry is Fredholm if, and only if, it is elliptic and all its limit operators, in a sense to be made precise, are invertible. Central to our theoretical results is the concept of a Fredholm groupoid, which is the class of groupoids for which this characterization of the Fredholm condition is valid. We use the notions of exhaustive and strictly spectral families of representations to obtain a general characterization of Fredholm groupoids. In particular, we introduce the class of the so-called groupoids with Exel's property as the groupoids for which the regular representations are exhaustive. We show that the class of "stratified submersion groupoids" has Exel's property, where stratified submersion groupoids are defined by glueing fibered pull-backs of bundles of Lie groups. We prove that a stratified submersion groupoid is Fredholm whenever its isotropy groups are amenable. Many groupoids, and hence many pseudodifferential operators appearing in practice, fit into this framework. This fact is explored to yield Fredholm conditions not only in the above mentioned classes, but also on manifolds that are obtained by desingularization or by blow-up of singular sets

    Lie 2-algebra models

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    In this paper, we begin the study of zero-dimensional field theories with fields taking values in a semistrict Lie 2-algebra. These theories contain the IKKT matrix model and various M-brane related models as special cases. They feature solutions that can be interpreted as quantized 2-plectic manifolds. In particular, we find solutions corresponding to quantizations of R^3, S^3 and a five-dimensional Hpp-wave. Moreover, by expanding a certain class of Lie 2-algebra models around the solution corresponding to quantized R^3, we obtain higher BF-theory on this quantized space.Comment: 47 pages, presentation improved, version published in JHE