9 research outputs found

    Head Mounted Display Interaction Evaluation: Manipulating Virtual Objects in Augmented Reality

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is getting close to real use cases,which is driving the creation of innovative applications and the unprecedented growth of Head-Mounted Display (HMD) devices in consumer availability. However, at present there is a lack of guidelines, common form factors and standard interaction paradigms between devices, which has resulted in each HMD manufacturer creating their own specifications. This paper presents the first experimental evaluation of two AR HMDs evaluating their interaction paradigms, namely we used the HoloLens v1 (metaphoric interaction) and Meta2 (isomorphic interaction). We report on precision, interactivity and usability metrics in an object manipulation task-based user study. 20 participants took part in this study and significant differences were found between interaction paradigms of the devices for move tasks, where the isomorphic mapped interaction outperformed the metaphoric mapped interaction in both time to completion and accuracy, while the contrary was found for the resize task. From an interaction perspective, the isomorphic mapped interaction (using the Meta2) was perceived as more natural and usable with a significantly higher usability score and a significantly lower task-load index. However, when task accuracy and time to completion is key mixed interaction paradigms need to be considered

    tBox: A 3D Transformation Widget designed for Touch-screens

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    International audience3D transformation widgets are commonly used in many 3D applications operated from mice and keyboards. These user interfaces allow independent control of translations, rotations, and scaling for manipulation of 3D objects. In this paper, we study how these widgets can be adapted to the tactile paradigm. We have explored an approach where users apply rotations by means of physically plausible gestures, and we have extended successful 2D tactile principles to the context of 3D interaction. These investigations led to the design of a new 3D transformation widget, tBox, that can been operated easily and efficiently from gestures on touch-screens

    Sketching and Composing Widgets for 3D Manipulation

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    A Survey of 3D Interaction Techniques

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    Visualization techniques to aid in the analysis of multi-spectral astrophysical data sets

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    The goal of this project was to support the scientific analysis of multi-spectral astrophysical data by means of scientific visualization. Scientific visualization offers its greatest value if it is not used as a method separate or alternative to other data analysis methods but rather in addition to these methods. Together with quantitative analysis of data, such as offered by statistical analysis, image or signal processing, visualization attempts to explore all information inherent in astrophysical data in the most effective way. Data visualization is one aspect of data analysis. Our taxonomy as developed in Section 2 includes identification and access to existing information, preprocessing and quantitative analysis of data, visual representation and the user interface as major components to the software environment of astrophysical data analysis. In pursuing our goal to provide methods and tools for scientific visualization of multi-spectral astrophysical data, we therefore looked at scientific data analysis as one whole process, adding visualization tools to an already existing environment and integrating the various components that define a scientific data analysis environment. As long as the software development process of each component is separate from all other components, users of data analysis software are constantly interrupted in their scientific work in order to convert from one data format to another, or to move from one storage medium to another, or to switch from one user interface to another. We also took an in-depth look at scientific visualization and its underlying concepts, current visualization systems, their contributions, and their shortcomings. The role of data visualization is to stimulate mental processes different from quantitative data analysis, such as the perception of spatial relationships or the discovery of patterns or anomalies while browsing through large data sets. Visualization often leads to an intuitive understanding of the meaning of data values and their relationships by sacrificing accuracy in interpreting the data values. In order to be accurate in the interpretation, data values need to be measured, computed on, and compared to theoretical or empirical models (quantitative analysis). If visualization software hampers quantitative analysis (which happens with some commercial visualization products), its use is greatly diminished for astrophysical data analysis. The software system STAR (Scientific Toolkit for Astrophysical Research) was developed as a prototype during the course of the project to better understand the pragmatic concerns raised in the project. STAR led to a better understanding on the importance of collaboration between astrophysicists and computer scientists

    The use of interactive communication technologies for collaborative E-mentoring

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    This document investigates COVID-19’s impact on the education system by gathering data on how interactive digital technologies mitigated such disruption. Moreover, the study also analyses how and if education’s approaches were modified during the pandemic and what issue(s) arose in that process. The procedures consisted of the analysis of evidence retrieved from three surveys delivered to a broader group of teachers, students, and parents (N=215) crossed with an examination of a set of 5-week longitudinal interviews (30) with three stakeholder groups - teachers, students, and parents (N=6). Results of the analysis are used to derive a set of important design implications that: (1) highlights shortcomings of the distance learning strategies used during COVID-19 and how they can be mitigated; (2) empowers teachers, students and parents with innovative pedagogical approaches that can be fostered by interactive digital technologies that are optimized for distance learning; (3) promotes positive learning experiences supported with scientific evidence. The interactive system’s design derived from a collaborative reflection expressed on the stakeholders’ daily needs while teaching and learning during the unpredictable circumstances created by the pandemic. The OWL CLUB mobile app system seeks to curate the knowledge exchange in a more humane and positive digital experience among an education community. This application also allows the creation and growth of a space that encourages new genuine connections in a digital learning environment for students, with the pursuit of knowledge as their main objective.Este documento investiga o impacto do COVID-19 no sistema educacional, reunindo dados sobre como as tecnologias digitais interativas mitigaram tal disrupção. Além disso, o estudo também analisa como e se as abordagens educativas foram modificadas durante a pandemia e qual ou quais as questões que surgiram nesse processo. Os procedimentos consistiram na análise de evidências obtidas através de três questionários feitos a um grupo mais amplo de professores, alunos e pais (N = 215) cruzadas com uma análise de um conjunto de entrevistas longitudinais de 5 semanas (30) com três grupos de atores - professores, alunos e pais (N = 6). Os resultados da análise são usados para obter um conjunto de importantes implicações de design que: (1) destacam as deficiências das estratégias de ensino à distância usadas durante o COVID-19 e como elas podem ser mitigadas; (2) capacita professores, alunos e pais com abordagens pedagógicas inovadoras que podem ser promovidas por tecnologias digitais interativas, otimizadas para o ensino à distância; (3) promove experiências de aprendizagem positivas apoiadas em evidências científicas. A criação do sistema interativo deriva de uma reflexão colaborativa expressa sobre as necessidades diárias das partes interessadas durante o ensino e a aprendizagem durante as circunstâncias imprevisíveis criadas pela pandemia. O sistema de aplicativos móveis OWL CLUB procura assegurar a troca de conhecimento numa experiência digital mais humana e positiva entre uma comunidade educativa. Esta aplicação também permite a criação e o crescimento de um espaço que estimula novas conexões genuínas num ambiente digital de aprendizagem para os estudantes, tendo a busca pelo conhecimento como objetivo principal


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    This thesis investigates the application of Human Ability Requirements (HARs) to problem of two handed, whole handed interaction. The methodology is derived from the use of HARs in the world of human performance evaluation. This research is based on the need to understand how humans perform tasks in order to guide the understanding of the requirements of advanced interface technology development. The thesis presents the background for these two areas of research, taxonomies and whole hand interaction. It goes on to develop a taxonomy and classification of two handed, whole hand interaction for the real world and virtual environments. This taxonomy is used to analyze a large number of real world tasks, to further the development of a series of tests to externally validate the classification, and to analyze the tasks of the 91B Field Medic. This thesis further presents recommendations for how this methodology can be used to develop taxonomies for other areas of human interaction, for how this taxonomy can be used by researchers and practitioners, and areas of further research related to both areas.http://archive.org/details/twohandwholehand1094532746NANaval Postgraduate School author (civilian).Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Multimodal metaphors for generic interaction tasks in virtual environments

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    Virtual Reality (VR) Systeme bieten zusätzliche Ein- und Ausgabekanäle für die Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Computer in virtuellen Umgebungen. Solche VR Technologien ermöglichen den Anwendern bessere Einblicke in hochkomplexe Datenmengen, stellen allerdings auch hohe Anforderungen an den Benutzer bezüglich der Fähigkeiten mit virtuellen Objekten zu interagieren. In dieser Arbeit werden sowohl die Entwicklung und Evaluierung neuer multimodaler Interaktionsmetaphern für generische Interaktionsaufgaben in virtuellen Umgebungen vorgestellt und diskutiert. Anhand eines VR Systems wird der Einsatz dieser Konzepte an zwei Fallbeispielen aus den Domänen der 3D-Stadtvisualisierung und seismischen Volumendarstellung aufgezeigt