4 research outputs found


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    Abstract. One of the main goals of the Lombardy Region Landscape Plan (Piano Paesaggistico Regionale – PPR) review was to set up a detailed investigation of landscape binding actions that are issued according to article 136 of the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape (D.Lgs. 42/2004).To achieve this goal, a survey was launched and a geo-referenced database was constructed, considering all the data included in the 888 landscape binding actions currently in force in Lombardy.The geo-referenced database takes into account also other architectural preservation measures and natural landscape protections, because a large quantity areas in Lombardy are safeguarded as Regional Parks and Natural Monuments, ecological corridors, geosites and various zones with natural significance are issued as ZPS and SIC by UE.Databases from other agencies and institutions were collected, examined and updated, to provide a complete tool, usable by public administrations and professionals.Such database can also be integrated by multi-temporal geoinformation availability of applications implemented to manage and share georeferenced historical maps (i.e. GEOPAN ATL@S APP), boosting the utility of these data sets in the daily professional activity.</p

    Data society. Data governance and rights protection in the digital age

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    I dati formano il nostro “io” digitale e costituiscono il fondamento di ogni attività umana. Il governo della data society passa dal governo dei dati e il diritto è chiamato a disciplinare i volti assunti dai dati, dalle informazioni e dalla conoscenza nella contemporaneità e a tutelare i diritti coinvolti. In una realtà caratterizzata da amministrazioni aperte e cittadinanza digitale, il lavoro mira ad esaminare gli strumenti di conoscenza relativi alle diverse configurazioni dei dati, identificate nei closed data e nei relativi volti della trasparenza (proattiva e reattiva), negli open data e nei big data. L’analisi degli strumenti di conoscenza permette di comprendere le questioni che si pongono al diritto: le connessioni intricate di dati rivelano connessioni intricate di diritti, da bilanciare al fine di tutelare la persona e la società democratica. Il lavoro esamina la disciplina e le problematiche dei diritti maggiormente coinvolti nella data governance, in specifico right to know, identità, oblio, diritto d’autore e protezione dei dati personali, alla ricerca del bilanciamento tra gli stessi nelle diverse configurazioni assunte dai dati. In conclusione il lavoro arriva a suggerire un bilanciamento tra diritti nel governo dei dati basato sulla centralità della persona, in particolare sulla dignità e sullo sviluppo della stessa. La tutela dei diritti può basarsi su un approccio preventivo e tecnologico by default e by design e sull’accountability dei soggetti, immaginando soluzioni capaci di innovare i paradigmi tradizionali e minimizzare i rischi di asimmetria, controllo e sorveglianza, come gli open big data e forme di tutela collettiva; il rinnovamento del diritto passa da una costruzione di matrice globale e multistakeholder ed è guidato da un approccio etico. Il ruolo del diritto e la forza dei diritti sono necessari al governo della data society e alla tutela della persona nell’era digitale: ubi data society, ibi ius.The data form our digital self and constitute the foundation of every human activity. The government of data society passes from data governance and the law is called upon to regulate the faces assumed by data, information and knowledge in contemporary society and to protect the involved rights. In a reality characterized by open administrations and digital citizenship, this work aims to examine the tools of knowledge related to the different data configurations, identified in closed data and in the related faces of disclosure (proactive and reactive), in open data and in big data. The analysis of the tools of knowledge makes it possible to understand the issues that arise in law: the intricate connections of data reveal intricate connections of rights, which must be balanced in order to protect the individual and the democratic society. This work examines the discipline and the issues of the rights most involved in data governance, specifically right to know, identity, right to be forgotten, copyright and data protection. In conclusion, the work suggests a balance between rights in data governance based on the central role of the individual, in particular on the dignity and the development of the individual himself. The protection of the rights can be based on a preventive and technological approach by default and by design and on the accountability of the subjects, imagining solutions capable of minimizing the risks of asymmetry, control and surveillance, such as open big data and forms of collective protection; the renewal of law is based on a global and multistakeholder construction that is guided by an ethical approach. The role of law and the force of rights are necessary for the governance of data society and for the protection of the individual in the digital age: ubi data society, ibi ius

    Italian Open Government Strategy in National and Regional Regulation

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    In Italy, the division of legislative functions between the central State and the Regions, set out in the Constitution, has allowed the approval of significant Regional open data regulations along with the national laws. In the last few years the national legislators have issued specific provisions requiring open data to be published and regulated by public authorities. Next to State-issued legislation, some Regions have put in place their own regulations concerning open data and open government, providing for organization and implementation actions both within the administrations and externally, in their interactions with citizens and businesses. National and regional open data regulations have established a virtuous balance, allowing the State to outline the consistent rules necessary to carry out the coordination function attributed to it under the Constitution, and the Regions to play a guiding role in making the digitization of administrative procedures a coordinated process, shared among local public bodies